Conjugaciones del verbo cuddle
Traducción: abrazar; abrazarse; acariciar; ...
Infinitivo: to cuddle
Preterito: cuddled
Gerundio: cuddling
Conjugación del verbo cuddle en pasado simple
Forma afirmativa
I cuddled
You cuddled
He cuddled
She cuddled
It cuddled
We cuddled
They cuddled
Forma negativa
I did not cuddle
You did not cuddle
He did not cuddle
She did not cuddle
It did not cuddle
We did not cuddle
They did not cuddle
Forma interrogativa
Did I cuddle?
Did you cuddle?
Did he cuddle?
Did she cuddle?
Did it cuddle?
Did we cuddle
Did they cuddle?
Oraciones con el verbo cuddle conjugado en pasado simple
- They cuddled on the sofa last night. Se abrazaron en el sofá anoche.
- She cuddled her child to sleep. Ella abrazó a su hijo hasta que se durmió.
- Did they cuddle quickly? ¿Se abrazaron rápidamente?
- We didn't cuddle at all. No abrazamos en absoluto.
Conjugación del verbo cuddle en presente simple
Forma afirmativa
I cuddle
You cuddle
He cuddles
She cuddles
It cuddles
We cuddle
They cuddle
Forma negativa
I do not cuddle
You do not cuddle
He does not cuddle
She does not cuddle
It do not cuddle
We do not cuddle
They do not cuddle
Forma interrogativa
Do I cuddle?
Do you cuddle?
Does he cuddle?
Does she cuddle?
Do it cuddle?
Do we cuddle
Do they cuddle?
Oraciones con el verbo cuddle conjugado en presente simple
- I cuddle my dog every morning. Acaricio a mi perro todas las mañanas.
- She cuddles her baby. Ella abraza a su bebé.
- Do I cuddle my dog every morning? ¿Acaricio a mi perro todas las mañanas?
- I do not cuddle my dog every morning. No acaricio a mi perro todas las mañanas.
Conjugación del verbo cuddle en futuro simple
Forma afirmativa
I will cuddle
You will cuddle
He will cuddle
She will cuddle
It will cuddle
We will cuddle
They will cuddle
Forma negativa
I will not cuddle
You will not cuddle
He will not cuddle
She will not cuddle
It will not cuddle
We will not cuddle
They will not cuddle
Forma interrogativa
Will I cuddle?
Will you cuddle?
Will he cuddle?
Will she cuddle?
Will it cuddle?
Will we cuddle
Will they cuddle?
Oraciones con el verbo cuddle conjugado en futuro simple
- We will cuddle our pets tomorrow. Acurrucaremos a nuestras mascotas mañana.
- He will cuddle with his family next week. Él se acurrucará con su familia la próxima semana.
- Will we cuddle together? ¿Nos acurrucaremos juntos?
- We won't cuddle unless it's cold. No nos acurrucaremos a menos que haga frío.
Conjugación del verbo cuddle en pasado perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I had cuddled
You had cuddled
He had cuddled
She had cuddled
It had cuddled
We had cuddled
They had cuddled
Forma negativa
I had not cuddled
You had not cuddled
He had not cuddled
She had not cuddled
It had not cuddled
We had not cuddled
They had not cuddled
Forma interrogativa
Had I cuddled?
Had you cuddled?
Had he cuddled?
Had she cuddled?
Had it cuddled?
Had we cuddled
Had they cuddled?
Oraciones con el verbo cuddle conjugado en pasado perfecto
- By the time I arrived, he had already cuddled his dog. Para cuando llegué, él ya había acariciado a su perro.
- We had cuddled before the movie started. Habíamos acariciado antes de que comenzara la película.
- Had he already cuddled his dog by the time I arrived? ¿Ya había acariciado él a su perro para cuando llegué?
- He hadn't already cuddled his dog by the time I arrived. Él no había acariciado ya a su perro para cuando llegué.
Conjugación del verbo cuddle en presente perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I have cuddled
You have cuddled
He has cuddled
She has cuddled
It has cuddled
We have cuddled
They have cuddled
Forma negativa
I have not cuddled
You have not cuddled
He has not cuddled
She has not cuddled
It has not cuddled
We have not cuddled
They have not cuddled
Forma interrogativa
Have I cuddled?
Have you cuddled?
Has he cuddled?
Has she cuddled?
Has it cuddled?
Have we cuddled
Have they cuddled?
Oraciones con el verbo cuddle conjugado en presente perfecto
- They have cuddled on the couch. Han abrazado en el sofá.
- He has cuddled with his cat. Él ha abrazado a su gato.
- Have they cuddled together? ¿Han abrazado juntos?
- They haven't cuddled this week. No han abrazado esta semana.
Conjugación del verbo cuddle en futuro perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I will have cuddled
You will have cuddled
He will have cuddled
She will have cuddled
It will have cuddled
We will have cuddled
They will have cuddled
Forma negativa
I will not have cuddled
You will not have cuddled
He will not have cuddled
She will not have cuddled
It will not have cuddled
We will not have cuddled
They will not have cuddled
Forma interrogativa
Will I have cuddled?
Will you have cuddled?
Will he have cuddled?
Will she have cuddled?
Will it have cuddled?
Will we have cuddled
Will they have cuddled?
Oraciones con el verbo cuddle conjugado en futuro perfecto
- By next month, they will have cuddled every evening. Para el próximo mes, habrán abrazado todas las noches.
- It will have cuddled enough by then. Habría abrazado lo suficiente para entonces.
- They won't have cuddled every evening by next month. No habrán abrazado todas las noches para el próximo mes.
- Will it have cuddled enough by then? ¿Habría abrazado lo suficiente para entonces?
Conjugación del verbo cuddle en pasado continuo
Forma afirmativa
I was cuddling
You were cuddling
He was cuddling
She was cuddling
It was cuddling
We were cuddling
They were cuddling
Forma negativa
I was not cuddling
You were not cuddling
He was not cuddling
She was not cuddling
It was not cuddling
We were not cuddling
They were not cuddling
Forma interrogativa
Was I cuddling?
Were you cuddling?
Was he cuddling?
Was she cuddling?
Was it cuddling?
Were we cuddling
Were they cuddling?
Oraciones con el verbo cuddle conjugado en pasado progresivo
- I was cuddling my pet when you called. Estaba acariciando a mi mascota cuando llamaste.
- They were cuddling during the storm. Ellos estaban acariciando durante la tormenta.
- Was I cuddling my pet when you called? ¿Estaba acariciando a mi mascota cuando llamaste?
- I wasn't cuddling my pet when you called. No estaba acariciando a mi mascota cuando llamaste.
Conjugación del verbo cuddle en presente continuo
Forma afirmativa
I am cuddling
You are cuddling
He is cuddling
She is cuddling
It is cuddling
We are cuddling
They are cuddling
Forma negativa
I am not cuddling
You are not cuddling
He is not cuddling
She is not cuddling
It is not cuddling
We are not cuddling
They are not cuddling
Forma interrogativa
Am I cuddling?
are you cuddling?
Is he cuddling?
Is she cuddling?
Is it cuddling?
Are we cuddling
Are they cuddling?
Oraciones con el verbo cuddle conjugado en presente progresivo
- We are cuddling under the blanket. Estamos abrazando bajo la manta.
- It is cuddling with its toy. Está abrazando su juguete.
- Are they cuddling at home? ¿Están abrazando en casa?
- They aren't cuddling today. No están abrazando hoy.
Conjugación del verbo cuddle en futuro continuo
Forma afirmativa
I will be cuddling
You will be cuddling
He will be cuddling
She will be cuddling
It will be cuddling
We will be cuddling
They will be cuddling
Forma negativa
I will not be cuddling
You will not be cuddling
He will not cuddling
She will not be cuddling
It will not be cuddling
We will not be cuddling
They will not be cuddling
Forma interrogativa
Will I be cuddling?
Will you be cuddling?
Will he be cuddling?
Will she be cuddling?
Will it be cuddling?
Will we be cuddling
Will they be cuddling?
Oraciones con el verbo cuddle conjugado en futuro progresivo
- I will be cuddling all day. Estaré abrazando todo el día.
- They will be cuddling during the holiday. Estarán abrazando durante las vacaciones.
- I won't be cuddling tomorrow. No estaré abrazando mañana.
- Will they be cuddling during the holiday? ¿Estarán abrazando durante las vacaciones?
Conjugación del verbo cuddle en pasado perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I had been cuddling
You had been cuddling
He had been cuddling
She had been cuddling
It had been cuddling
We had been cuddling
They had been cuddling
Forma negativa
I had not been cuddling
You had not been cuddling
He had not been cuddling
She had not been cuddling
It had not been cuddling
We had not been cuddling
They had not been cuddling
Forma interrogativa
Had I been cuddling?
Had you been cuddling?
Had he been cuddling?
Had she been cuddling?
Had it been cuddling?
Had we been cuddling
Had they been cuddling?
Oraciones con el verbo cuddle conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo
- It had been cuddling with its owner for hours before it fell asleep. Había estado acurrucándose con su dueño durante horas antes de quedarse dormido.
- We had been cuddling for days before we had to part. Habíamos estado acurrucándonos durante días antes de tener que separarnos.
- Had it been cuddling comfortably? ¿Había estado acurrucándose cómodamente?
- It hadn't been cuddling enough. No había estado acurrucándose lo suficiente.
Conjugación del verbo cuddle en presente perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I have been cuddling
You have been cuddling
He has been cuddling
She has been cuddling
It has been cuddling
We have been cuddling
They have been cuddling
Forma negativa
I have not been cuddling
You have not been cuddling
He has not been cuddling
She has not been cuddling
It has not been cuddling
We have not been cuddling
They have not been cuddling
Forma interrogativa
Have I been cuddling?
Have you been cuddling?
Has he been cuddling?
Has she been cuddling?
Has it been cuddling?
Have we been cuddling
Have they been cuddling?
Oraciones con el verbo cuddle conjugado en presente perfecto continuo
- I have been cuddling my puppy all day. He estado abrazando a mi cachorro todo el día.
- They have been cuddling for hours. Han estado abrazándose durante horas.
- Have I been cuddling enough? ¿He estado abrazando lo suficiente?
- It hasn't been cuddling easy. No ha estado abrazando fácil.
Conjugación del verbo cuddle en futuro perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I will have been cuddling
You will have been cuddling
He will have been cuddling
She will have been cuddling
It will has been cuddling
We will have been cuddling
They will have been cuddling
Forma negativa
I will not have been cuddling
You will not have been cuddling
He will not have been cuddling
She will not have been cuddling
It will not have been cuddling
We will not have been cuddling
They will not have been cuddling
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been cuddling?
Will you have been cuddling?
Will he have been cuddling?
Will she have been cuddling?
Will it have been cuddling?
Will we have been cuddling
Will they have been cuddling?
Oraciones con el verbo cuddle conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo
- By the end of the year, we will have been cuddling for months. Para fin de año, habremos estado abrazando durante meses.
- She will have been cuddling for years by then. Ella habrá estado abrazando durante años para entonces.
- We won't have been cuddling for long by the end of the year. No habremos estado abrazando durante mucho tiempo para fin de año.
- Will she have been cuddling regularly? ¿Habrá estado abrazando regularmente?