Conjugaciones del verbo rebel
Traducción: rebelar; rebelarse; revelarse; ...
Infinitivo: to rebel
Preterito: rebelled
Gerundio: rebelling
Conjugación del verbo rebel en pasado simple
Forma afirmativa
I rebelled
You rebelled
He rebelled
She rebelled
It rebelled
We rebelled
They rebelled
Forma negativa
I did not rebel
You did not rebel
He did not rebel
She did not rebel
It did not rebel
We did not rebel
They did not rebel
Forma interrogativa
Did I rebel?
Did you rebel?
Did he rebel?
Did she rebel?
Did it rebel?
Did we rebel
Did they rebel?
Oraciones con el verbo rebel conjugado en pasado simple
- They rebelled against the oppressive regime last year. Ellos se rebelaron contra el régimen opresivo el año pasado.
- She rebelled against her teachers in high school. Ella se rebeló contra sus profesores en la secundaria.
- Did they rebel against the regime? ¿Se rebelaron contra el régimen?
- She didn't rebel against her teachers until her last year. No se rebeló contra sus profesores hasta su último año.
Conjugación del verbo rebel en presente simple
Forma afirmativa
I rebel
You rebel
He rebels
She rebels
It rebels
We rebel
They rebel
Forma negativa
I do not rebel
You do not rebel
He does not rebel
She does not rebel
It do not rebel
We do not rebel
They do not rebel
Forma interrogativa
Do I rebel?
Do you rebel?
Does he rebel?
Does she rebel?
Do it rebel?
Do we rebel
Do they rebel?
Oraciones con el verbo rebel conjugado en presente simple
- They rebel against the authoritarian regime. Ellos se rebelan contra el régimen autoritario.
- She rebels against societal norms. Ella se rebela contra las normas sociales.
- Do they rebel against the government? ¿Se rebelan ellos contra el gobierno?
- She does not rebel against her parents. Ella no se rebela contra sus padres.
Conjugación del verbo rebel en futuro simple
Forma afirmativa
I will rebel
You will rebel
He will rebel
She will rebel
It will rebel
We will rebel
They will rebel
Forma negativa
I will not rebel
You will not rebel
He will not rebel
She will not rebel
It will not rebel
We will not rebel
They will not rebel
Forma interrogativa
Will I rebel?
Will you rebel?
Will he rebel?
Will she rebel?
Will it rebel?
Will we rebel
Will they rebel?
Oraciones con el verbo rebel conjugado en futuro simple
- They will rebel against any attempts to limit their freedom. Ellos se rebelarán contra cualquier intento de limitar su libertad.
- She will rebel against discrimination in the workplace. Ella se rebelará contra la discriminación en el lugar de trabajo.
- Will they rebel against attempts to limit freedom? ¿Ellos se rebelarán contra intentos de limitar la libertad?
- She won't rebel if the situation improves. Ella no se rebelará si la situación mejora.
Conjugación del verbo rebel en pasado perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I had rebelled
You had rebelled
He had rebelled
She had rebelled
It had rebelled
We had rebelled
They had rebelled
Forma negativa
I had not rebelled
You had not rebelled
He had not rebelled
She had not rebelled
It had not rebelled
We had not rebelled
They had not rebelled
Forma interrogativa
Had I rebelled?
Had you rebelled?
Had he rebelled?
Had she rebelled?
Had it rebelled?
Had we rebelled
Had they rebelled?
Oraciones con el verbo rebel conjugado en pasado perfecto
- By then, they had rebelled against all forms of tyranny. Para entonces, se habían rebelado contra todas las formas de tiranía.
- She had rebelled against societal expectations since childhood. Ella se había rebelado contra las expectativas sociales desde la niñez.
- Had they rebelled against the regime yet? ¿Ya se habían rebelado contra el régimen?
- She hadn't rebelled against her upbringing. Ella no se había rebelado contra su educación.
Conjugación del verbo rebel en presente perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I have rebelled
You have rebelled
He has rebelled
She has rebelled
It has rebelled
We have rebelled
They have rebelled
Forma negativa
I have not rebelled
You have not rebelled
He has not rebelled
She has not rebelled
It has not rebelled
We have not rebelled
They have not rebelled
Forma interrogativa
Have I rebelled?
Have you rebelled?
Has he rebelled?
Has she rebelled?
Has it rebelled?
Have we rebelled
Have they rebelled?
Oraciones con el verbo rebel conjugado en presente perfecto
- They have rebelled against injustice for years. Han rebelado contra la injusticia durante años.
- She has rebelled against discrimination in her community. Ella ha rebelado contra la discriminación en su comunidad.
- Have they rebelled against the law? ¿Se han rebelado contra la ley?
- She hasn't rebelled recently. Ella no se ha rebelado recientemente.
Conjugación del verbo rebel en futuro perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I will have rebelled
You will have rebelled
He will have rebelled
She will have rebelled
It will have rebelled
We will have rebelled
They will have rebelled
Forma negativa
I will not have rebelled
You will not have rebelled
He will not have rebelled
She will not have rebelled
It will not have rebelled
We will not have rebelled
They will not have rebelled
Forma interrogativa
Will I have rebelled?
Will you have rebelled?
Will he have rebelled?
Will she have rebelled?
Will it have rebelled?
Will we have rebelled
Will they have rebelled?
Oraciones con el verbo rebel conjugado en futuro perfecto
- By then, they will have rebelled against all forms of oppression. Para entonces, ellos habrán rebelado contra todas las formas de opresión.
- She will have rebelled against outdated attitudes and beliefs. Ella habrá rebelado contra actitudes y creencias anticuadas.
- Will they have rebelled by that time? ¿Habrán rebelado para entonces?
- They will not have rebelled against the regime by next year. No habrán rebelado contra el régimen para el próximo año.
Conjugación del verbo rebel en pasado continuo
Forma afirmativa
I was rebelling
You were rebelling
He was rebelling
She was rebelling
It was rebelling
We were rebelling
They were rebelling
Forma negativa
I was not rebelling
You were not rebelling
He was not rebelling
She was not rebelling
It was not rebelling
We were not rebelling
They were not rebelling
Forma interrogativa
Was I rebelling?
Were you rebelling?
Was he rebelling?
Was she rebelling?
Was it rebelling?
Were we rebelling
Were they rebelling?
Oraciones con el verbo rebel conjugado en pasado progresivo
- They were rebelling against the corrupt government when the coup occurred. Estaban rebelándose contra el gobierno corrupto cuando ocurrió el golpe de estado.
- She was rebelling against authority figures throughout her teenage years. Ella se estaba rebelando contra figuras de autoridad durante su adolescencia.
- Were they rebelling against any specific leaders? ¿Se estaban rebelando contra algún líder en particular?
- She wasn't rebelling openly. Ella no se estaba rebelando abiertamente.
Conjugación del verbo rebel en presente continuo
Forma afirmativa
I am rebelling
You are rebelling
He is rebelling
She is rebelling
It is rebelling
We are rebelling
They are rebelling
Forma negativa
I am not rebelling
You are not rebelling
He is not rebelling
She is not rebelling
It is not rebelling
We are not rebelling
They are not rebelling
Forma interrogativa
Am I rebelling?
are you rebelling?
Is he rebelling?
Is she rebelling?
Is it rebelling?
Are we rebelling
Are they rebelling?
Oraciones con el verbo rebel conjugado en presente progresivo
- They are rebelling against the new policies. Están rebelándose contra las nuevas políticas.
- She is rebelling against her parents' strict rules. Ella está rebelándose contra las estrictas reglas de sus padres.
- Are they rebelling this time? ¿Están rebelándose esta vez?
- He isn't rebelling as strongly as before. Él no se está rebelando tan fuertemente como antes.
Conjugación del verbo rebel en futuro continuo
Forma afirmativa
I will be rebelling
You will be rebelling
He will be rebelling
She will be rebelling
It will be rebelling
We will be rebelling
They will be rebelling
Forma negativa
I will not be rebelling
You will not be rebelling
He will not rebelling
She will not be rebelling
It will not be rebelling
We will not be rebelling
They will not be rebelling
Forma interrogativa
Will I be rebelling?
Will you be rebelling?
Will he be rebelling?
Will she be rebelling?
Will it be rebelling?
Will we be rebelling
Will they be rebelling?
Oraciones con el verbo rebel conjugado en futuro progresivo
- They will be rebelling against environmental destruction. Ellos estarán rebelándose contra la destrucción ambiental.
- She will be rebelling against societal pressure to conform. Ella estará rebelándose contra la presión social para conformarse.
Conjugación del verbo rebel en pasado perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I had been rebelling
You had been rebelling
He had been rebelling
She had been rebelling
It had been rebelling
We had been rebelling
They had been rebelling
Forma negativa
I had not been rebelling
You had not been rebelling
He had not been rebelling
She had not been rebelling
It had not been rebelling
We had not been rebelling
They had not been rebelling
Forma interrogativa
Had I been rebelling?
Had you been rebelling?
Had he been rebelling?
Had she been rebelling?
Had it been rebelling?
Had we been rebelling
Had they been rebelling?
Oraciones con el verbo rebel conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo
- They had been rebelling against unfair laws for decades. Ellos habían estado rebelándose contra leyes injustas durante décadas.
- She had been rebelling against gender stereotypes for years. Ella había estado rebelándose contra los estereotipos de género durante años.
- Had they been rebelling against unfair laws? ¿Ellos habían estado rebelándose contra leyes injustas?
- She hadn't been rebelling against stereotypes lately. Ella no había estado rebelándose contra los estereotipos últimamente.
Conjugación del verbo rebel en presente perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I have been rebelling
You have been rebelling
He has been rebelling
She has been rebelling
It has been rebelling
We have been rebelling
They have been rebelling
Forma negativa
I have not been rebelling
You have not been rebelling
He has not been rebelling
She has not been rebelling
It has not been rebelling
We have not been rebelling
They have not been rebelling
Forma interrogativa
Have I been rebelling?
Have you been rebelling?
Has he been rebelling?
Has she been rebelling?
Has it been rebelling?
Have we been rebelling
Have they been rebelling?
Oraciones con el verbo rebel conjugado en presente perfecto continuo
- We have been rebelling against oppression since our youth. Hemos estado rebelándonos contra la opresión desde nuestra juventud.
- She has been rebelling against conformity her whole life. Ella se ha estado rebelando contra el conformismo toda su vida.
- Have we been rebelling against oppression for long? ¿Hemos estado rebelándonos contra la opresión por mucho tiempo?
- She hasn't been rebelling as much recently. No se ha estado rebelando tanto últimamente.
Conjugación del verbo rebel en futuro perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I will have been rebelling
You will have been rebelling
He will have been rebelling
She will have been rebelling
It will has been rebelling
We will have been rebelling
They will have been rebelling
Forma negativa
I will not have been rebelling
You will not have been rebelling
He will not have been rebelling
She will not have been rebelling
It will not have been rebelling
We will not have been rebelling
They will not have been rebelling
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been rebelling?
Will you have been rebelling?
Will he have been rebelling?
Will she have been rebelling?
Will it have been rebelling?
Will we have been rebelling
Will they have been rebelling?
Oraciones con el verbo rebel conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo
- They will have been rebelling against injustice for decades. Ellos habrán estado rebelándose contra la injusticia durante décadas.
- She will have been rebelling against societal norms for a long time. Ella habrá estado rebelándose contra las normas sociales durante mucho tiempo.
- Will they have been rebelling against injustice? ¿Habrán estado rebelándose contra la injusticia?
- She hasn't been rebelling as much lately. Ella no ha estado rebelándose tanto últimamente.