Conjugaciones del verbo rain

Traducción: llover; ...
Pronunciación: rain
Infinitivo: to rain
Preterito: rained
Gerundio: raining

Conjugación del verbo rain en pasado simple

Forma afirmativa
I rained
You rained
He rained
She rained
It rained
We rained
They rained
Forma negativa
I did not rain
You did not rain
He did not rain
She did not rain
It did not rain
We did not rain
They did not rain
Forma interrogativa
Did I rain?
Did you rain?
Did he rain?
Did she rain?
Did it rain?
Did we rain
Did they rain?

Oraciones con el verbo rain conjugado en pasado simple

  • It rained all day yesterday. Llovió todo el día ayer.
  • She rained confetti on the winning team. Ella lanzó confeti al equipo ganador.
  • Did it rain all day yesterday? ¿Llovió todo el día ayer?
  • She didn't rain as much confetti as planned. No lanzó tanto confeti como planeado.

Conjugación del verbo rain en presente simple

Forma afirmativa
I rain
You rain
He rains
She rains
It rains
We rain
They rain
Forma negativa
I do not rain
You do not rain
He does not rain
She does not rain
It do not rain
We do not rain
They do not rain
Forma interrogativa
Do I rain?
Do you rain?
Does he rain?
Does she rain?
Do it rain?
Do we rain
Do they rain?

Oraciones con el verbo rain conjugado en presente simple

  • It rains almost every afternoon during the rainy season. Llueve casi todas las tardes durante la temporada de lluvias.
  • She rains compliments on her students for their hard work. Ella lanza cumplidos a sus estudiantes por su arduo trabajo.
  • Does it rain often in your city? ¿Llueve a menudo en tu ciudad?
  • It doesn't rain much in the summer. No llueve mucho en verano.

Conjugación del verbo rain en futuro simple

Forma afirmativa
I will rain
You will rain
He will rain
She will rain
It will rain
We will rain
They will rain
Forma negativa
I will not rain
You will not rain
He will not rain
She will not rain
It will not rain
We will not rain
They will not rain
Forma interrogativa
Will I rain?
Will you rain?
Will he rain?
Will she rain?
Will it rain?
Will we rain
Will they rain?

Oraciones con el verbo rain conjugado en futuro simple

  • It will rain tomorrow afternoon. Lloverá mañana por la tarde.
  • She will rain questions on the panel during the interview. Ella lloverá preguntas sobre el panel durante la entrevista.
  • Will it rain tomorrow? ¿Lloverá mañana?
  • She won't rain questions if they are not relevant. Ella no lloverá preguntas si no son relevantes.

Conjugación del verbo rain en pasado perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I had rained
You had rained
He had rained
She had rained
It had rained
We had rained
They had rained
Forma negativa
I had not rained
You had not rained
He had not rained
She had not rained
It had not rained
We had not rained
They had not rained
Forma interrogativa
Had I rained?
Had you rained?
Had he rained?
Had she rained?
Had it rained?
Had we rained
Had they rained?

Oraciones con el verbo rain conjugado en pasado perfecto

  • By then, it had rained for hours. Para entonces, había llovido durante horas.
  • She had rained objections on every proposal. Ella había colmado de objeciones cada propuesta.
  • Had it rained all morning? ¿Había llovido toda la mañana?
  • She hadn't rained complaints on anyone else. Ella no había colmado de quejas a nadie más.

Conjugación del verbo rain en presente perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I have irained
You have irained
He has irained
She has irained
It has irained
We have irained
They have irained
Forma negativa
I have not irained
You have not irained
He has not irained
She has not irained
It has not irained
We have not irained
They have not irained
Forma interrogativa
Have I irained?
Have you irained?
Has he irained?
Has she irained?
Has it irained?
Have we irained
Have they irained?

Oraciones con el verbo rain conjugado en presente perfecto

  • It has rained every day this week. Ha llovido todos los días de esta semana.
  • She has rained criticism on his latest proposal. Ella ha llovido críticas sobre su última propuesta.
  • Has it rained recently? ¿Ha llovido recientemente?
  • She hasn't rained on anyone's parade yet. Aún no ha arruinado la fiesta de nadie.

Conjugación del verbo rain en futuro perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I will have irained
You will have irained
He will have irained
She will have irained
It will have irained
We will have irained
They will have irained
Forma negativa
I will not have irained
You will not have irained
He will not have irained
She will not have irained
It will not have irained
We will not have irained
They will not have irained
Forma interrogativa
Will I have irained?
Will you have irained?
Will he have irained?
Will she have irained?
Will it have irained?
Will we have irained
Will they have irained?

Oraciones con el verbo rain conjugado en futuro perfecto

  • By then, it will have rained for a week straight. Para entonces, habrá llovido durante una semana consecutiva.
  • She will have rained feedback on every aspect of the project. Ella habrá llovido retroalimentación sobre cada aspecto del proyecto.
  • Will it have rained for a week straight by then? ¿Habrá llovido durante una semana consecutiva para entonces?
  • She won't have rained feedback on every aspect of the project. No habrá llovido retroalimentación sobre cada aspecto del proyecto.

Conjugación del verbo rain en pasado continuo

Forma afirmativa
I was raining
You were raining
He was raining
She was raining
It was raining
We were raining
They were raining
Forma negativa
I was not raining
You were not raining
He was not raining
She was not raining
It was not raining
We were not raining
They were not raining
Forma interrogativa
Was I raining?
Were you raining?
Was he raining?
Was she raining?
Was it raining?
Were we raining
Were they raining?

Oraciones con el verbo rain conjugado en pasado progresivo

  • It was raining heavily when we left the party. Estaba lloviendo fuerte cuando dejamos la fiesta.
  • She was raining praises on the chef for the delicious meal. Ella estaba colmando de elogios al chef por la deliciosa comida.
  • Was it raining when you arrived? ¿Estaba lloviendo cuando llegaste?
  • She wasn't raining criticism during the discussion. Ella no estaba colmando de críticas durante la discusión.

Conjugación del verbo rain en presente continuo

Forma afirmativa
I am raining
You are raining
He is raining
She is raining
It is raining
We are raining
They are raining
Forma negativa
I am not raining
You are not raining
He is not raining
She is not raining
It is not raining
We are not raining
They are not raining
Forma interrogativa
Am I raining?
are you raining?
Is he raining?
Is she raining?
Is it raining?
Are we raining
Are they raining?

Oraciones con el verbo rain conjugado en presente progresivo

  • It is raining heavily right now. Está lloviendo fuertemente ahora.
  • She is raining down questions on the speaker. Ella está bombardeando al orador con preguntas.
  • Is it raining outside? ¿Está lloviendo afuera?
  • She isn't raining questions on anyone. Ella no está bombardeando a nadie con preguntas.

Conjugación del verbo rain en futuro continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will be raining
You will be raining
He will be raining
She will be raining
It will be raining
We will be raining
They will be raining
Forma negativa
I will not be raining
You will not be raining
He will not raining
She will not be raining
It will not be raining
We will not be raining
They will not be raining
Forma interrogativa
Will I be raining?
Will you be raining?
Will he be raining?
Will she be raining?
Will it be raining?
Will we be raining
Will they be raining?

Oraciones con el verbo rain conjugado en futuro progresivo

  • It will be raining heavily all evening. Estará lloviendo intensamente toda la tarde.
  • She will be raining criticism on the new policy. Ella estará lloviendo críticas sobre la nueva política.
  • Will it be raining heavily all evening? ¿Estará lloviendo intensamente toda la tarde?
  • She won't be raining criticism on the new policy. No estará lloviendo críticas sobre la nueva política.

Conjugación del verbo rain en pasado perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I had been raining
You had been raining
He had been raining
She had been raining
It had been raining
We had been raining
They had been raining
Forma negativa
I had not been raining
You had not been raining
He had not been raining
She had not been raining
It had not been raining
We had not been raining
They had not been raining
Forma interrogativa
Had I been raining?
Had you been raining?
Had he been raining?
Had she been raining?
Had it been raining?
Had we been raining
Had they been raining?

Oraciones con el verbo rain conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo

  • It had been raining non-stop for days before the floods came. Había estado lloviendo sin parar durante días antes de que llegaran las inundaciones.
  • She had been raining complaints on the poor service since she arrived. Ella había estado lloviendo quejas sobre el mal servicio desde que llegó.
  • Had it been raining non-stop? ¿Había estado lloviendo sin parar?
  • She hadn't been raining complaints lately. Ella no había estado lloviendo quejas últimamente.

Conjugación del verbo rain en presente perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I have been raining
You have been raining
He has been raining
She has been raining
It has been raining
We have been raining
They have been raining
Forma negativa
I have not been raining
You have not been raining
He has not been raining
She has not been raining
It has not been raining
We have not been raining
They have not been raining
Forma interrogativa
Have I been raining?
Have you been raining?
Has he been raining?
Has she been raining?
Has it been raining?
Have we been raining
Have they been raining?

Oraciones con el verbo rain conjugado en presente perfecto continuo

  • It has been raining since morning. Ha estado lloviendo desde la mañana.
  • She has been raining complaints on the poor service. Ella ha estado lanzando quejas por el mal servicio.
  • Has it been raining since morning? ¿Ha estado lloviendo desde la mañana?
  • She hasn't been raining as many complaints lately. No ha estado lanzando tantas quejas últimamente.

Conjugación del verbo rain en futuro perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will have been raining
You will have been raining
He will have been raining
She will have been raining
It will has been raining
We will have been raining
They will have been raining
Forma negativa
I will not have been raining
You will not have been raining
He will not have been raining
She will not have been raining
It will not have been raining
We will not have been raining
They will not have been raining
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been raining?
Will you have been raining?
Will he have been raining?
Will she have been raining?
Will it have been raining?
Will we have been raining
Will they have been raining?

Oraciones con el verbo rain conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo

  • It will have been raining for hours by the time we arrive. Habrá estado lloviendo durante horas para cuando lleguemos.
  • She will have been raining complaints on the delays. Ella habrá estado lloviendo quejas sobre los retrasos.
  • Will it have been raining for hours by the time we arrive? ¿Habrá estado lloviendo durante horas para cuando lleguemos?
  • She won't have been raining complaints on the delays. No habrá estado lloviendo quejas sobre los retrasos.

Otras conjugaciones