Conjugaciones del verbo liberate

Traducción: liberar; libertar; emancipar; ...
Pronunciación: liberate
Infinitivo: to liberate
Preterito: liberated
Gerundio: liberating

Conjugación del verbo liberate en pasado simple

Forma afirmativa
I liberated
You liberated
He liberated
She liberated
It liberated
We liberated
They liberated
Forma negativa
I did not liberate
You did not liberate
He did not liberate
She did not liberate
It did not liberate
We did not liberate
They did not liberate
Forma interrogativa
Did I liberate?
Did you liberate?
Did he liberate?
Did she liberate?
Did it liberate?
Did we liberate
Did they liberate?

Oraciones con el verbo liberate conjugado en pasado simple

  • They liberated the city from enemy occupation. Ellos liberaron la ciudad de la ocupación enemiga.
  • She liberated her thoughts after years of suppression. Ella liberó sus pensamientos después de años de supresión.
  • Did they liberate the city from the enemy? ¿Liberaron la ciudad del enemigo?
  • She didn't liberate her thoughts immediately. No liberó sus pensamientos de inmediato.

Conjugación del verbo liberate en presente simple

Forma afirmativa
I liberate
You liberate
He liberates
She liberates
It liberates
We liberate
They liberate
Forma negativa
I do not liberate
You do not liberate
He does not liberate
She does not liberate
It do not liberate
We do not liberate
They do not liberate
Forma interrogativa
Do I liberate?
Do you liberate?
Does he liberate?
Does she liberate?
Do it liberate?
Do we liberate
Do they liberate?

Oraciones con el verbo liberate conjugado en presente simple

  • They liberate the captives after negotiations. Ellos liberan a los cautivos después de las negociaciones.
  • She liberates her thoughts through writing. Ella libera sus pensamientos a través de la escritura.
  • Do they liberate the captives every time? ¿Liberan a los cautivos cada vez?
  • She does not liberate her thoughts often. Ella no libera sus pensamientos a menudo.

Conjugación del verbo liberate en futuro simple

Forma afirmativa
I will liberate
You will liberate
He will liberate
She will liberate
It will liberate
We will liberate
They will liberate
Forma negativa
I will not liberate
You will not liberate
He will not liberate
She will not liberate
It will not liberate
We will not liberate
They will not liberate
Forma interrogativa
Will I liberate?
Will you liberate?
Will he liberate?
Will she liberate?
Will it liberate?
Will we liberate
Will they liberate?

Oraciones con el verbo liberate conjugado en futuro simple

  • They will liberate the region from economic hardship. Ellos liberarán a la región de la pobreza económica.
  • She will liberate her mind from distractions to focus on her goals. Ella liberará su mente de distracciones para enfocarse en sus metas.
  • Will they liberate the region? ¿Ellos liberarán a la región?
  • She won't liberate her mind if she keeps checking her phone. Ella no liberará su mente si sigue revisando su teléfono.

Conjugación del verbo liberate en pasado perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I had liberated
You had liberated
He had liberated
She had liberated
It had liberated
We had liberated
They had liberated
Forma negativa
I had not liberated
You had not liberated
He had not liberated
She had not liberated
It had not liberated
We had not liberated
They had not liberated
Forma interrogativa
Had I liberated?
Had you liberated?
Had he liberated?
Had she liberated?
Had it liberated?
Had we liberated
Had they liberated?

Oraciones con el verbo liberate conjugado en pasado perfecto

  • By then, they had liberated all the hostages safely. Para entonces, habían liberado a todos los rehenes con seguridad.
  • She had liberated herself from her fears before taking the stage. Ella se había liberado de sus miedos antes de subir al escenario.
  • Had they liberated any regions yet? ¿Ya habían liberado alguna región?
  • She hadn't liberated her mind completely. Ella no había liberado su mente completamente.

Conjugación del verbo liberate en presente perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I have liberated
You have liberated
He has liberated
She has liberated
It has liberated
We have liberated
They have liberated
Forma negativa
I have not liberated
You have not liberated
He has not liberated
She has not liberated
It has not liberated
We have not liberated
They have not liberated
Forma interrogativa
Have I liberated?
Have you liberated?
Has he liberated?
Has she liberated?
Has it liberated?
Have we liberated
Have they liberated?

Oraciones con el verbo liberate conjugado en presente perfecto

  • They have liberated many countries from colonial rule. Han liberado a muchos países del dominio colonial.
  • She has liberated herself from a toxic relationship. Ella se ha liberado de una relación tóxica.
  • Have they liberated the region already? ¿Ya han liberado la región?
  • They haven't liberated anyone yet. Aún no han liberado a nadie.

Conjugación del verbo liberate en futuro perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I will have liberated
You will have liberated
He will have liberated
She will have liberated
It will have liberated
We will have liberated
They will have liberated
Forma negativa
I will not have liberated
You will not have liberated
He will not have liberated
She will not have liberated
It will not have liberated
We will not have liberated
They will not have liberated
Forma interrogativa
Will I have liberated?
Will you have liberated?
Will he have liberated?
Will she have liberated?
Will it have liberated?
Will we have liberated
Will they have liberated?

Oraciones con el verbo liberate conjugado en futuro perfecto

  • By then, they will have liberated many individuals from poverty. Para entonces, habrán liberado a muchas personas de la pobreza.
  • She will have liberated herself from limiting beliefs. Ella se habrá liberado de creencias limitantes.
  • Will they have liberated all the prisoners by next month? ¿Habrán liberado a todos los prisioneros para el próximo mes?
  • He will not have liberated himself from his past fears. Él no se habrá liberado de sus miedos pasados.

Conjugación del verbo liberate en pasado continuo

Forma afirmativa
I was liberating
You were liberating
He was liberating
She was liberating
It was liberating
We were liberating
They were liberating
Forma negativa
I was not liberating
You were not liberating
He was not liberating
She was not liberating
It was not liberating
We were not liberating
They were not liberating
Forma interrogativa
Was I liberating?
Were you liberating?
Was he liberating?
Was she liberating?
Was it liberating?
Were we liberating
Were they liberating?

Oraciones con el verbo liberate conjugado en pasado progresivo

  • They were liberating the prisoners when the ceasefire was announced. Estaban liberando a los prisioneros cuando se anunció el alto el fuego.
  • She was liberating herself from self-doubt during the competition. Ella se estaba liberando de la duda durante la competencia.
  • Were they liberating any political prisoners? ¿Estaban liberando a algún prisionero político?
  • She wasn't liberating herself from fear yet. Ella no se estaba liberando del miedo aún.

Conjugación del verbo liberate en presente continuo

Forma afirmativa
I am liberating
You are liberating
He is liberating
She is liberating
It is liberating
We are liberating
They are liberating
Forma negativa
I am not liberating
You are not liberating
He is not liberating
She is not liberating
It is not liberating
We are not liberating
They are not liberating
Forma interrogativa
Am I liberating?
are you liberating?
Is he liberating?
Is she liberating?
Is it liberating?
Are we liberating
Are they liberating?

Oraciones con el verbo liberate conjugado en presente progresivo

  • They are liberating the oppressed people from tyranny. Están liberando a los pueblos oprimidos de la tiranía.
  • She is liberating herself from old beliefs. Ella se está liberando de viejas creencias.
  • Are they liberating the prisoners now? ¿Están liberando a los prisioneros ahora?
  • She isn't liberating herself yet. Ella aún no se está liberando.

Conjugación del verbo liberate en futuro continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will be liberating
You will be liberating
He will be liberating
She will be liberating
It will be liberating
We will be liberating
They will be liberating
Forma negativa
I will not be liberating
You will not be liberating
He will not liberating
She will not be liberating
It will not be liberating
We will not be liberating
They will not be liberating
Forma interrogativa
Will I be liberating?
Will you be liberating?
Will he be liberating?
Will she be liberating?
Will it be liberating?
Will we be liberating
Will they be liberating?

Oraciones con el verbo liberate conjugado en futuro progresivo

  • They will be liberating the community from environmental pollution. Ellos estarán liberando a la comunidad de la contaminación ambiental.
  • She will be liberating herself from societal expectations. Ella estará liberándose de las expectativas sociales.
  • Will they be liberating the park for the festival? ¿Estarán liberando el parque para el festival?
  • They will not be liberating the resources for the project. Ellos no estarán liberando los recursos para el proyecto.

Conjugación del verbo liberate en pasado perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I had been liberating
You had been liberating
He had been liberating
She had been liberating
It had been liberating
We had been liberating
They had been liberating
Forma negativa
I had not been liberating
You had not been liberating
He had not been liberating
She had not been liberating
It had not been liberating
We had not been liberating
They had not been liberating
Forma interrogativa
Had I been liberating?
Had you been liberating?
Had he been liberating?
Had she been liberating?
Had it been liberating?
Had we been liberating
Had they been liberating?

Oraciones con el verbo liberate conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo

  • They had been liberating people from oppression for decades. Ellos habían estado liberando a las personas de la opresión durante décadas.
  • She had been liberating herself from negative influences in her life. Ella había estado liberándose de influencias negativas en su vida.
  • Had they been liberating people for decades? ¿Ellos habían estado liberando a las personas durante décadas?
  • She hadn't been liberating herself recently. Ella no se había estado liberando recientemente.

Conjugación del verbo liberate en presente perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I have been liberating
You have been liberating
He has been liberating
She has been liberating
It has been liberating
We have been liberating
They have been liberating
Forma negativa
I have not been liberating
You have not been liberating
He has not been liberating
She has not been liberating
It has not been liberating
We have not been liberating
They have not been liberating
Forma interrogativa
Have I been liberating?
Have you been liberating?
Has he been liberating?
Has she been liberating?
Has it been liberating?
Have we been liberating
Have they been liberating?

Oraciones con el verbo liberate conjugado en presente perfecto continuo

  • We have been liberating animals from captivity for years. Hemos estado liberando animales de la cautividad durante años.
  • She has been liberating herself from financial burdens. Ella se ha estado liberando de cargas financieras.
  • Have we been liberating animals for years? ¿Hemos estado liberando animales por años?
  • She hasn't been liberating herself quickly enough. No se ha estado liberando lo suficientemente rápido.

Conjugación del verbo liberate en futuro perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will have been liberating
You will have been liberating
He will have been liberating
She will have been liberating
It will has been liberating
We will have been liberating
They will have been liberating
Forma negativa
I will not have been liberating
You will not have been liberating
He will not have been liberating
She will not have been liberating
It will not have been liberating
We will not have been liberating
They will not have been liberating
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been liberating?
Will you have been liberating?
Will he have been liberating?
Will she have been liberating?
Will it have been liberating?
Will we have been liberating
Will they have been liberating?

Oraciones con el verbo liberate conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo

  • They will have been liberating people from injustice for years. Ellos habrán estado liberando a las personas de la injusticia durante años.
  • She will have been liberating herself spiritually through meditation. Ella habrá estado liberándose espiritualmente a través de la meditación.
  • Will they have been liberating people from injustice? ¿Habrán estado liberando a las personas de la injusticia?
  • She hasn't been liberating herself enough. Ella no ha estado liberándose lo suficiente.

Otras conjugaciones