Conjugaciones del verbo hug

Traducción: abrazar; ...
Pronunciación: hug
Infinitivo: to hug
Preterito: hugged
Gerundio: hugging

Conjugación del verbo hug en pasado simple

Forma afirmativa
I hugged
You hugged
He hugged
She hugged
It hugged
We hugged
They hugged
Forma negativa
I did not hug
You did not hug
He did not hug
She did not hug
It did not hug
We did not hug
They did not hug
Forma interrogativa
Did I hug?
Did you hug?
Did he hug?
Did she hug?
Did it hug?
Did we hug
Did they hug?

Oraciones con el verbo hug conjugado en pasado simple

  • They hugged tightly when they reunited after years apart. Se abrazaron fuertemente cuando se reencontraron después de años separados.
  • She hugged her friend when she heard the good news. Ella abrazó a su amiga cuando escuchó la buena noticia.
  • Did they hug tightly when they reunited? ¿Se abrazaron fuertemente cuando se reencontraron?
  • She didn't hug her friend immediately. No abrazó a su amiga de inmediato.

Conjugación del verbo hug en presente simple

Forma afirmativa
I hug
You hug
He hugs
She hugs
It hugs
We hug
They hug
Forma negativa
I do not hug
You do not hug
He does not hug
She does not hug
It do not hug
We do not hug
They do not hug
Forma interrogativa
Do I hug?
Do you hug?
Does he hug?
Does she hug?
Do it hug?
Do we hug
Do they hug?

Oraciones con el verbo hug conjugado en presente simple

  • They hug each other tightly when they meet. Ellos se abrazan fuertemente cuando se encuentran.
  • She hugs her children before bedtime. Ella abraza a sus hijos antes de dormir.
  • Do they hug often? ¿Se abrazan a menudo?
  • She does not hug her friends at work. Ella no abraza a sus amigos en el trabajo.

Conjugación del verbo hug en futuro simple

Forma afirmativa
I will hug
You will hug
He will hug
She will hug
It will hug
We will hug
They will hug
Forma negativa
I will not hug
You will not hug
He will not hug
She will not hug
It will not hug
We will not hug
They will not hug
Forma interrogativa
Will I hug?
Will you hug?
Will he hug?
Will she hug?
Will it hug?
Will we hug
Will they hug?

Oraciones con el verbo hug conjugado en futuro simple

  • They will hug each other when they see each other again. Ellos se abrazarán cuando se vean de nuevo.
  • She will hug her family tightly when they arrive. Ella abrazará a su familia con fuerza cuando lleguen.
  • Will they hug each other again? ¿Ellos se abrazarán de nuevo?
  • She won't hug her family if they are in a hurry. Ella no abrazará a su familia si tienen prisa.

Conjugación del verbo hug en pasado perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I had hugged
You had hugged
He had hugged
She had hugged
It had hugged
We had hugged
They had hugged
Forma negativa
I had not hugged
You had not hugged
He had not hugged
She had not hugged
It had not hugged
We had not hugged
They had not hugged
Forma interrogativa
Had I hugged?
Had you hugged?
Had he hugged?
Had she hugged?
Had it hugged?
Had we hugged
Had they hugged?

Oraciones con el verbo hug conjugado en pasado perfecto

  • By then, we had hugged everyone at the party. Para entonces, habíamos abrazado a todos en la fiesta.
  • She had hugged her best friend before she moved away. Ella había abrazado a su mejor amiga antes de que se mudara.
  • Had they hugged their relatives already? ¿Ya habían abrazado a sus parientes?
  • She hadn't hugged anyone before leaving. Ella no había abrazado a nadie antes de irse.

Conjugación del verbo hug en presente perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I have hugged
You have hugged
He has hugged
She has hugged
It has hugged
We have hugged
They have hugged
Forma negativa
I have not hugged
You have not hugged
He has not hugged
She has not hugged
It has not hugged
We have not hugged
They have not hugged
Forma interrogativa
Have I hugged?
Have you hugged?
Has he hugged?
Has she hugged?
Has it hugged?
Have we hugged
Have they hugged?

Oraciones con el verbo hug conjugado en presente perfecto

  • We have hugged each other every day for years. Nos hemos abrazado todos los días durante años.
  • She has hugged her grandmother since she arrived. Ella ha abrazado a su abuela desde que llegó.
  • Have we hugged each other before? ¿Nos hemos abrazado antes?
  • She hasn't hugged anyone this week. Aún no ha abrazado a nadie esta semana.

Conjugación del verbo hug en futuro perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I will have hugged
You will have hugged
He will have hugged
She will have hugged
It will have hugged
We will have hugged
They will have hugged
Forma negativa
I will not have hugged
You will not have hugged
He will not have hugged
She will not have hugged
It will not have hugged
We will not have hugged
They will not have hugged
Forma interrogativa
Will I have hugged?
Will you have hugged?
Will he have hugged?
Will she have hugged?
Will it have hugged?
Will we have hugged
Will they have hugged?

Oraciones con el verbo hug conjugado en futuro perfecto

  • By then, we will have hugged everyone at the family reunion. Para entonces, habremos abrazado a todos en la reunión familiar.
  • She will have hugged her friend before she leaves for vacation. Ella habrá abrazado a su amiga antes de irse de vacaciones.
  • Will they have hugged their relatives by the end of the trip? ¿Habrán abrazado a sus familiares al final del viaje?
  • They will not have hugged each other by the time the event starts. No se habrán abrazado para cuando empiece el evento.

Conjugación del verbo hug en pasado continuo

Forma afirmativa
I was hugging
You were hugging
He was hugging
She was hugging
It was hugging
We were hugging
They were hugging
Forma negativa
I was not hugging
You were not hugging
He was not hugging
She was not hugging
It was not hugging
We were not hugging
They were not hugging
Forma interrogativa
Was I hugging?
Were you hugging?
Was he hugging?
Was she hugging?
Was it hugging?
Were we hugging
Were they hugging?

Oraciones con el verbo hug conjugado en pasado progresivo

  • He was hugging his sister when I walked into the room. Él estaba abrazando a su hermana cuando entré en la habitación.
  • She was hugging her son when he came home from college. Ella estaba abrazando a su hijo cuando volvió de la universidad.
  • Were they hugging when you arrived? ¿Se estaban abrazando cuando llegaste?
  • She wasn't hugging anyone when I saw her. Ella no estaba abrazando a nadie cuando la vi.

Conjugación del verbo hug en presente continuo

Forma afirmativa
I am hugging
You are hugging
He is hugging
She is hugging
It is hugging
We are hugging
They are hugging
Forma negativa
I am not hugging
You are not hugging
He is not hugging
She is not hugging
It is not hugging
We are not hugging
They are not hugging
Forma interrogativa
Am I hugging?
are you hugging?
Is he hugging?
Is she hugging?
Is it hugging?
Are we hugging
Are they hugging?

Oraciones con el verbo hug conjugado en presente progresivo

  • He is hugging his friend goodbye at the airport. Él está abrazando a su amigo para despedirse en el aeropuerto.
  • She is hugging her dog because he's scared of thunder. Ella está abrazando a su perro porque tiene miedo de los truenos.
  • Is he hugging anyone else? ¿Está abrazando a alguien más?
  • She isn't hugging anyone right now. Ella no está abrazando a nadie ahora.

Conjugación del verbo hug en futuro continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will be hugging
You will be hugging
He will be hugging
She will be hugging
It will be hugging
We will be hugging
They will be hugging
Forma negativa
I will not be hugging
You will not be hugging
He will not hugging
She will not be hugging
It will not be hugging
We will not be hugging
They will not be hugging
Forma interrogativa
Will I be hugging?
Will you be hugging?
Will he be hugging?
Will she be hugging?
Will it be hugging?
Will we be hugging
Will they be hugging?

Oraciones con el verbo hug conjugado en futuro progresivo

  • He will be hugging his partner after their long trip. Él estará abrazando a su pareja después de su largo viaje.
  • She will be hugging her cat during the fireworks. Ella estará abrazando a su gato durante los fuegos artificiales.
  • Will he be hugging his partner when she arrives? ¿Él estará abrazando a su pareja cuando ella llegue?
  • She will not be hugging her cat if it is scared. Ella no estará abrazando a su gato si está asustado.

Conjugación del verbo hug en pasado perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I had been hugging
You had been hugging
He had been hugging
She had been hugging
It had been hugging
We had been hugging
They had been hugging
Forma negativa
I had not been hugging
You had not been hugging
He had not been hugging
She had not been hugging
It had not been hugging
We had not been hugging
They had not been hugging
Forma interrogativa
Had I been hugging?
Had you been hugging?
Had he been hugging?
Had she been hugging?
Had it been hugging?
Had we been hugging
Had they been hugging?

Oraciones con el verbo hug conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo

  • They had been hugging each other happily during the whole ceremony. Ellos habían estado abrazándose felizmente durante toda la ceremonia.
  • She had been hugging her pillow while watching a scary movie. Ella había estado abrazando su almohada mientras veía una película de terror.
  • Had they been hugging each other? ¿Ellos habían estado abrazándose?
  • She hadn't been hugging her pillow for comfort lately. Ella no había estado abrazando su almohada por comodidad últimamente.

Conjugación del verbo hug en presente perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I have been hugging
You have been hugging
He has been hugging
She has been hugging
It has been hugging
We have been hugging
They have been hugging
Forma negativa
I have not been hugging
You have not been hugging
He has not been hugging
She has not been hugging
It has not been hugging
We have not been hugging
They have not been hugging
Forma interrogativa
Have I been hugging?
Have you been hugging?
Has he been hugging?
Has she been hugging?
Has it been hugging?
Have we been hugging
Have they been hugging?

Oraciones con el verbo hug conjugado en presente perfecto continuo

  • They have been hugging each other a lot lately. Se han estado abrazando mucho últimamente.
  • She has been hugging her teddy bear since she was a child. Ella ha estado abrazando a su oso de peluche desde que era niña.
  • Have they been hugging each other a lot lately? ¿Se han estado abrazando mucho últimamente?
  • She hasn't been hugging her teddy bear as often. No ha estado abrazando a su oso de peluche tan a menudo.

Conjugación del verbo hug en futuro perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will have been hugging
You will have been hugging
He will have been hugging
She will have been hugging
It will has been hugging
We will have been hugging
They will have been hugging
Forma negativa
I will not have been hugging
You will not have been hugging
He will not have been hugging
She will not have been hugging
It will not have been hugging
We will not have been hugging
They will not have been hugging
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been hugging?
Will you have been hugging?
Will he have been hugging?
Will she have been hugging?
Will it have been hugging?
Will we have been hugging
Will they have been hugging?

Oraciones con el verbo hug conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo

  • They will have been hugging each other warmly for hours by the time we arrive. Ellos habrán estado abrazándose calurosamente durante horas cuando lleguemos.
  • She will have been hugging her newborn baby since she was born. Ella habrá estado abrazando a su bebé recién nacido desde que nació.
  • Will they have been hugging each other? ¿Habrán estado abrazándose?
  • She hasn't been hugging her baby enough. Ella no ha estado abrazando a su bebé lo suficiente.

Otras conjugaciones