Conjugaciones del verbo book

Traducción: reservar; contratar; anotar; ...
Pronunciación: book
Infinitivo: to book
Preterito: booked
Gerundio: booking

Conjugación del verbo book en pasado simple

Forma afirmativa
I booked
You booked
He booked
She booked
It booked
We booked
They booked
Forma negativa
I did not book
You did not book
He did not book
She did not book
It did not book
We did not book
They did not book
Forma interrogativa
Did I book?
Did you book?
Did he book?
Did she book?
Did it book?
Did we book
Did they book?

Oraciones con el verbo book conjugado en pasado simple

  • They booked a hotel room yesterday. Reservaron una habitación de hotel ayer.
  • She booked a cab last night. Ella reservó un taxi anoche.
  • Did they book that flight? ¿Reservaron ese vuelo?
  • We didn't book anything. No reservamos nada.

Conjugación del verbo book en presente simple

Forma afirmativa
I book
You book
He books
She books
It books
We book
They book
Forma negativa
I do not book
You do not book
He does not book
She does not book
It do not book
We do not book
They do not book
Forma interrogativa
Do I book?
Do you book?
Does he book?
Does she book?
Do it book?
Do we book
Do they book?

Oraciones con el verbo book conjugado en presente simple

  • I book tickets online. Yo reserve boletos en línea.
  • She books appointments for her clients. Ella reserva citas para sus clientes.
  • Do you book tickets online? ¿Reservas boletos en línea?
  • I do not book tickets online. No reservo boletos en línea.

Conjugación del verbo book en futuro simple

Forma afirmativa
I will book
You will book
He will book
She will book
It will book
We will book
They will book
Forma negativa
I will not book
You will not book
He will not book
She will not book
It will not book
We will not book
They will not book
Forma interrogativa
Will I book?
Will you book?
Will he book?
Will she book?
Will it book?
Will we book
Will they book?

Oraciones con el verbo book conjugado en futuro simple

  • We will book the tickets tomorrow. Reservaremos los boletos mañana.
  • He will book a table next week. Él reservará una mesa la próxima semana.
  • Will we book it together? ¿Lo reservaremos juntos?
  • We won't book anything without confirmation. No reservaremos nada sin confirmación.

Conjugación del verbo book en pasado perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I had booked
You had booked
He had booked
She had booked
It had booked
We had booked
They had booked
Forma negativa
I had not booked
You had not booked
He had not booked
She had not booked
It had not booked
We had not booked
They had not booked
Forma interrogativa
Had I booked?
Had you booked?
Had he booked?
Had she booked?
Had it booked?
Had we booked
Had they booked?

Oraciones con el verbo book conjugado en pasado perfecto

  • By the time I arrived, he had already booked the tickets. Para cuando llegué, él ya había reservado los boletos.
  • We had booked the venue before the deadline. Habíamos reservado el lugar antes de la fecha límite.
  • Had he already booked the tickets by the time I arrived? ¿Ya había reservado él los boletos para cuando llegué?
  • He hadn't already booked the tickets by the time I arrived. Él no había reservado ya los boletos para cuando llegué.

Conjugación del verbo book en presente perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I have booked
You have booked
He has booked
She has booked
It has booked
We have booked
They have booked
Forma negativa
I have not booked
You have not booked
He has not booked
She has not booked
It has not booked
We have not booked
They have not booked
Forma interrogativa
Have I booked?
Have you booked?
Has he booked?
Has she booked?
Has it booked?
Have we booked
Have they booked?

Oraciones con el verbo book conjugado en presente perfecto

  • They have booked a table at the restaurant. Han reservado una mesa en el restaurante.
  • He has booked a flight recently. Él ha reservado un vuelo recientemente.
  • Have they booked the venue? ¿Han reservado el lugar?
  • They haven't booked anything this week. No han reservado nada esta semana.

Conjugación del verbo book en futuro perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I will have booked
You will have booked
He will have booked
She will have booked
It will have booked
We will have booked
They will have booked
Forma negativa
I will not have booked
You will not have booked
He will not have booked
She will not have booked
It will not have booked
We will not have booked
They will not have booked
Forma interrogativa
Will I have booked?
Will you have booked?
Will he have booked?
Will she have booked?
Will it have booked?
Will we have booked
Will they have booked?

Oraciones con el verbo book conjugado en futuro perfecto

  • By next month, they will have booked everything for the trip. Para el próximo mes, habrán reservado todo para el viaje.
  • It will have booked all the rooms by then. Habría reservado todas las habitaciones para entonces.
  • They won't have booked everything for the trip by next month. No habrán reservado todo para el viaje para el próximo mes.
  • Will it have booked all the rooms by then? ¿Habría reservado todas las habitaciones para entonces?

Conjugación del verbo book en pasado continuo

Forma afirmativa
I was booking
You were booking
He was booking
She was booking
It was booking
We were booking
They were booking
Forma negativa
I was not booking
You were not booking
He was not booking
She was not booking
It was not booking
We were not booking
They were not booking
Forma interrogativa
Was I booking?
Were you booking?
Was he booking?
Was she booking?
Was it booking?
Were we booking
Were they booking?

Oraciones con el verbo book conjugado en pasado progresivo

  • I was booking tickets when you called. Estaba reservando boletos cuando llamaste.
  • They were booking flights during the meeting. Ellos estaban reservando vuelos durante la reunión.
  • Was I booking tickets when you called? ¿Estaba reservando boletos cuando llamaste?
  • I wasn't booking tickets when you called. No estaba reservando boletos cuando llamaste.

Conjugación del verbo book en presente continuo

Forma afirmativa
I am booking
You are booking
He is booking
She is booking
It is booking
We are booking
They are booking
Forma negativa
I am not booking
You are not booking
He is not booking
She is not booking
It is not booking
We are not booking
They are not booking
Forma interrogativa
Am I booking?
are you booking?
Is he booking?
Is she booking?
Is it booking?
Are we booking
Are they booking?

Oraciones con el verbo book conjugado en presente progresivo

  • We are booking our vacation. Estamos reservando nuestras vacaciones.
  • It is booking rooms for the event. Está reservando habitaciones para el evento.
  • Are they booking the tickets? ¿Están reservando los boletos?
  • They aren't booking anything today. No están reservando nada hoy.

Conjugación del verbo book en futuro continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will be booking
You will be booking
He will be booking
She will be booking
It will be booking
We will be booking
They will be booking
Forma negativa
I will not be booking
You will not be booking
He will not booking
She will not be booking
It will not be booking
We will not be booking
They will not be booking
Forma interrogativa
Will I be booking?
Will you be booking?
Will he be booking?
Will she be booking?
Will it be booking?
Will we be booking
Will they be booking?

Oraciones con el verbo book conjugado en futuro progresivo

  • I will be booking flights all day. Estaré reservando vuelos todo el día.
  • They will be booking rooms during the project. Estarán reservando habitaciones durante el proyecto.
  • I won't be booking flights tomorrow. No estaré reservando vuelos mañana.
  • Will they be booking rooms during the project? ¿Estarán reservando habitaciones durante el proyecto?

Conjugación del verbo book en pasado perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I had been booking
You had been booking
He had been booking
She had been booking
It had been booking
We had been booking
They had been booking
Forma negativa
I had not been booking
You had not been booking
He had not been booking
She had not been booking
It had not been booking
We had not been booking
They had not been booking
Forma interrogativa
Had I been booking?
Had you been booking?
Had he been booking?
Had she been booking?
Had it been booking?
Had we been booking
Had they been booking?

Oraciones con el verbo book conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo

  • It had been booking rooms for hours before the system crashed. Había estado reservando habitaciones durante horas antes de que el sistema se colapsara.
  • We had been booking appointments for days before we found the perfect time slot. Habíamos estado reservando citas durante días antes de encontrar el horario perfecto.
  • Had it been booking properly? ¿Había estado reservando correctamente?
  • It hadn't been booking enough rooms. No había estado reservando suficientes habitaciones.

Conjugación del verbo book en presente perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I have been booking
You have been booking
He has been booking
She has been booking
It has been booking
We have been booking
They have been booking
Forma negativa
I have not been booking
You have not been booking
He has not been booking
She has not been booking
It has not been booking
We have not been booking
They have not been booking
Forma interrogativa
Have I been booking?
Have you been booking?
Has he been booking?
Has she been booking?
Has it been booking?
Have we been booking
Have they been booking?

Oraciones con el verbo book conjugado en presente perfecto continuo

  • I have been booking tickets all morning. He estado reservando boletos toda la mañana.
  • They have been booking appointments for the past hour. Han estado reservando citas durante la última hora.
  • Have I been booking correctly? ¿He estado reservando correctamente?
  • It hasn't been booking easy. No ha estado reservando fácil.

Conjugación del verbo book en futuro perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will have been booking
You will have been booking
He will have been booking
She will have been booking
It will has been booking
We will have been booking
They will have been booking
Forma negativa
I will not have been booking
You will not have been booking
He will not have been booking
She will not have been booking
It will not have been booking
We will not have been booking
They will not have been booking
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been booking?
Will you have been booking?
Will he have been booking?
Will she have been booking?
Will it have been booking?
Will we have been booking
Will they have been booking?

Oraciones con el verbo book conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo

  • By the end of the year, we will have been booking trips for months. Para fin de año, habremos estado reservando viajes durante meses.
  • She will have been booking events for years by then. Ella habrá estado reservando eventos durante años para entonces.
  • We won't have been booking trips for long by the end of the year. No habremos estado reservando viajes durante mucho tiempo para fin de año.
  • Will she have been booking events regularly? ¿Habrá estado reservando eventos regularmente?

Otras conjugaciones