Conjugaciones del verbo accede

Traducción: adherirse; adherir; acceder; ...
Pronunciación: accede
Infinitivo: to accede
Preterito: acceded
Gerundio: acceding

Conjugación del verbo accede en pasado simple

Forma afirmativa
I acceded
You acceded
He acceded
She acceded
It acceded
We acceded
They acceded
Forma negativa
I did not accede
You did not accede
He did not accede
She did not accede
It did not accede
We did not accede
They did not accede
Forma interrogativa
Did I accede?
Did you accede?
Did he accede?
Did she accede?
Did it accede?
Did we accede
Did they accede?

Oraciones con el verbo accede conjugado en pasado simple

  • They acceded to the treaty last month. Accedieron al tratado el mes pasado.
  • He acceded to the leadership role. Él accedió al rol de liderazgo.
  • Did she accede to the request? ¿Ella accedió a la solicitud?
  • We didn't accede to any demands last time. No accedimos a ninguna demanda la última vez.

Conjugación del verbo accede en presente simple

Forma afirmativa
I accede
You accede
He accedes
She accedes
It accedes
We accede
They accede
Forma negativa
I do not accede
You do not accede
He does not accede
She does not accede
It do not accede
We do not accede
They do not accede
Forma interrogativa
Do I accede?
Do you accede?
Does he accede?
Does she accede?
Do it accede?
Do we accede
Do they accede?

Oraciones con el verbo accede conjugado en presente simple

  • She accedes to the demands quickly. Ella accede a las demandas rápidamente.
  • They accede to the terms reluctantly. Ellos acceden a los términos de mala gana.
  • Does she access the information regularly? ¿Ella accede a la información regularmente?
  • He does not access the system often. Él no accede al sistema a menudo.

Conjugación del verbo accede en futuro simple

Forma afirmativa
I will accede
You will accede
He will accede
She will accede
It will accede
We will accede
They will accede
Forma negativa
I will not accede
You will not accede
He will not accede
She will not accede
It will not accede
We will not accede
They will not accede
Forma interrogativa
Will I accede?
Will you accede?
Will he accede?
Will she accede?
Will it accede?
Will we accede
Will they accede?

Oraciones con el verbo accede conjugado en futuro simple

  • We will accede to their demands tomorrow. Accederemos a sus demandas mañana.
  • She will accede to the position soon. Ella accederá al puesto pronto.
  • Will we accede to their demands together? ¿Accederemos a sus demandas juntos?
  • We won't accede to unreasonable demands. No accederemos a demandas irrazonables.

Conjugación del verbo accede en pasado perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I had acceded
You had acceded
He had acceded
She had acceded
It had acceded
We had acceded
They had acceded
Forma negativa
I had not acceded
You had not acceded
He had not acceded
She had not acceded
It had not acceded
We had not acceded
They had not acceded
Forma interrogativa
Had I acceded?
Had you acceded?
Had he acceded?
Had she acceded?
Had it acceded?
Had we acceded
Had they acceded?

Oraciones con el verbo accede conjugado en pasado perfecto

  • By the time I arrived, she had already acceded to their conditions. Para cuando llegué, ella ya había accedido a sus condiciones.
  • We had acceded to the policy changes before the meeting. Nosotros habíamos accedido a los cambios de política antes de la reunión.
  • Had she already acceded to their conditions by the time I arrived? ¿Ya había accedido ella a sus condiciones para cuando llegué?
  • She hadn't already acceded to their conditions by the time I arrived. Ella no había accedido ya a sus condiciones para cuando llegué.

Conjugación del verbo accede en presente perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I have acceded
You have acceded
He has acceded
She has acceded
It has acceded
We have acceded
They have acceded
Forma negativa
I have not acceded
You have not acceded
He has not acceded
She has not acceded
It has not acceded
We have not acceded
They have not acceded
Forma interrogativa
Have I acceded?
Have you acceded?
Has he acceded?
Has she acceded?
Has it acceded?
Have we acceded
Have they acceded?

Oraciones con el verbo accede conjugado en presente perfecto

  • He has acceded to the throne. Él ha accedido al trono.
  • We have acceded to their requests. Hemos accedido a sus solicitudes.
  • Have they acceded to the agreement? ¿Han accedido al acuerdo?
  • They haven't acceded to the demands yet. No han accedido a las demandas aún.

Conjugación del verbo accede en futuro perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I will have acceded
You will have acceded
He will have acceded
She will have acceded
It will have acceded
We will have acceded
They will have acceded
Forma negativa
I will not have acceded
You will not have acceded
He will not have acceded
She will not have acceded
It will not have acceded
We will not have acceded
They will not have acceded
Forma interrogativa
Will I have acceded?
Will you have acceded?
Will he have acceded?
Will she have acceded?
Will it have acceded?
Will we have acceded
Will they have acceded?

Oraciones con el verbo accede conjugado en futuro perfecto

  • By next month, he will have acceded to all their requirements. Para el próximo mes, él habrá accedido a todos sus requisitos.
  • They will have acceded to the terms by then. Habrán accedido a los términos para entonces.
  • Will he have acceded to all their requirements by next month? ¿Habrá accedido a todos sus requisitos para el próximo mes?
  • They won’t have acceded to the terms by then. No habrán accedido a los términos para entonces.

Conjugación del verbo accede en pasado continuo

Forma afirmativa
I was acceding
You were acceding
He was acceding
She was acceding
It was acceding
We were acceding
They were acceding
Forma negativa
I was not acceding
You were not acceding
He was not acceding
She was not acceding
It was not acceding
We were not acceding
They were not acceding
Forma interrogativa
Was I acceding?
Were you acceding?
Was he acceding?
Was she acceding?
Was it acceding?
Were we acceding
Were they acceding?

Oraciones con el verbo accede conjugado en pasado progresivo

  • I was acceding to their terms when you called. Estaba accediendo a sus términos cuando llamaste.
  • They were acceding to the new laws all year. Ellos estaban accediendo a las nuevas leyes todo el año.
  • Was I acceding to their terms when you called? ¿Estaba accediendo a sus términos cuando llamaste?
  • I wasn't acceding to their terms when you called. No estaba accediendo a sus términos cuando llamaste.

Conjugación del verbo accede en presente continuo

Forma afirmativa
I am acceding
You are acceding
He is acceding
She is acceding
It is acceding
We are acceding
They are acceding
Forma negativa
I am not acceding
You are not acceding
He is not acceding
She is not acceding
It is not acceding
We are not acceding
They are not acceding
Forma interrogativa
Am I acceding?
are you acceding?
Is he acceding?
Is she acceding?
Is it acceding?
Are we acceding
Are they acceding?

Oraciones con el verbo accede conjugado en presente progresivo

  • I am acceding to the contract now. Estoy accediendo al contrato ahora.
  • They are acceding to the new regulations. Están accediendo a las nuevas regulaciones.
  • Is she acceding to the proposal? ¿Está accediendo a la propuesta?
  • They aren't acceding to any terms today. No están accediendo a ningún término hoy.

Conjugación del verbo accede en futuro continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will be acceding
You will be acceding
He will be acceding
She will be acceding
It will be acceding
We will be acceding
They will be acceding
Forma negativa
I will not be acceding
You will not be acceding
He will not acceding
She will not be acceding
It will not be acceding
We will not be acceding
They will not be acceding
Forma interrogativa
Will I be acceding?
Will you be acceding?
Will he be acceding?
Will she be acceding?
Will it be acceding?
Will we be acceding
Will they be acceding?

Oraciones con el verbo accede conjugado en futuro progresivo

  • I will be acceding to the new rules this afternoon. Estaré accediendo a las nuevas reglas esta tarde.
  • They will be acceding to the new guidelines throughout the year. Estarán accediendo a las nuevas pautas a lo largo del año.
  • Will I be acceding to the new rules this afternoon? ¿Estaré accediendo a las nuevas reglas esta tarde?
  • They won’t be acceding to the new guidelines throughout the year. No estarán accediendo a las nuevas pautas a lo largo del año.

Conjugación del verbo accede en pasado perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I had been acceding
You had been acceding
He had been acceding
She had been acceding
It had been acceding
We had been acceding
They had been acceding
Forma negativa
I had not been acceding
You had not been acceding
He had not been acceding
She had not been acceding
It had not been acceding
We had not been acceding
They had not been acceding
Forma interrogativa
Had I been acceding?
Had you been acceding?
Had he been acceding?
Had she been acceding?
Had it been acceding?
Had we been acceding
Had they been acceding?

Oraciones con el verbo accede conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo

  • He had been acceding to their requests for months before the deal was finalized. Él había estado accediendo a sus solicitudes durante meses antes de que se finalizara el trato.
  • We had been acceding to the new rules for weeks before they were enforced. Habíamos estado accediendo a las nuevas reglas durante semanas antes de que se aplicaran.
  • Had he been acceding to their requests too easily? ¿Él había estado accediendo a sus solicitudes demasiado fácilmente?
  • He hadn't been acceding to their demands lately. Él no había estado accediendo a sus demandas últimamente.

Conjugación del verbo accede en presente perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I have been acceding
You have been acceding
He has been acceding
She has been acceding
It has been acceding
We have been acceding
They have been acceding
Forma negativa
I have not been acceding
You have not been acceding
He has not been acceding
She has not been acceding
It has not been acceding
We have not been acceding
They have not been acceding
Forma interrogativa
Have I been acceding?
Have you been acceding?
Has he been acceding?
Has she been acceding?
Has it been acceding?
Have we been acceding
Have they been acceding?

Oraciones con el verbo accede conjugado en presente perfecto continuo

  • She has been acceding to their wishes for years. Ella ha estado accediendo a sus deseos durante años.
  • We have been acceding to every demand lately. Hemos estado accediendo a cada demanda últimamente.
  • Have I been acceding properly? ¿He estado accediendo correctamente?
  • It hasn't been acceding effectively. No ha estado accediendo de manera efectiva.

Conjugación del verbo accede en futuro perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will have been acceding
You will have been acceding
He will have been acceding
She will have been acceding
It will has been acceding
We will have been acceding
They will have been acceding
Forma negativa
I will not have been acceding
You will not have been acceding
He will not have been acceding
She will not have been acceding
It will not have been acceding
We will not have been acceding
They will not have been acceding
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been acceding?
Will you have been acceding?
Will he have been acceding?
Will she have been acceding?
Will it have been acceding?
Will we have been acceding
Will they have been acceding?

Oraciones con el verbo accede conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo

  • By the end of the year, we will have been acceding to the new policies for months. Para fin de año, habremos estado accediendo a las nuevas políticas durante meses.
  • He will have been acceding to their demands for days. Él habrá estado accediendo a sus demandas durante días.
  • Will we have been acceding to the new policies for months by the end of the year? ¿Habrémos estado accediendo a las nuevas políticas durante meses para fin de año?
  • He won’t have been acceding to their demands for days. No habrá estado accediendo a sus demandas durante días.

Otras conjugaciones