Conjugaciones del verbo reactivate

Traducción: reactivar; reactivarse; ...
Pronunciación: reactivate
Infinitivo: to reactivate
Preterito: reactivated
Gerundio: reactivating

Conjugación del verbo reactivate en pasado simple

Forma afirmativa
I reactivated
You reactivated
He reactivated
She reactivated
It reactivated
We reactivated
They reactivated
Forma negativa
I did not reactivate
You did not reactivate
He did not reactivate
She did not reactivate
It did not reactivate
We did not reactivate
They did not reactivate
Forma interrogativa
Did I reactivate?
Did you reactivate?
Did he reactivate?
Did she reactivate?
Did it reactivate?
Did we reactivate
Did they reactivate?

Oraciones con el verbo reactivate conjugado en pasado simple

  • You reactivated the service last week. Reactivaste el servicio la semana pasada.
  • They reactivated the backup plan immediately. Reactivaron el plan de respaldo de inmediato.
  • Did she reactivate anything? ¿Reactivó ella algo?
  • We didn't reactivate the account last time. No reactivamos la cuenta la última vez.

Conjugación del verbo reactivate en presente simple

Forma afirmativa
I reactivate
You reactivate
He reactivates
She reactivates
It reactivates
We reactivate
They reactivate
Forma negativa
I do not reactivate
You do not reactivate
He does not reactivate
She does not reactivate
It do not reactivate
We do not reactivate
They do not reactivate
Forma interrogativa
Do I reactivate?
Do you reactivate?
Does he reactivate?
Does she reactivate?
Do it reactivate?
Do we reactivate
Do they reactivate?

Oraciones con el verbo reactivate conjugado en presente simple

  • I reactivate my account every year. Reactivo mi cuenta cada año.
  • She reactivates the old machines for special projects. Ella reactiva las máquinas antiguas para proyectos especiales.
  • Do you reactivate your account every year? ¿Reactiva tu cuenta cada año?
  • He does not reactivate the machines often. Él no reactiva las máquinas a menudo.

Conjugación del verbo reactivate en futuro simple

Forma afirmativa
I will reactivate
You will reactivate
He will reactivate
She will reactivate
It will reactivate
We will reactivate
They will reactivate
Forma negativa
I will not reactivate
You will not reactivate
He will not reactivate
She will not reactivate
It will not reactivate
We will not reactivate
They will not reactivate
Forma interrogativa
Will I reactivate?
Will you reactivate?
Will he reactivate?
Will she reactivate?
Will it reactivate?
Will we reactivate
Will they reactivate?

Oraciones con el verbo reactivate conjugado en futuro simple

  • They will reactivate the plan next month. Ellos reactivarán el plan el próximo mes.
  • He will reactivate the software tomorrow. Él reactivará el software mañana.
  • Will they reactivate the plan next month? ¿Reactivaán ellos el plan el próximo mes?
  • He won't reactivate the software until he gets approval. Él no reactivará el software hasta que obtenga aprobación.

Conjugación del verbo reactivate en pasado perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I had reactivated
You had reactivated
He had reactivated
She had reactivated
It had reactivated
We had reactivated
They had reactivated
Forma negativa
I had not reactivated
You had not reactivated
He had not reactivated
She had not reactivated
It had not reactivated
We had not reactivated
They had not reactivated
Forma interrogativa
Had I reactivated?
Had you reactivated?
Had he reactivated?
Had she reactivated?
Had it reactivated?
Had we reactivated
Had they reactivated?

Oraciones con el verbo reactivate conjugado en pasado perfecto

  • He had reactivated his profile before the event. Él había reactivado su perfil antes del evento.
  • We had reactivated the feature before the release. Nosotros habíamos reactivado la función antes del lanzamiento.
  • Had he reactivated his profile before the event? ¿Había reactivado su perfil antes del evento?
  • He hadn't reactivated his profile before the event. No había reactivado su perfil antes del evento.

Conjugación del verbo reactivate en presente perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I have reactivated
You have reactivated
He has reactivated
She has reactivated
It has reactivated
We have reactivated
They have reactivated
Forma negativa
I have not reactivated
You have not reactivated
He has not reactivated
She has not reactivated
It has not reactivated
We have not reactivated
They have not reactivated
Forma interrogativa
Have I reactivated?
Have you reactivated?
Has he reactivated?
Has she reactivated?
Has it reactivated?
Have we reactivated
Have they reactivated?

Oraciones con el verbo reactivate conjugado en presente perfecto

  • We have reactivated the membership for the clients. Hemos reactivado la membresía para los clientes.
  • He has reactivated the old system after the update failed. Él ha reactivado el sistema viejo después de que la actualización falló.
  • Have you reactivated your account? ¿Has reactivado tu cuenta?
  • They haven't reactivated their memberships yet. No han reactivado sus membresías aún.

Conjugación del verbo reactivate en futuro perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I will have reactivated
You will have reactivated
He will have reactivated
She will have reactivated
It will have reactivated
We will have reactivated
They will have reactivated
Forma negativa
I will not have reactivated
You will not have reactivated
He will not have reactivated
She will not have reactivated
It will not have reactivated
We will not have reactivated
They will not have reactivated
Forma interrogativa
Will I have reactivated?
Will you have reactivated?
Will he have reactivated?
Will she have reactivated?
Will it have reactivated?
Will we have reactivated
Will they have reactivated?

Oraciones con el verbo reactivate conjugado en futuro perfecto

  • She will have reactivated her account by the end of the week. Habría reactivado su cuenta para el final de la semana.
  • We will have reactivated the service by next year. Habríamos reactivado el servicio para el próximo año.
  • They won't have reactivated their accounts. No habrán reactivado sus cuentas.
  • Will he have reactivated the service? ¿Habría reactivado el servicio?

Conjugación del verbo reactivate en pasado continuo

Forma afirmativa
I was reactivating
You were reactivating
He was reactivating
She was reactivating
It was reactivating
We were reactivating
They were reactivating
Forma negativa
I was not reactivating
You were not reactivating
He was not reactivating
She was not reactivating
It was not reactivating
We were not reactivating
They were not reactivating
Forma interrogativa
Was I reactivating?
Were you reactivating?
Was he reactivating?
Was she reactivating?
Was it reactivating?
Were we reactivating
Were they reactivating?

Oraciones con el verbo reactivate conjugado en pasado progresivo

  • I was reactivating my account when the site went down. Yo estaba reactivando mi cuenta cuando el sitio se cayó.
  • They were reactivating their memberships when the policy changed. Ellos estaban reactivando sus membresías cuando cambió la política.
  • Was I reactivating my account when the site went down? ¿Estaba reactivando mi cuenta cuando el sitio se cayó?
  • I wasn't reactivating my account when the site went down. No estaba reactivando mi cuenta cuando el sitio se cayó.

Conjugación del verbo reactivate en presente continuo

Forma afirmativa
I am reactivating
You are reactivating
He is reactivating
She is reactivating
It is reactivating
We are reactivating
They are reactivating
Forma negativa
I am not reactivating
You are not reactivating
He is not reactivating
She is not reactivating
It is not reactivating
We are not reactivating
They are not reactivating
Forma interrogativa
Am I reactivating?
are you reactivating?
Is he reactivating?
Is she reactivating?
Is it reactivating?
Are we reactivating
Are they reactivating?

Oraciones con el verbo reactivate conjugado en presente progresivo

  • You are reactivating your subscription this month. Estás reactivando tu suscripción este mes.
  • They are reactivating their access to the database. Ellos están reactivando su acceso a la base de datos.
  • Are you reactivating anything? ¿Estás reactivando algo?
  • He isn't reactivating his subscription. Él no está reactivando su suscripción.

Conjugación del verbo reactivate en futuro continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will be reactivating
You will be reactivating
He will be reactivating
She will be reactivating
It will be reactivating
We will be reactivating
They will be reactivating
Forma negativa
I will not be reactivating
You will not be reactivating
He will not reactivating
She will not be reactivating
It will not be reactivating
We will not be reactivating
They will not be reactivating
Forma interrogativa
Will I be reactivating?
Will you be reactivating?
Will he be reactivating?
Will she be reactivating?
Will it be reactivating?
Will we be reactivating
Will they be reactivating?

Oraciones con el verbo reactivate conjugado en futuro progresivo

  • I will be reactivating the memberships throughout the week. Estaré reactivando las membresías durante la semana.
  • You will be reactivating the machines during the night shift. Estarás reactivando las máquinas durante el turno de noche.
  • They won't be reactivating the service. No estarán reactivando el servicio.
  • Will she be reactivating the memberships? ¿Estará reactivando las membresías?

Conjugación del verbo reactivate en pasado perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I had been reactivating
You had been reactivating
He had been reactivating
She had been reactivating
It had been reactivating
We had been reactivating
They had been reactivating
Forma negativa
I had not been reactivating
You had not been reactivating
He had not been reactivating
She had not been reactivating
It had not been reactivating
We had not been reactivating
They had not been reactivating
Forma interrogativa
Had I been reactivating?
Had you been reactivating?
Had he been reactivating?
Had she been reactivating?
Had it been reactivating?
Had we been reactivating
Had they been reactivating?

Oraciones con el verbo reactivate conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo

  • She had been reactivating old accounts for weeks. Ella había estado reactivando cuentas antiguas durante semanas.
  • We had been reactivating systems for months before the overhaul. Nosotros habíamos estado reactivando sistemas durante meses antes de la revisión.
  • Had she been reactivating old accounts for weeks? ¿Había estado reactivando cuentas antiguas durante semanas?
  • We hadn't been reactivating systems as planned. No habíamos estado reactivando sistemas como estaba planeado.

Conjugación del verbo reactivate en presente perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I have been reactivating
You have been reactivating
He has been reactivating
She has been reactivating
It has been reactivating
We have been reactivating
They have been reactivating
Forma negativa
I have not been reactivating
You have not been reactivating
He has not been reactivating
She has not been reactivating
It has not been reactivating
We have not been reactivating
They have not been reactivating
Forma interrogativa
Have I been reactivating?
Have you been reactivating?
Has he been reactivating?
Has she been reactivating?
Has it been reactivating?
Have we been reactivating
Have they been reactivating?

Oraciones con el verbo reactivate conjugado en presente perfecto continuo

  • She has been reactivating the old processes since the new ones failed. Ella ha estado reactivando los procesos antiguos desde que fallaron los nuevos.
  • We have been reactivating the accounts regularly. Hemos estado reactivando las cuentas regularmente.
  • Have they been reactivating efficiently? ¿Han estado reactivando eficientemente?
  • It hasn't been reactivating successfully. No ha estado reactivando con éxito.

Conjugación del verbo reactivate en futuro perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will have been reactivating
You will have been reactivating
He will have been reactivating
She will have been reactivating
It will has been reactivating
We will have been reactivating
They will have been reactivating
Forma negativa
I will not have been reactivating
You will not have been reactivating
He will not have been reactivating
She will not have been reactivating
It will not have been reactivating
We will not have been reactivating
They will not have been reactivating
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been reactivating?
Will you have been reactivating?
Will he have been reactivating?
Will she have been reactivating?
Will it have been reactivating?
Will we have been reactivating
Will they have been reactivating?

Oraciones con el verbo reactivate conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo

  • He will have been reactivating old protocols for months. Habría estado reactivando protocolos antiguos durante meses.
  • They will have been reactivating the systems by the time the new policy is implemented. Habrán estado reactivando los sistemas para cuando se implemente la nueva política.
  • We won't have been reactivating the systems. No habremos estado reactivando los sistemas.
  • Will you have been reactivating the protocols? ¿Habrás estado reactivando los protocolos?

Otras conjugaciones