Conjugaciones del verbo command
Traducción: ordenar; mandar; comandar; ...
Infinitivo: to command
Preterito: commanded
Gerundio: commanding
Conjugación del verbo command en pasado simple
Forma afirmativa
I commanded
You commanded
He commanded
She commanded
It commanded
We commanded
They commanded
Forma negativa
I did not command
You did not command
He did not command
She did not command
It did not command
We did not command
They did not command
Forma interrogativa
Did I command?
Did you command?
Did he command?
Did she command?
Did it command?
Did we command
Did they command?
Oraciones con el verbo command conjugado en pasado simple
- They commanded the troops effectively. Dirigieron a las tropas de manera efectiva.
- She commanded the room with her speech. Ella dominó la sala con su discurso.
- Did he command that operation? ¿Dirigió esa operación?
- We didn't command any resources. No dirigimos ningún recurso.
Conjugación del verbo command en presente simple
Forma afirmativa
I command
You command
He commands
She commands
It commands
We command
They command
Forma negativa
I do not command
You do not command
He does not command
She does not command
It do not command
We do not command
They do not command
Forma interrogativa
Do I command?
Do you command?
Does he command?
Does she command?
Do it command?
Do we command
Do they command?
Oraciones con el verbo command conjugado en presente simple
- I command the team with confidence. Yo mando al equipo con confianza.
- He commands respect from his peers. Él exige respeto de sus compañeros.
- Does she command the attention of the audience? ¿Ella llama la atención del público?
- They do not command any authority in this situation. No tienen ninguna autoridad en esta situación.
Conjugación del verbo command en futuro simple
Forma afirmativa
I will command
You will command
He will command
She will command
It will command
We will command
They will command
Forma negativa
I will not command
You will not command
He will not command
She will not command
It will not command
We will not command
They will not command
Forma interrogativa
Will I command?
Will you command?
Will he command?
Will she command?
Will it command?
Will we command
Will they command?
Oraciones con el verbo command conjugado en futuro simple
- We will command the stage next week. Comandaremos el escenario la próxima semana.
- He will command the meeting soon. Él comandará la reunión pronto.
- Will we command respect from everyone? ¿Comandaremos el respeto de todos?
- We won't command until we are fully prepared. No comandaremos hasta estar completamente preparados.
Conjugación del verbo command en pasado perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I had commanded
You had commanded
He had commanded
She had commanded
It had commanded
We had commanded
They had commanded
Forma negativa
I had not commanded
You had not commanded
He had not commanded
She had not commanded
It had not commanded
We had not commanded
They had not commanded
Forma interrogativa
Had I commanded?
Had you commanded?
Had he commanded?
Had she commanded?
Had it commanded?
Had we commanded
Had they commanded?
Oraciones con el verbo command conjugado en pasado perfecto
- By the time I arrived, he had already commanded the attention of the audience. Para cuando llegué, él ya había commanded la atención de la audiencia.
- We had commanded the situation before reinforcements arrived. Habíamos comandado la situación antes de que llegaran los refuerzos.
- Had he already commanded the attention of the audience by the time I arrived? ¿Ya había commanded la atención de la audiencia para cuando llegué?
- He hadn't already commanded the attention of the audience by the time I arrived. Él no había commanded ya la atención de la audiencia para cuando llegué.
Conjugación del verbo command en presente perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I have commanded
You have commanded
He has commanded
She has commanded
It has commanded
We have commanded
They have commanded
Forma negativa
I have not commanded
You have not commanded
He has not commanded
She has not commanded
It has not commanded
We have not commanded
They have not commanded
Forma interrogativa
Have I commanded?
Have you commanded?
Has he commanded?
Has she commanded?
Has it commanded?
Have we commanded
Have they commanded?
Oraciones con el verbo command conjugado en presente perfecto
- They have commanded the ship successfully. Han comandado el barco con éxito.
- She has commanded the project from the start. Ella ha comandado el proyecto desde el principio.
- Have they commanded the operation? ¿Han comandado la operación?
- They haven't commanded the ship yet. No han comandado el barco aún.
Conjugación del verbo command en futuro perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I will have commanded
You will have commanded
He will have commanded
She will have commanded
It will have commanded
We will have commanded
They will have commanded
Forma negativa
I will not have commanded
You will not have commanded
He will not have commanded
She will not have commanded
It will not have commanded
We will not have commanded
They will not have commanded
Forma interrogativa
Will I have commanded?
Will you have commanded?
Will he have commanded?
Will she have commanded?
Will it have commanded?
Will we have commanded
Will they have commanded?
Oraciones con el verbo command conjugado en futuro perfecto
- By next year, they will have commanded the fleet. Para el próximo año, habrán comandado la flota.
- It will have commanded a higher value by the end of the fiscal year. Habrá comandado un valor más alto para fin del año fiscal.
- They won't have commanded the operations effectively by then. No habrán comandado las operaciones de manera efectiva para entonces.
- Will it have commanded respect in the industry? ¿Habrá ganado respeto en la industria?
Conjugación del verbo command en pasado continuo
Forma afirmativa
I was commanding
You were commanding
He was commanding
She was commanding
It was commanding
We were commanding
They were commanding
Forma negativa
I was not commanding
You were not commanding
He was not commanding
She was not commanding
It was not commanding
We were not commanding
They were not commanding
Forma interrogativa
Was I commanding?
Were you commanding?
Was he commanding?
Was she commanding?
Was it commanding?
Were we commanding
Were they commanding?
Oraciones con el verbo command conjugado en pasado progresivo
- I was commanding the team when you called. Estaba comandando el equipo cuando llamaste.
- They were commanding the operation all day. Ellos estaban comandando la operación todo el día.
- Was I commanding the team when you called? ¿Estaba comandando el equipo cuando llamaste?
- I wasn't commanding the team when you called. No estaba comandando el equipo cuando llamaste.
Conjugación del verbo command en presente continuo
Forma afirmativa
I am commanding
You are commanding
He is commanding
She is commanding
It is commanding
We are commanding
They are commanding
Forma negativa
I am not commanding
You are not commanding
He is not commanding
She is not commanding
It is not commanding
We are not commanding
They are not commanding
Forma interrogativa
Am I commanding?
are you commanding?
Is he commanding?
Is she commanding?
Is it commanding?
Are we commanding
Are they commanding?
Oraciones con el verbo command conjugado en presente progresivo
- We are commanding the operation now. Estamos comandando la operación ahora.
- It is commanding a high price on the market. Está comandando un alto precio en el mercado.
- Are they commanding the project? ¿Están comandando el proyecto?
- They aren't commanding anything today. No están comandando nada hoy.
Conjugación del verbo command en futuro continuo
Forma afirmativa
I will be commanding
You will be commanding
He will be commanding
She will be commanding
It will be commanding
We will be commanding
They will be commanding
Forma negativa
I will not be commanding
You will not be commanding
He will not commanding
She will not be commanding
It will not be commanding
We will not be commanding
They will not be commanding
Forma interrogativa
Will I be commanding?
Will you be commanding?
Will he be commanding?
Will she be commanding?
Will it be commanding?
Will we be commanding
Will they be commanding?
Oraciones con el verbo command conjugado en futuro progresivo
- I will be commanding the operation this weekend. Estaré comandando la operación este fin de semana.
- They will be commanding the project throughout the quarter. Estarán comandando el proyecto durante todo el trimestre.
- I won't be commanding the team at this time. No estaré comandando el equipo en este momento.
- Will she be commanding the meeting this time? ¿Estará comandando la reunión esta vez?
Conjugación del verbo command en pasado perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I had been commanding
You had been commanding
He had been commanding
She had been commanding
It had been commanding
We had been commanding
They had been commanding
Forma negativa
I had not been commanding
You had not been commanding
He had not been commanding
She had not been commanding
It had not been commanding
We had not been commanding
They had not been commanding
Forma interrogativa
Had I been commanding?
Had you been commanding?
Had he been commanding?
Had she been commanding?
Had it been commanding?
Had we been commanding
Had they been commanding?
Oraciones con el verbo command conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo
- It had been commanding for hours before the final order was given. Había estado comandando durante horas antes de que se diera la orden final.
- We had been commanding the troops for days before the mission ended. Habíamos estado comandando las tropas durante días antes de que terminara la misión.
- Had it been commanding respect from everyone? ¿Había estado comandando respeto de todos?
- It hadn't been commanding attention as expected. No había estado comandando la atención como se esperaba.
Conjugación del verbo command en presente perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I have been commanding
You have been commanding
He has been commanding
She has been commanding
It has been commanding
We have been commanding
They have been commanding
Forma negativa
I have not been commanding
You have not been commanding
He has not been commanding
She has not been commanding
It has not been commanding
We have not been commanding
They have not been commanding
Forma interrogativa
Have I been commanding?
Have you been commanding?
Has he been commanding?
Has she been commanding?
Has it been commanding?
Have we been commanding
Have they been commanding?
Oraciones con el verbo command conjugado en presente perfecto continuo
- I have been commanding the team for years. He estado dirigiendo al equipo durante años.
- They have been commanding their resources since the beginning. Han estado dirigiendo sus recursos desde el principio.
- Have I been commanding well? ¿He estado dirigiendo bien?
- It hasn't been commanding effectively. No ha estado dirigiendo eficazmente.
Conjugación del verbo command en futuro perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I will have been commanding
You will have been commanding
He will have been commanding
She will have been commanding
It will has been commanding
We will have been commanding
They will have been commanding
Forma negativa
I will not have been commanding
You will not have been commanding
He will not have been commanding
She will not have been commanding
It will not have been commanding
We will not have been commanding
They will not have been commanding
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been commanding?
Will you have been commanding?
Will he have been commanding?
Will she have been commanding?
Will it have been commanding?
Will we have been commanding
Will they have been commanding?
Oraciones con el verbo command conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo
- By the end of the year, we will have been commanding the task force for months. Para fin de año, habremos estado comandando el grupo de trabajo durante meses.
- She will have been commanding the team for weeks by the time the deadline approaches. Ella habrá estado comandando al equipo durante semanas cuando se acerque la fecha límite.
- We won't have been commanding our resources effectively. No habremos estado comandando nuestros recursos de manera efectiva.
- Will they have been commanding the operations continuously? ¿Habrán estado comandando las operaciones de manera continua?