Conjugaciones del verbo educate
Traducción: educar; informar a; instruir a; ...
Infinitivo: to educate
Preterito: educated
Gerundio: educating
Conjugación del verbo educate en pasado simple
Forma afirmativa
I educated
You educated
He educated
She educated
It educated
We educated
They educated
Forma negativa
I did not educate
You did not educate
He did not educate
She did not educate
It did not educate
We did not educate
They did not educate
Forma interrogativa
Did I educate?
Did you educate?
Did he educate?
Did she educate?
Did it educate?
Did we educate
Did they educate?
Oraciones con el verbo educate conjugado en pasado simple
- They educated young minds with innovative teaching methods. Ellos educaron a las mentes jóvenes con métodos de enseñanza innovadores.
- She educated herself about different cultures during her travels. Ella se educó sobre diferentes culturas durante sus viajes.
- Did they educate young minds with new methods? ¿Educaron a las mentes jóvenes con nuevos métodos?
- She didn't educate herself fully during her travels. No se educó completamente durante sus viajes.
Conjugación del verbo educate en presente simple
Forma afirmativa
I educate
You educate
He educates
She educates
It educates
We educate
They educate
Forma negativa
I do not educate
You do not educate
He does not educate
She does not educate
It do not educate
We do not educate
They do not educate
Forma interrogativa
Do I educate?
Do you educate?
Does he educate?
Does she educate?
Do it educate?
Do we educate
Do they educate?
Oraciones con el verbo educate conjugado en presente simple
- They educate students on environmental conservation. Ellos educan a los estudiantes sobre la conservación del medio ambiente.
- She educates her children at home. Ella educa a sus hijos en casa.
- Does he educate his friends about recycling? ¿Él educa a sus amigos sobre el reciclaje?
- She does not educate her pets. Ella no educa a sus mascotas.
Conjugación del verbo educate en futuro simple
Forma afirmativa
I will educate
You will educate
He will educate
She will educate
It will educate
We will educate
They will educate
Forma negativa
I will not educate
You will not educate
He will not educate
She will not educate
It will not educate
We will not educate
They will not educate
Forma interrogativa
Will I educate?
Will you educate?
Will he educate?
Will she educate?
Will it educate?
Will we educate
Will they educate?
Oraciones con el verbo educate conjugado en futuro simple
- They will educate future leaders through mentorship programs. Ellos educarán a los futuros líderes a través de programas de mentoría.
- She will educate her peers about digital privacy. Ella educará a sus compañeros sobre la privacidad digital.
- Will they educate future leaders? ¿Ellos educarán a los futuros líderes?
- She won't educate her peers if they aren't interested. Ella no educará a sus compañeros si no están interesados.
Conjugación del verbo educate en pasado perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I had educated
You had educated
He had educated
She had educated
It had educated
We had educated
They had educated
Forma negativa
I had not educated
You had not educated
He had not educated
She had not educated
It had not educated
We had not educated
They had not educated
Forma interrogativa
Had I educated?
Had you educated?
Had he educated?
Had she educated?
Had it educated?
Had we educated
Had they educated?
Oraciones con el verbo educate conjugado en pasado perfecto
- By then, we had educated several generations of students. Para entonces, habíamos educado a varias generaciones de estudiantes.
- She had educated herself on advanced programming languages. Ella se había educado en lenguajes de programación avanzados.
- Had they educated the public about the changes already? ¿Ya habían educado al público sobre los cambios?
- She hadn't educated herself on the latest techniques yet. Ella no se había educado en las últimas técnicas aún.
Conjugación del verbo educate en presente perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I have educated
You have educated
He has educated
She has educated
It has educated
We have educated
They have educated
Forma negativa
I have not educated
You have not educated
He has not educated
She has not educated
It has not educated
We have not educated
They have not educated
Forma interrogativa
Have I educated?
Have you educated?
Has he educated?
Has she educated?
Has it educated?
Have we educated
Have they educated?
Oraciones con el verbo educate conjugado en presente perfecto
- We have educated thousands of students over the years. Hemos educado a miles de estudiantes a lo largo de los años.
- She has educated herself about investing in stocks. Ella se ha educado sobre invertir en acciones.
- Have we educated them all? ¿Los hemos educado a todos?
- She hasn't educated anyone yet. Aún no ha educado a nadie.
Conjugación del verbo educate en futuro perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I will have educated
You will have educated
He will have educated
She will have educated
It will have educated
We will have educated
They will have educated
Forma negativa
I will not have educated
You will not have educated
He will not have educated
She will not have educated
It will not have educated
We will not have educated
They will not have educated
Forma interrogativa
Will I have educated?
Will you have educated?
Will he have educated?
Will she have educated?
Will it have educated?
Will we have educated
Will they have educated?
Oraciones con el verbo educate conjugado en futuro perfecto
- By then, they will have educated millions about climate change. Para entonces, habrán educado a millones sobre el cambio climático.
- She will have educated herself in various disciplines. Ella se habrá educado en varias disciplinas.
- Will they have educated enough people by that time? ¿Habrán educado a suficientes personas para entonces?
- They will not have educated everyone on the issue. No habrán educado a todos sobre el tema.
Conjugación del verbo educate en pasado continuo
Forma afirmativa
I was educating
You were educating
He was educating
She was educating
It was educating
We were educating
They were educating
Forma negativa
I was not educating
You were not educating
He was not educating
She was not educating
It was not educating
We were not educating
They were not educating
Forma interrogativa
Was I educating?
Were you educating?
Was he educating?
Was she educating?
Was it educating?
Were we educating
Were they educating?
Oraciones con el verbo educate conjugado en pasado progresivo
- They were educating the public about health issues when the pandemic hit. Estaban educando al público sobre problemas de salud cuando golpeó la pandemia.
- She was educating herself by reading books on psychology. Ella se estaba educando a sí misma leyendo libros sobre psicología.
- Were they educating people on environmental issues? ¿Estaban educando a la gente sobre temas ambientales?
- She wasn't educating herself on the new regulations. Ella no se estaba educando sobre las nuevas regulaciones.
Conjugación del verbo educate en presente continuo
Forma afirmativa
I am educating
You are educating
He is educating
She is educating
It is educating
We are educating
They are educating
Forma negativa
I am not educating
You are not educating
He is not educating
She is not educating
It is not educating
We are not educating
They are not educating
Forma interrogativa
Am I educating?
are you educating?
Is he educating?
Is she educating?
Is it educating?
Are we educating
Are they educating?
Oraciones con el verbo educate conjugado en presente progresivo
- They are educating the community about recycling. Están educando a la comunidad sobre el reciclaje.
- She is educating herself by taking online courses. Ella se está educando tomando cursos en línea.
- Are they educating the public this week? ¿Están educando al público esta semana?
- She isn't educating anyone right now. Ella no está educando a nadie ahora.
Conjugación del verbo educate en futuro continuo
Forma afirmativa
I will be educating
You will be educating
He will be educating
She will be educating
It will be educating
We will be educating
They will be educating
Forma negativa
I will not be educating
You will not be educating
He will not educating
She will not be educating
It will not be educating
We will not be educating
They will not be educating
Forma interrogativa
Will I be educating?
Will you be educating?
Will he be educating?
Will she be educating?
Will it be educating?
Will we be educating
Will they be educating?
Oraciones con el verbo educate conjugado en futuro progresivo
- They will be educating new employees about company policies. Ellos estarán educando a nuevos empleados sobre las políticas de la empresa.
- She will be educating herself on current affairs. Ella estará educándose sobre asuntos actuales.
- Will they be educating new hires next week? ¿Estarán educando a los nuevos empleados la próxima semana?
- She will not be educating herself on last year’s events. Ella no estará educándose sobre los eventos del año pasado.
Conjugación del verbo educate en pasado perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I had been educating
You had been educating
He had been educating
She had been educating
It had been educating
We had been educating
They had been educating
Forma negativa
I had not been educating
You had not been educating
He had not been educating
She had not been educating
It had not been educating
We had not been educating
They had not been educating
Forma interrogativa
Had I been educating?
Had you been educating?
Had he been educating?
Had she been educating?
Had it been educating?
Had we been educating
Had they been educating?
Oraciones con el verbo educate conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo
- They had been educating the community on sustainable living practices for years. Ellos habían estado educando a la comunidad sobre prácticas de vida sostenible durante años.
- She had been educating herself intensively before starting her new job. Ella había estado educándose intensamente antes de comenzar su nuevo trabajo.
- Had they been educating the community? ¿Ellos habían estado educando a la comunidad?
- She hadn't been educating herself about the topic lately. Ella no se había estado educando sobre el tema últimamente.
Conjugación del verbo educate en presente perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I have been educating
You have been educating
He has been educating
She has been educating
It has been educating
We have been educating
They have been educating
Forma negativa
I have not been educating
You have not been educating
He has not been educating
She has not been educating
It has not been educating
We have not been educating
They have not been educating
Forma interrogativa
Have I been educating?
Have you been educating?
Has he been educating?
Has she been educating?
Has it been educating?
Have we been educating
Have they been educating?
Oraciones con el verbo educate conjugado en presente perfecto continuo
- They have been educating children in rural areas for decades. Han estado educando a los niños en áreas rurales durante décadas.
- She has been educating herself on nutrition and fitness. Ella ha estado educándose sobre nutrición y ejercicio.
- Have they been educating children for decades? ¿Han estado educando a los niños durante décadas?
- She hasn't been educating herself as thoroughly lately. No se ha estado educando tan exhaustivamente últimamente.
Conjugación del verbo educate en futuro perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I will have been educating
You will have been educating
He will have been educating
She will have been educating
It will has been educating
We will have been educating
They will have been educating
Forma negativa
I will not have been educating
You will not have been educating
He will not have been educating
She will not have been educating
It will not have been educating
We will not have been educating
They will not have been educating
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been educating?
Will you have been educating?
Will he have been educating?
Will she have been educating?
Will it have been educating?
Will we have been educating
Will they have been educating?
Oraciones con el verbo educate conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo
- They will have been educating the community for decades. Ellos habrán estado educando a la comunidad durante décadas.
- She will have been educating herself continuously throughout her career. Ella habrá estado educándose continuamente a lo largo de su carrera.
- Will they have been educating the community? ¿Habrán estado educando a la comunidad?
- She hasn't been educating herself enough. Ella no ha estado educándose lo suficiente.