Conjugaciones del verbo correct
Traducción: corregir; rectificar; subsanar; ...
Infinitivo: to correct
Preterito: corrected
Gerundio: correcting
Conjugación del verbo correct en pasado simple
Forma afirmativa
I corrected
You corrected
He corrected
She corrected
It corrected
We corrected
They corrected
Forma negativa
I did not correct
You did not correct
He did not correct
She did not correct
It did not correct
We did not correct
They did not correct
Forma interrogativa
Did I correct?
Did you correct?
Did he correct?
Did she correct?
Did it correct?
Did we correct
Did they correct?
Oraciones con el verbo correct conjugado en pasado simple
- He corrected the mistakes yesterday. Él corrigió los errores ayer.
- They corrected the issues last week. Ellos corrigieron los problemas la semana pasada.
- Did she correct the data? ¿Corregió los datos?
- We didn't correct the report in time. No corregimos el informe a tiempo.
Conjugación del verbo correct en presente simple
Forma afirmativa
I correct
You correct
He corrects
She corrects
It corrects
We correct
They correct
Forma negativa
I do not correct
You do not correct
He does not correct
She does not correct
It do not correct
We do not correct
They do not correct
Forma interrogativa
Do I correct?
Do you correct?
Does he correct?
Does she correct?
Do it correct?
Do we correct
Do they correct?
Oraciones con el verbo correct conjugado en presente simple
- He corrects mistakes in the report. Él corrige errores en el informe.
- They correct the errors promptly. Ellos corrigen los errores rápidamente.
- Does he correct mistakes in the report? ¿Él corrige errores en el informe?
- They do not correct the errors promptly. Ellos no corrigen los errores rápidamente.
Conjugación del verbo correct en futuro simple
Forma afirmativa
I will correct
You will correct
He will correct
She will correct
It will correct
We will correct
They will correct
Forma negativa
I will not correct
You will not correct
He will not correct
She will not correct
It will not correct
We will not correct
They will not correct
Forma interrogativa
Will I correct?
Will you correct?
Will he correct?
Will she correct?
Will it correct?
Will we correct
Will they correct?
Oraciones con el verbo correct conjugado en futuro simple
- He will correct the errors next week. Él corregirá los errores la próxima semana.
- They will correct the issues soon. Ellos corregirán los problemas pronto.
- Will he correct the errors before the deadline? ¿Corregirá los errores antes de la fecha límite?
- I won't correct the errors without proper guidance. No corregiré los errores sin una guía adecuada.
Conjugación del verbo correct en pasado perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I had corrected
You had corrected
He had corrected
She had corrected
It had corrected
We had corrected
They had corrected
Forma negativa
I had not corrected
You had not corrected
He had not corrected
She had not corrected
It had not corrected
We had not corrected
They had not corrected
Forma interrogativa
Had I corrected?
Had you corrected?
Had he corrected?
Had she corrected?
Had it corrected?
Had we corrected
Had they corrected?
Oraciones con el verbo correct conjugado en pasado perfecto
- By the time the report was published, she had already corrected the errors. Para cuando se publicó el informe, ella ya había corregido los errores.
- They had corrected the issues before the deadline. Ellos habían corregido los problemas antes de la fecha límite.
- Had she already corrected the errors by the time the report was published? ¿Ya había corregido los errores para cuando se publicó el informe?
- She hadn't already corrected the errors by the time the report was published. No había corregido los errores ya para cuando se publicó el informe.
Conjugación del verbo correct en presente perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I have corrected
You have corrected
He has corrected
She has corrected
It has corrected
We have corrected
They have corrected
Forma negativa
I have not corrected
You have not corrected
He has not corrected
She has not corrected
It has not corrected
We have not corrected
They have not corrected
Forma interrogativa
Have I corrected?
Have you corrected?
Has he corrected?
Has she corrected?
Has it corrected?
Have we corrected
Have they corrected?
Oraciones con el verbo correct conjugado en presente perfecto
- She has corrected all the inaccuracies in the document. Ella ha corregido todas las inexactitudes en el documento.
- We have corrected the problems identified in the feedback. Hemos corregido los problemas identificados en los comentarios.
- Have they corrected anything else? ¿Han corregido algo más?
- They haven't corrected their mistakes. No han corregido sus errores.
Conjugación del verbo correct en futuro perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I will have corrected
You will have corrected
He will have corrected
She will have corrected
It will have corrected
We will have corrected
They will have corrected
Forma negativa
I will not have corrected
You will not have corrected
He will not have corrected
She will not have corrected
It will not have corrected
We will not have corrected
They will not have corrected
Forma interrogativa
Will I have corrected?
Will you have corrected?
Will he have corrected?
Will she have corrected?
Will it have corrected?
Will we have corrected
Will they have corrected?
Oraciones con el verbo correct conjugado en futuro perfecto
- By the end of the project, she will have corrected all the inaccuracies. Para el final del proyecto, habrá corregido todas las inexactitudes.
- We will have corrected the problems before the launch. Habremos corregido los problemas antes del lanzamiento.
- Will she have corrected all the inaccuracies by the end of the project? ¿Habrá corregido todas las inexactitudes para el final del proyecto?
- She will not have corrected all the inaccuracies by then. No habrá corregido todas las inexactitudes para entonces.
Conjugación del verbo correct en pasado continuo
Forma afirmativa
I was correcting
You were correcting
He was correcting
She was correcting
It was correcting
We were correcting
They were correcting
Forma negativa
I was not correcting
You were not correcting
He was not correcting
She was not correcting
It was not correcting
We were not correcting
They were not correcting
Forma interrogativa
Was I correcting?
Were you correcting?
Was he correcting?
Was she correcting?
Was it correcting?
Were we correcting
Were they correcting?
Oraciones con el verbo correct conjugado en pasado progresivo
- He was correcting the document when I arrived. Él estaba corrigiendo el documento cuando llegué.
- They were correcting the mistakes throughout the day. Ellos estaban corrigiendo los errores durante todo el día.
- Was he correcting the document when I arrived? ¿Estaba corrigiendo el documento cuando llegué?
- He wasn't correcting the document when I arrived. No estaba corrigiendo el documento cuando llegué.
Conjugación del verbo correct en presente continuo
Forma afirmativa
I am correcting
You are correcting
He is correcting
She is correcting
It is correcting
We are correcting
They are correcting
Forma negativa
I am not correcting
You are not correcting
He is not correcting
She is not correcting
It is not correcting
We are not correcting
They are not correcting
Forma interrogativa
Am I correcting?
are you correcting?
Is he correcting?
Is she correcting?
Is it correcting?
Are we correcting
Are they correcting?
Oraciones con el verbo correct conjugado en presente progresivo
- He is correcting the issues as we speak. Él está corrigiendo los problemas mientras hablamos.
- They are correcting the details in the draft. Ellos están corrigiendo los detalles en el borrador.
- Are we correcting effectively? ¿Estamos corrigiendo de manera efectiva?
- It isn't correcting properly. No se está corrigiendo adecuadamente.
Conjugación del verbo correct en futuro continuo
Forma afirmativa
I will be correcting
You will be correcting
He will be correcting
She will be correcting
It will be correcting
We will be correcting
They will be correcting
Forma negativa
I will not be correcting
You will not be correcting
He will not correcting
She will not be correcting
It will not be correcting
We will not be correcting
They will not be correcting
Forma interrogativa
Will I be correcting?
Will you be correcting?
Will he be correcting?
Will she be correcting?
Will it be correcting?
Will we be correcting
Will they be correcting?
Oraciones con el verbo correct conjugado en futuro progresivo
- He will be correcting the issues throughout the week. Él estará corrigiendo los problemas durante toda la semana.
- They will be correcting the errors during the review. Estarán corrigiendo los errores durante la revisión.
- Will he be correcting the issues throughout the week? ¿Estará corrigiendo los problemas durante toda la semana?
- He will not be correcting any errors this week. No estará corrigiendo ningún error esta semana.
Conjugación del verbo correct en pasado perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I had been correcting
You had been correcting
He had been correcting
She had been correcting
It had been correcting
We had been correcting
They had been correcting
Forma negativa
I had not been correcting
You had not been correcting
He had not been correcting
She had not been correcting
It had not been correcting
We had not been correcting
They had not been correcting
Forma interrogativa
Had I been correcting?
Had you been correcting?
Had he been correcting?
Had she been correcting?
Had it been correcting?
Had we been correcting
Had they been correcting?
Oraciones con el verbo correct conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo
- She had been correcting the mistakes for hours before the meeting. Ella había estado corrigiendo los errores durante horas antes de la reunión.
- We had been correcting the issues for months before the release. Habíamos estado corrigiendo los problemas durante meses antes del lanzamiento.
- Had she been correcting the mistakes accurately? ¿Había estado corrigiendo los errores con precisión?
- We hadn't been correcting the issues effectively. No habíamos estado corrigiendo los problemas de manera efectiva.
Conjugación del verbo correct en presente perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I have been correcting
You have been correcting
He has been correcting
She has been correcting
It has been correcting
We have been correcting
They have been correcting
Forma negativa
I have not been correcting
You have not been correcting
He has not been correcting
She has not been correcting
It has not been correcting
We have not been correcting
They have not been correcting
Forma interrogativa
Have I been correcting?
Have you been correcting?
Has he been correcting?
Has she been correcting?
Has it been correcting?
Have we been correcting
Have they been correcting?
Oraciones con el verbo correct conjugado en presente perfecto continuo
- She has been correcting the data for several hours. Ella ha estado corrigiendo los datos durante varias horas.
- We have been correcting the errors since the project started. Hemos estado corrigiendo los errores desde que comenzó el proyecto.
- Have they been correcting the reports? ¿Han estado corrigiendo los informes?
- It hasn't been correcting effectively. No ha estado corrigiendo de manera efectiva.
Conjugación del verbo correct en futuro perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I will have been correcting
You will have been correcting
He will have been correcting
She will have been correcting
It will has been correcting
We will have been correcting
They will have been correcting
Forma negativa
I will not have been correcting
You will not have been correcting
He will not have been correcting
She will not have been correcting
It will not have been correcting
We will not have been correcting
They will not have been correcting
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been correcting?
Will you have been correcting?
Will he have been correcting?
Will she have been correcting?
Will it have been correcting?
Will we have been correcting
Will they have been correcting?
Oraciones con el verbo correct conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo
- By the time you arrive, she will have been correcting the errors for hours. Para cuando llegues, habrá estado corrigiendo los errores durante horas.
- We will have been correcting the issues for weeks. Habríamos estado corrigiendo los problemas durante semanas.
- Will she have been correcting the errors for hours by the time you arrive? ¿Habrá estado corrigiendo los errores durante horas para cuando llegues?
- They will not have been correcting the issues at all. No habrán estado corrigiendo los problemas en absoluto.