Conjugaciones del verbo object

Traducción: oponer; objetar; oponerse; ...
Pronunciación: object
Infinitivo: to object
Preterito: objected
Gerundio: objecting

Conjugación del verbo object en pasado simple

Forma afirmativa
I objected
You objected
He objected
She objected
It objected
We objected
They objected
Forma negativa
I did not object
You did not object
He did not object
She did not object
It did not object
We did not object
They did not object
Forma interrogativa
Did I object?
Did you object?
Did he object?
Did she object?
Did it object?
Did we object
Did they object?

Oraciones con el verbo object conjugado en pasado simple

  • She objected to the decision last week. Ella objetó la decisión la semana pasada.
  • He objected to the new regulations immediately. Él objetó las nuevas regulaciones de inmediato.
  • Did she object to the decision last week? ¿Objetó la decisión la semana pasada?
  • He didn't object to the regulations until the meeting. No objetó las regulaciones hasta la reunión.

Conjugación del verbo object en presente simple

Forma afirmativa
I object
You object
He objects
She objects
It objects
We object
They object
Forma negativa
I do not object
You do not object
He does not object
She does not object
It do not object
We do not object
They do not object
Forma interrogativa
Do I object?
Do you object?
Does he object?
Does she object?
Do it object?
Do we object
Do they object?

Oraciones con el verbo object conjugado en presente simple

  • She objects to the new policy changes. Ella se opone a los nuevos cambios de política.
  • He objects to the decision made by the committee. Él se opone a la decisión tomada por el comité.
  • Does she object to the proposed changes? ¿Ella se opone a los cambios propuestos?
  • He does not object to the new regulations. Él no se opone a las nuevas regulaciones.

Conjugación del verbo object en futuro simple

Forma afirmativa
I will object
You will object
He will object
She will object
It will object
We will object
They will object
Forma negativa
I will not object
You will not object
He will not object
She will not object
It will not object
We will not object
They will not object
Forma interrogativa
Will I object?
Will you object?
Will he object?
Will she object?
Will it object?
Will we object
Will they object?

Oraciones con el verbo object conjugado en futuro simple

  • They will object to any changes that affect their rights. Ellos objetarán a cualquier cambio que afecte sus derechos.
  • She will object to the decision if it goes against the team's recommendation. Ella objetará la decisión si va en contra de la recomendación del equipo.
  • Will they object to any changes? ¿Ellos objetarán a algún cambio?
  • She won't object if the team agrees. Ella no objetará si el equipo está de acuerdo.

Conjugación del verbo object en pasado perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I had objected
You had objected
He had objected
She had objected
It had objected
We had objected
They had objected
Forma negativa
I had not objected
You had not objected
He had not objected
She had not objected
It had not objected
We had not objected
They had not objected
Forma interrogativa
Had I objected?
Had you objected?
Had he objected?
Had she objected?
Had it objected?
Had we objected
Had they objected?

Oraciones con el verbo object conjugado en pasado perfecto

  • By then, they had objected to all the terms of the agreement. Para entonces, habían objetado todos los términos del acuerdo.
  • She had objected to the project before it started. Ella había objetado el proyecto antes de que comenzara.
  • Had they objected to the changes? ¿Habían objetado los cambios?
  • She hadn't objected to the timeline. Ella no había objetado el cronograma.

Conjugación del verbo object en presente perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I have objected
You have objected
He has objected
She has objected
It has objected
We have objected
They have objected
Forma negativa
I have not objected
You have not objected
He has not objected
She has not objected
It has not objected
We have not objected
They have not objected
Forma interrogativa
Have I objected?
Have you objected?
Has he objected?
Has she objected?
Has it objected?
Have we objected
Have they objected?

Oraciones con el verbo object conjugado en presente perfecto

  • They have objected to similar proposals in the past. Han objetado propuestas similares en el pasado.
  • She has objected to his behavior on several occasions. Ella ha objetado su comportamiento en varias ocasiones.
  • Have they objected to the plan yet? ¿Ya han objetado el plan?
  • He hasn't objected to the decision. Él no ha objetado la decisión.

Conjugación del verbo object en futuro perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I will have objected
You will have objected
He will have objected
She will have objected
It will have objected
We will have objected
They will have objected
Forma negativa
I will not have objected
You will not have objected
He will not have objected
She will not have objected
It will not have objected
We will not have objected
They will not have objected
Forma interrogativa
Will I have objected?
Will you have objected?
Will he have objected?
Will she have objected?
Will it have objected?
Will we have objected
Will they have objected?

Oraciones con el verbo object conjugado en futuro perfecto

  • By then, they will have objected to all the terms of the contract. Para entonces, habrán objetado todos los términos del contrato.
  • She will have objected to his behavior for years. Ella habrá objetado su comportamiento durante años.
  • Will they have objected to the new regulations by next week? ¿Habrán objetado las nuevas regulaciones para la próxima semana?
  • They will not have objected to the proposal by the deadline. No habrán objetado la propuesta para la fecha límite.

Conjugación del verbo object en pasado continuo

Forma afirmativa
I was objecting
You were objecting
He was objecting
She was objecting
It was objecting
We were objecting
They were objecting
Forma negativa
I was not objecting
You were not objecting
He was not objecting
She was not objecting
It was not objecting
We were not objecting
They were not objecting
Forma interrogativa
Was I objecting?
Were you objecting?
Was he objecting?
Was she objecting?
Was it objecting?
Were we objecting
Were they objecting?

Oraciones con el verbo object conjugado en pasado progresivo

  • They were objecting to the proposal when the meeting was adjourned. Estaban objetando la propuesta cuando se suspendió la reunión.
  • She was objecting to the contract terms throughout the negotiation. Ella estaba objetando los términos del contrato durante toda la negociación.
  • Were they objecting to the final decision? ¿Estaban objetando la decisión final?
  • She wasn't objecting during the presentation. Ella no estaba objetando durante la presentación.

Conjugación del verbo object en presente continuo

Forma afirmativa
I am objecting
You are objecting
He is objecting
She is objecting
It is objecting
We are objecting
They are objecting
Forma negativa
I am not objecting
You are not objecting
He is not objecting
She is not objecting
It is not objecting
We are not objecting
They are not objecting
Forma interrogativa
Am I objecting?
are you objecting?
Is he objecting?
Is she objecting?
Is it objecting?
Are we objecting
Are they objecting?

Oraciones con el verbo object conjugado en presente progresivo

  • They are objecting to the proposal during the meeting. Están objetando la propuesta durante la reunión.
  • She is objecting to the way the project is being managed. Ella está objetando la manera en que se está gestionando el proyecto.
  • Are they objecting to the new regulations? ¿Están objetando las nuevas regulaciones?
  • He isn't objecting as strongly as before. Él no está objetando con tanta fuerza como antes.

Conjugación del verbo object en futuro continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will be objecting
You will be objecting
He will be objecting
She will be objecting
It will be objecting
We will be objecting
They will be objecting
Forma negativa
I will not be objecting
You will not be objecting
He will not objecting
She will not be objecting
It will not be objecting
We will not be objecting
They will not be objecting
Forma interrogativa
Will I be objecting?
Will you be objecting?
Will he be objecting?
Will she be objecting?
Will it be objecting?
Will we be objecting
Will they be objecting?

Oraciones con el verbo object conjugado en futuro progresivo

  • They will be objecting to the new policy during the upcoming meeting. Ellos estarán objetando la nueva política durante la próxima reunión.
  • She will be objecting to the proposal until her concerns are addressed. Ella estará objetando la propuesta hasta que se aborden sus preocupaciones.
  • Will they be objecting to the changes during the discussion? ¿Estarán ellos objetando los cambios durante la discusión?
  • He will not be objecting to the team's decision. Él no estará objetando la decisión del equipo.

Conjugación del verbo object en pasado perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I had been objecting
You had been objecting
He had been objecting
She had been objecting
It had been objecting
We had been objecting
They had been objecting
Forma negativa
I had not been objecting
You had not been objecting
He had not been objecting
She had not been objecting
It had not been objecting
We had not been objecting
They had not been objecting
Forma interrogativa
Had I been objecting?
Had you been objecting?
Had he been objecting?
Had she been objecting?
Had it been objecting?
Had we been objecting
Had they been objecting?

Oraciones con el verbo object conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo

  • They had been objecting to his actions for hours before he apologized. Ellos habían estado objetando sus acciones durante horas antes de que él se disculpara.
  • She had been objecting to the changes for months before they were reversed. Ella había estado objetando los cambios durante meses antes de que se revocaran.
  • Had they been objecting to his actions for hours? ¿Ellos habían estado objetando sus acciones durante horas?
  • She hadn't been objecting to any changes lately. Ella no había estado objetando ningún cambio últimamente.

Conjugación del verbo object en presente perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I have been objecting
You have been objecting
He has been objecting
She has been objecting
It has been objecting
We have been objecting
They have been objecting
Forma negativa
I have not been objecting
You have not been objecting
He has not been objecting
She has not been objecting
It has not been objecting
We have not been objecting
They have not been objecting
Forma interrogativa
Have I been objecting?
Have you been objecting?
Has he been objecting?
Has she been objecting?
Has it been objecting?
Have we been objecting
Have they been objecting?

Oraciones con el verbo object conjugado en presente perfecto continuo

  • We have been objecting to these plans for months. Hemos estado objetando estos planes durante meses.
  • She has been objecting to the changes since they were announced. Ella ha estado objetando los cambios desde que fueron anunciados.
  • Have we been objecting to these plans for long? ¿Hemos estado objetando estos planes por mucho tiempo?
  • She hasn't been objecting much lately. No ha estado objetando mucho últimamente.

Conjugación del verbo object en futuro perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will have been objecting
You will have been objecting
He will have been objecting
She will have been objecting
It will has been objecting
We will have been objecting
They will have been objecting
Forma negativa
I will not have been objecting
You will not have been objecting
He will not have been objecting
She will not have been objecting
It will not have been objecting
We will not have been objecting
They will not have been objecting
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been objecting?
Will you have been objecting?
Will he have been objecting?
Will she have been objecting?
Will it have been objecting?
Will we have been objecting
Will they have been objecting?

Oraciones con el verbo object conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo

  • They will have been objecting to these plans for a decade. Ellos habrán estado objetando estos planes durante una década.
  • She will have been objecting to the changes for a long time. Ella habrá estado objetando los cambios durante mucho tiempo.
  • Will they have been objecting to these plans? ¿Habrán estado objetando estos planes?
  • She hasn't been objecting to any plans recently. Ella no ha estado objetando ningún plan recientemente.

Otras conjugaciones