Conjugaciones del verbo deter

Traducción: disuadir; impedir; desalentar; ...
Pronunciación: deter
Infinitivo: to deter
Preterito: deterred
Gerundio: deterring

Conjugación del verbo deter en pasado simple

Forma afirmativa
I deterred
You deterred
He deterred
She deterred
It deterred
We deterred
They deterred
Forma negativa
I did not deter
You did not deter
He did not deter
She did not deter
It did not deter
We did not deter
They did not deter
Forma interrogativa
Did I deter?
Did you deter?
Did he deter?
Did she deter?
Did it deter?
Did we deter
Did they deter?

Oraciones con el verbo deter conjugado en pasado simple

  • High prices deterred many customers last year. Los precios altos disuadieron a muchos clientes el año pasado.
  • She deterred criminals with her confident demeanor. Ella disuadió a los delincuentes con su actitud segura.
  • Did high prices deter customers last year? ¿Disuadieron los precios altos a los clientes el año pasado?
  • She didn't deter criminals intentionally. No disuadió a los delincuentes intencionalmente.

Conjugación del verbo deter en presente simple

Forma afirmativa
I deter
You deter
He deters
She deters
It deters
We deter
They deter
Forma negativa
I do not deter
You do not deter
He does not deter
She does not deter
It do not deter
We do not deter
They do not deter
Forma interrogativa
Do I deter?
Do you deter?
Does he deter?
Does she deter?
Do it deter?
Do we deter
Do they deter?

Oraciones con el verbo deter conjugado en presente simple

  • High prices deter many people from buying luxury items. Los precios altos disuaden a muchas personas de comprar artículos de lujo.
  • She deters burglars by installing a security system. Ella disuade a los ladrones instalando un sistema de seguridad.
  • Does high prices deter many people from buying luxury items? ¿Disuaden los precios altos a muchas personas de comprar artículos de lujo?
  • She does not deter burglars effectively. Ella no disuade a los ladrones de manera efectiva.

Conjugación del verbo deter en futuro simple

Forma afirmativa
I will deter
You will deter
He will deter
She will deter
It will deter
We will deter
They will deter
Forma negativa
I will not deter
You will not deter
He will not deter
She will not deter
It will not deter
We will not deter
They will not deter
Forma interrogativa
Will I deter?
Will you deter?
Will he deter?
Will she deter?
Will it deter?
Will we deter
Will they deter?

Oraciones con el verbo deter conjugado en futuro simple

  • They will deter crime with new surveillance technology. Ellos disuadirán el crimen con nueva tecnología de vigilancia.
  • She will deter procrastination by setting deadlines. Ella disuadirá la procrastinación estableciendo plazos.
  • Will they deter crime with technology? ¿Ellos disuadirán el crimen con tecnología?
  • She won't deter procrastination if she doesn't stick to her deadlines. Ella no disuadirá la procrastinación si no se apega a sus plazos.

Conjugación del verbo deter en pasado perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I had deterred
You had deterred
He had deterred
She had deterred
It had deterred
We had deterred
They had deterred
Forma negativa
I had not deterred
You had not deterred
He had not deterred
She had not deterred
It had not deterred
We had not deterred
They had not deterred
Forma interrogativa
Had I deterred?
Had you deterred?
Had he deterred?
Had she deterred?
Had it deterred?
Had we deterred
Had they deterred?

Oraciones con el verbo deter conjugado en pasado perfecto

  • By then, we had deterred several potential investors with our cautious approach. Para entonces, habíamos disuadido a varios inversores potenciales con nuestro enfoque cauteloso.
  • She had deterred unwanted attention by changing her appearance. Ella había disuadido la atención no deseada al cambiar su apariencia.
  • Had they deterred other threats successfully? ¿Habían disuadido otras amenazas con éxito?
  • She hadn't deterred the competition yet. Ella no había disuadido a la competencia aún.

Conjugación del verbo deter en presente perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I have deterred
You have deterred
He has deterred
She has deterred
It has deterred
We have deterred
They have deterred
Forma negativa
I have not deterred
You have not deterred
He has not deterred
She has not deterred
It has not deterred
We have not deterred
They have not deterred
Forma interrogativa
Have I deterred?
Have you deterred?
Has he deterred?
Has she deterred?
Has it deterred?
Have we deterred
Have they deterred?

Oraciones con el verbo deter conjugado en presente perfecto

  • We have deterred several potential buyers with our high prices. Hemos disuadido a varios compradores potenciales con nuestros precios altos.
  • She has deterred intruders by posting warning signs. Ella ha disuadido a los intrusos al poner señales de advertencia.
  • Have we deterred them from leaving? ¿Los hemos disuadido de irse?
  • She hasn't deterred any pests yet. Aún no ha disuadido a ninguna plaga.

Conjugación del verbo deter en futuro perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I will have deterred
You will have deterred
He will have deterred
She will have deterred
It will have deterred
We will have deterred
They will have deterred
Forma negativa
I will not have deterred
You will not have deterred
He will not have deterred
She will not have deterred
It will not have deterred
We will not have deterred
They will not have deterred
Forma interrogativa
Will I have deterred?
Will you have deterred?
Will he have deterred?
Will she have deterred?
Will it have deterred?
Will we have deterred
Will they have deterred?

Oraciones con el verbo deter conjugado en futuro perfecto

  • By then, they will have deterred potential threats with their proactive measures. Para entonces, habrán disuadido amenazas potenciales con sus medidas proactivas.
  • She will have deterred herself from negative thinking by practicing mindfulness. Ella se habrá disuadido de pensar negativamente practicando la atención plena.
  • Will they have deterred any risks by that time? ¿Habrán disuadido algún riesgo para entonces?
  • He will not have deterred his worries by ignoring them. Él no habrá disuadido sus preocupaciones al ignorarlas.

Conjugación del verbo deter en pasado continuo

Forma afirmativa
I was deterring
You were deterring
He was deterring
She was deterring
It was deterring
We were deterring
They were deterring
Forma negativa
I was not deterring
You were not deterring
He was not deterring
She was not deterring
It was not deterring
We were not deterring
They were not deterring
Forma interrogativa
Was I deterring?
Were you deterring?
Was he deterring?
Was she deterring?
Was it deterring?
Were we deterring
Were they deterring?

Oraciones con el verbo deter conjugado en pasado progresivo

  • They were deterring theft when the alarm went off. Estaban disuadiendo el robo cuando sonó la alarma.
  • She was deterring herself from quitting during the difficult times. Ella se estaba disuadiendo de renunciar durante los tiempos difíciles.
  • Were they deterring criminal activities effectively? ¿Estaban disuadiendo actividades delictivas de manera efectiva?
  • She wasn't deterring her own progress. Ella no estaba disuadiendo su propio progreso.

Conjugación del verbo deter en presente continuo

Forma afirmativa
I am deterring
You are deterring
He is deterring
She is deterring
It is deterring
We are deterring
They are deterring
Forma negativa
I am not deterring
You are not deterring
He is not deterring
She is not deterring
It is not deterring
We are not deterring
They are not deterring
Forma interrogativa
Am I deterring?
are you deterring?
Is he deterring?
Is she deterring?
Is it deterring?
Are we deterring
Are they deterring?

Oraciones con el verbo deter conjugado en presente progresivo

  • They are deterring crime with increased police patrols. Están disuadiendo el crimen con patrullas policiales aumentadas.
  • She is deterring pests by using natural repellents. Ella está disuadiendo plagas usando repelentes naturales.
  • Are they deterring any issues today? ¿Están disuadiendo algún problema hoy?
  • She isn't deterring them from coming. Ella no los está disuadiendo de venir.

Conjugación del verbo deter en futuro continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will be deterring
You will be deterring
He will be deterring
She will be deterring
It will be deterring
We will be deterring
They will be deterring
Forma negativa
I will not be deterring
You will not be deterring
He will not deterring
She will not be deterring
It will not be deterring
We will not be deterring
They will not be deterring
Forma interrogativa
Will I be deterring?
Will you be deterring?
Will he be deterring?
Will she be deterring?
Will it be deterring?
Will we be deterring
Will they be deterring?

Oraciones con el verbo deter conjugado en futuro progresivo

  • They will be deterring future incidents by implementing stricter policies. Ellos estarán disuadiendo futuros incidentes mediante la implementación de políticas más estrictas.
  • She will be deterring herself from distractions during the exam. Ella se estará disuadiendo de distracciones durante el examen.
  • Will they be deterring any potential threats next week? ¿Estarán disuadiendo alguna amenaza potencial la próxima semana?
  • He will not be deterring his friends from joining the project. Él no estará disuadiendo a sus amigos de unirse al proyecto.

Conjugación del verbo deter en pasado perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I had been deterring
You had been deterring
He had been deterring
She had been deterring
It had been deterring
We had been deterring
They had been deterring
Forma negativa
I had not been deterring
You had not been deterring
He had not been deterring
She had not been deterring
It had not been deterring
We had not been deterring
They had not been deterring
Forma interrogativa
Had I been deterring?
Had you been deterring?
Had he been deterring?
Had she been deterring?
Had it been deterring?
Had we been deterring
Had they been deterring?

Oraciones con el verbo deter conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo

  • They had been deterring unauthorized access for months before the breach. Ellos habían estado disuadiendo el acceso no autorizado durante meses antes de la brecha.
  • She had been deterring herself from making impulsive decisions. Ella había estado disuadiéndose de tomar decisiones impulsivas.
  • Had they been deterring unauthorized access? ¿Ellos habían estado disuadiendo el acceso no autorizado?
  • She hadn't been deterring herself lately. Ella no se había estado disuadiendo últimamente.

Conjugación del verbo deter en presente perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I have been deterring
You have been deterring
He has been deterring
She has been deterring
It has been deterring
We have been deterring
They have been deterring
Forma negativa
I have not been deterring
You have not been deterring
He has not been deterring
She has not been deterring
It has not been deterring
We have not been deterring
They have not been deterring
Forma interrogativa
Have I been deterring?
Have you been deterring?
Has he been deterring?
Has she been deterring?
Has it been deterring?
Have we been deterring
Have they been deterring?

Oraciones con el verbo deter conjugado en presente perfecto continuo

  • They have been deterring illegal activities in the neighborhood. Han estado disuadiendo actividades ilegales en el vecindario.
  • She has been deterring herself from overeating by using portion control. Ella se ha estado disuadiendo de comer en exceso controlando las porciones.
  • Have they been deterring illegal activities effectively? ¿Han estado disuadiendo eficazmente las actividades ilegales?
  • She hasn't been deterring herself effectively. No se ha estado disuadiendo eficazmente.

Conjugación del verbo deter en futuro perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will have been deterring
You will have been deterring
He will have been deterring
She will have been deterring
It will has been deterring
We will have been deterring
They will have been deterring
Forma negativa
I will not have been deterring
You will not have been deterring
He will not have been deterring
She will not have been deterring
It will not have been deterring
We will not have been deterring
They will not have been deterring
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been deterring?
Will you have been deterring?
Will he have been deterring?
Will she have been deterring?
Will it have been deterring?
Will we have been deterring
Will they have been deterring?

Oraciones con el verbo deter conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo

  • They will have been deterring crime in the neighborhood for years. Ellos habrán estado disuadiendo el crimen en el vecindario durante años.
  • She will have been deterring herself from unhealthy habits successfully. Ella habrá estado disuadiéndose de hábitos poco saludables con éxito.
  • Will they have been deterring crime in the neighborhood? ¿Habrán estado disuadiendo el crimen en el vecindario?
  • She hasn't been deterring herself effectively. Ella no ha estado disuadiéndose de manera efectiva.

Otras conjugaciones