Conjugaciones del verbo outsource
Traducción: externalizar; subcontratar; tercerizar; ...
Infinitivo: to outsource
Preterito: outsourced
Gerundio: outsourcing
Conjugación del verbo outsource en pasado simple
Forma afirmativa
I outsourced
You outsourced
He outsourced
She outsourced
It outsourced
We outsourced
They outsourced
Forma negativa
I did not outsource
You did not outsource
He did not outsource
She did not outsource
It did not outsource
We did not outsource
They did not outsource
Forma interrogativa
Did I outsource?
Did you outsource?
Did he outsource?
Did she outsource?
Did it outsource?
Did we outsource
Did they outsource?
Oraciones con el verbo outsource conjugado en pasado simple
- They outsourced the task yesterday. Subcontrataron la tarea ayer.
- She outsourced the project last week. Ella subcontrató el proyecto la semana pasada.
- Did they outsource that work? ¿Subcontrataron ese trabajo?
- We didn't outsource anything. No subcontratamos nada.
Conjugación del verbo outsource en presente simple
Forma afirmativa
I outsource
You outsource
He outsources
She outsources
It outsources
We outsource
They outsource
Forma negativa
I do not outsource
You do not outsource
He does not outsource
She does not outsource
It do not outsource
We do not outsource
They do not outsource
Forma interrogativa
Do I outsource?
Do you outsource?
Does he outsource?
Does she outsource?
Do it outsource?
Do we outsource
Do they outsource?
Oraciones con el verbo outsource conjugado en presente simple
- I outsource the task. Yo subcontrato la tarea.
- She outsources the project. Ella subcontrata el proyecto.
- Do you outsource the work? ¿Subcontratas el trabajo?
- He does not outsource his responsibilities. Él no subcontrata sus responsabilidades.
Conjugación del verbo outsource en futuro simple
Forma afirmativa
I will outsource
You will outsource
He will outsource
She will outsource
It will outsource
We will outsource
They will outsource
Forma negativa
I will not outsource
You will not outsource
He will not outsource
She will not outsource
It will not outsource
We will not outsource
They will not outsource
Forma interrogativa
Will I outsource?
Will you outsource?
Will he outsource?
Will she outsource?
Will it outsource?
Will we outsource
Will they outsource?
Oraciones con el verbo outsource conjugado en futuro simple
- We will outsource the task tomorrow. Externalizaremos la tarea mañana.
- He will outsource the project next time. Él externalizará el proyecto la próxima vez.
- Will we outsource it together? ¿Externalizaremos juntos?
- We won't outsource anything without a plan. No externalizaremos nada sin un plan.
Conjugación del verbo outsource en pasado perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I had outsourced
You had outsourced
He had outsourced
She had outsourced
It had outsourced
We had outsourced
They had outsourced
Forma negativa
I had not outsourced
You had not outsourced
He had not outsourced
She had not outsourced
It had not outsourced
We had not outsourced
They had not outsourced
Forma interrogativa
Had I outsourced?
Had you outsourced?
Had he outsourced?
Had she outsourced?
Had it outsourced?
Had we outsourced
Had they outsourced?
Oraciones con el verbo outsource conjugado en pasado perfecto
- By the time I arrived, he had already outsourced the work. Para cuando llegué, él ya había subcontratado el trabajo.
- We had outsourced the job before the deadline. Habíamos subcontratado el trabajo antes de la fecha límite.
- Had he already outsourced the work by the time I arrived? ¿Ya había subcontratado él el trabajo para cuando llegué?
- He hadn't already outsourced the work by the time I arrived. Él no había subcontratado ya el trabajo para cuando llegué.
Conjugación del verbo outsource en presente perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I have outsourced
You have outsourced
He has outsourced
She has outsourced
It has outsourced
We have outsourced
They have outsourced
Forma negativa
I have not outsourced
You have not outsourced
He has not outsourced
She has not outsourced
It has not outsourced
We have not outsourced
They have not outsourced
Forma interrogativa
Have I outsourced?
Have you outsourced?
Has he outsourced?
Has she outsourced?
Has it outsourced?
Have we outsourced
Have they outsourced?
Oraciones con el verbo outsource conjugado en presente perfecto
- They have outsourced their work. Han subcontratado su trabajo.
- He has outsourced his department. Él ha subcontratado su departamento.
- Have they outsourced the project? ¿Han subcontratado el proyecto?
- They haven't outsourced anything this week. No han subcontratado nada esta semana.
Conjugación del verbo outsource en futuro perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I will have outsourced
You will have outsourced
He will have outsourced
She will have outsourced
It will have outsourced
We will have outsourced
They will have outsourced
Forma negativa
I will not have outsourced
You will not have outsourced
He will not have outsourced
She will not have outsourced
It will not have outsourced
We will not have outsourced
They will not have outsourced
Forma interrogativa
Will I have outsourced?
Will you have outsourced?
Will he have outsourced?
Will she have outsourced?
Will it have outsourced?
Will we have outsourced
Will they have outsourced?
Oraciones con el verbo outsource conjugado en futuro perfecto
- By next week, they will have outsourced their jobs. Para la próxima semana, habrán subcontratado sus trabajos.
- It will have outsourced the work by then. Habría subcontratado el trabajo para entonces.
- They won't have outsourced their jobs by next week. No habrán subcontratado sus trabajos para la próxima semana.
- Will it have outsourced the work by then? ¿Habría subcontratado el trabajo para entonces?
Conjugación del verbo outsource en pasado continuo
Forma afirmativa
I was outsourcing
You were outsourcing
He was outsourcing
She was outsourcing
It was outsourcing
We were outsourcing
They were outsourcing
Forma negativa
I was not outsourcing
You were not outsourcing
He was not outsourcing
She was not outsourcing
It was not outsourcing
We were not outsourcing
They were not outsourcing
Forma interrogativa
Was I outsourcing?
Were you outsourcing?
Was he outsourcing?
Was she outsourcing?
Was it outsourcing?
Were we outsourcing
Were they outsourcing?
Oraciones con el verbo outsource conjugado en pasado progresivo
- I was outsourcing the tasks when you called. Estaba subcontratando las tareas cuando llamaste.
- They were outsourcing the services during the transition. Ellos estaban subcontratando los servicios durante la transición.
- Was I outsourcing the tasks when you called? ¿Estaba subcontratando las tareas cuando llamaste?
- I wasn't outsourcing the tasks when you called. No estaba subcontratando las tareas cuando llamaste.
Conjugación del verbo outsource en presente continuo
Forma afirmativa
I am outsourcing
You are outsourcing
He is outsourcing
She is outsourcing
It is outsourcing
We are outsourcing
They are outsourcing
Forma negativa
I am not outsourcing
You are not outsourcing
He is not outsourcing
She is not outsourcing
It is not outsourcing
We are not outsourcing
They are not outsourcing
Forma interrogativa
Am I outsourcing?
are you outsourcing?
Is he outsourcing?
Is she outsourcing?
Is it outsourcing?
Are we outsourcing
Are they outsourcing?
Oraciones con el verbo outsource conjugado en presente progresivo
- We are outsourcing our jobs. Estamos subcontratando nuestros trabajos.
- It is outsourcing the production. Está subcontratando la producción.
- Are they outsourcing the tasks? ¿Están subcontratando las tareas?
- They aren't outsourcing anything today. No están subcontratando nada hoy.
Conjugación del verbo outsource en futuro continuo
Forma afirmativa
I will be outsourcing
You will be outsourcing
He will be outsourcing
She will be outsourcing
It will be outsourcing
We will be outsourcing
They will be outsourcing
Forma negativa
I will not be outsourcing
You will not be outsourcing
He will not outsourcing
She will not be outsourcing
It will not be outsourcing
We will not be outsourcing
They will not be outsourcing
Forma interrogativa
Will I be outsourcing?
Will you be outsourcing?
Will he be outsourcing?
Will she be outsourcing?
Will it be outsourcing?
Will we be outsourcing
Will they be outsourcing?
Oraciones con el verbo outsource conjugado en futuro progresivo
- I will be outsourcing the tasks all afternoon. Estaré subcontratando las tareas toda la tarde.
- They will be outsourcing the services during the process. Estarán subcontratando los servicios durante el proceso.
- I won't be outsourcing the tasks tomorrow. No estaré subcontratando las tareas mañana.
- Will they be outsourcing the services during the process? ¿Estarán subcontratando los servicios durante el proceso?
Conjugación del verbo outsource en pasado perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I had been outsourcing
You had been outsourcing
He had been outsourcing
She had been outsourcing
It had been outsourcing
We had been outsourcing
They had been outsourcing
Forma negativa
I had not been outsourcing
You had not been outsourcing
He had not been outsourcing
She had not been outsourcing
It had not been outsourcing
We had not been outsourcing
They had not been outsourcing
Forma interrogativa
Had I been outsourcing?
Had you been outsourcing?
Had he been outsourcing?
Had she been outsourcing?
Had it been outsourcing?
Had we been outsourcing
Had they been outsourcing?
Oraciones con el verbo outsource conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo
- It had been outsourcing the tasks for hours before we noticed. Había estado externalizando las tareas durante horas antes de que lo notáramos.
- We had been outsourcing the production for days before the problem was identified. Habíamos estado externalizando la producción durante días antes de que se identificara el problema.
- Had it been outsourcing effectively? ¿Había estado externalizando de manera efectiva?
- It hadn't been outsourcing enough. No había estado externalizando lo suficiente.
Conjugación del verbo outsource en presente perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I have been outsourcing
You have been outsourcing
He has been outsourcing
She has been outsourcing
It has been outsourcing
We have been outsourcing
They have been outsourcing
Forma negativa
I have not been outsourcing
You have not been outsourcing
He has not been outsourcing
She has not been outsourcing
It has not been outsourcing
We have not been outsourcing
They have not been outsourcing
Forma interrogativa
Have I been outsourcing?
Have you been outsourcing?
Has he been outsourcing?
Has she been outsourcing?
Has it been outsourcing?
Have we been outsourcing
Have they been outsourcing?
Oraciones con el verbo outsource conjugado en presente perfecto continuo
- I have been outsourcing the tasks all day. He estado subcontratando las tareas todo el día.
- They have been outsourcing the functions for hours. Han estado subcontratando las funciones durante horas.
- Have I been outsourcing correctly? ¿He estado subcontratando correctamente?
- It hasn't been outsourcing easy. No ha estado subcontratando fácil.
Conjugación del verbo outsource en futuro perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I will have been outsourcing
You will have been outsourcing
He will have been outsourcing
She will have been outsourcing
It will has been outsourcing
We will have been outsourcing
They will have been outsourcing
Forma negativa
I will not have been outsourcing
You will not have been outsourcing
He will not have been outsourcing
She will not have been outsourcing
It will not have been outsourcing
We will not have been outsourcing
They will not have been outsourcing
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been outsourcing?
Will you have been outsourcing?
Will he have been outsourcing?
Will she have been outsourcing?
Will it have been outsourcing?
Will we have been outsourcing
Will they have been outsourcing?
Oraciones con el verbo outsource conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo
- By the end of the month, we will have been outsourcing the production for weeks. Para fin de mes, habremos estado subcontratando la producción durante semanas.
- She will have been outsourcing the functions for years by then. Ella habrá estado subcontratando las funciones durante años para entonces.
- We won't have been outsourcing the production for long by the end of the month. No habremos estado subcontratando la producción durante mucho tiempo para fin de mes.
- Will she have been outsourcing the functions regularly? ¿Habrá estado subcontratando las funciones regularmente?