Conjugaciones del verbo rejoin
Traducción: reunirse con; reincorporarse a; volver con; ...
Infinitivo: to rejoin
Preterito: rejoined
Gerundio: rejoining
Conjugación del verbo rejoin en pasado simple
Forma afirmativa
I rejoined
You rejoined
He rejoined
She rejoined
It rejoined
We rejoined
They rejoined
Forma negativa
I did not rejoin
You did not rejoin
He did not rejoin
She did not rejoin
It did not rejoin
We did not rejoin
They did not rejoin
Forma interrogativa
Did I rejoin?
Did you rejoin?
Did he rejoin?
Did she rejoin?
Did it rejoin?
Did we rejoin
Did they rejoin?
Oraciones con el verbo rejoin conjugado en pasado simple
- He rejoined the meeting after a short break. Él se reincorporó a la reunión después de un breve descanso.
- They rejoined the game after half-time. Ellos se reincorporaron al juego después del medio tiempo.
- Did he rejoin in time? ¿Se reincorporó a tiempo?
- We didn't rejoin the discussion. No nos reincorporamos a la discusión.
Conjugación del verbo rejoin en presente simple
Forma afirmativa
I rejoin
You rejoin
He rejoins
She rejoins
It rejoins
We rejoin
They rejoin
Forma negativa
I do not rejoin
You do not rejoin
He does not rejoin
She does not rejoin
It do not rejoin
We do not rejoin
They do not rejoin
Forma interrogativa
Do I rejoin?
Do you rejoin?
Does he rejoin?
Does she rejoin?
Do it rejoin?
Do we rejoin
Do they rejoin?
Oraciones con el verbo rejoin conjugado en presente simple
- He rejoins the team after a brief hiatus. Él reingresa al equipo después de un breve hiato.
- They rejoin the group every summer. Ellos se reincorporan al grupo cada verano.
- Does he rejoin the team every year? ¿Él se reincorpora al equipo cada año?
- They do not rejoin the group during the winter. Ellos no se reincorporan al grupo durante el invierno.
Conjugación del verbo rejoin en futuro simple
Forma afirmativa
I will rejoin
You will rejoin
He will rejoin
She will rejoin
It will rejoin
We will rejoin
They will rejoin
Forma negativa
I will not rejoin
You will not rejoin
He will not rejoin
She will not rejoin
It will not rejoin
We will not rejoin
They will not rejoin
Forma interrogativa
Will I rejoin?
Will you rejoin?
Will he rejoin?
Will she rejoin?
Will it rejoin?
Will we rejoin
Will they rejoin?
Oraciones con el verbo rejoin conjugado en futuro simple
- He will rejoin the team next month. Él se reincorporará al equipo el próximo mes.
- They will rejoin the project soon. Ellos se reincorporarán al proyecto pronto.
- Will he rejoin the group for the next meeting? ¿Se reincorporará al grupo para la próxima reunión?
- I won't rejoin the team unless things improve. No me reincorporaré al equipo a menos que las cosas mejoren.
Conjugación del verbo rejoin en pasado perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I had rejoined
You had rejoined
He had rejoined
She had rejoined
It had rejoined
We had rejoined
They had rejoined
Forma negativa
I had not rejoined
You had not rejoined
He had not rejoined
She had not rejoined
It had not rejoined
We had not rejoined
They had not rejoined
Forma interrogativa
Had I rejoined?
Had you rejoined?
Had he rejoined?
Had she rejoined?
Had it rejoined?
Had we rejoined
Had they rejoined?
Oraciones con el verbo rejoin conjugado en pasado perfecto
- By the time I got there, he had already rejoined the team. Para cuando llegué, él ya se había reincorporado al equipo.
- She had rejoined the conversation before I arrived. Ella se había reincorporado a la conversación antes de que llegara.
- Had he already rejoined the team by the time I got there? ¿Ya se había reincorporado al equipo para cuando llegué?
- He hadn't already rejoined the team by the time I got there. No se había reincorporado al equipo ya para cuando llegué.
Conjugación del verbo rejoin en presente perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I have rejoined
You have rejoined
He has rejoined
She has rejoined
It has rejoined
We have rejoined
They have rejoined
Forma negativa
I have not rejoined
You have not rejoined
He has not rejoined
She has not rejoined
It has not rejoined
We have not rejoined
They have not rejoined
Forma interrogativa
Have I rejoined?
Have you rejoined?
Has he rejoined?
Has she rejoined?
Has it rejoined?
Have we rejoined
Have they rejoined?
Oraciones con el verbo rejoin conjugado en presente perfecto
- She has rejoined the company after her leave. Ella ha reincorporado a la empresa después de su licencia.
- They have rejoined the club recently. Ellos se han reincorporado al club recientemente.
- Have they rejoined anyone else? ¿Se han reincorporado a alguien más?
- They haven't rejoined yet. No se han reincorporado aún.
Conjugación del verbo rejoin en futuro perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I will have rejoined
You will have rejoined
He will have rejoined
She will have rejoined
It will have rejoined
We will have rejoined
They will have rejoined
Forma negativa
I will not have rejoined
You will not have rejoined
He will not have rejoined
She will not have rejoined
It will not have rejoined
We will not have rejoined
They will not have rejoined
Forma interrogativa
Will I have rejoined?
Will you have rejoined?
Will he have rejoined?
Will she have rejoined?
Will it have rejoined?
Will we have rejoined
Will they have rejoined?
Oraciones con el verbo rejoin conjugado en futuro perfecto
- By the end of the day, he will have rejoined the group. Para el final del día, él habrá vuelto a unirse al grupo.
- They will have rejoined the initiative by then. Habrán vuelto a unirse a la iniciativa para entonces.
- Will he have rejoined the group by the end of the day? ¿Habrá vuelto a unirse al grupo para el final del día?
- He will not have rejoined the group by then. No habrá vuelto a unirse al grupo para entonces.
Conjugación del verbo rejoin en pasado continuo
Forma afirmativa
I was rejoining
You were rejoining
He was rejoining
She was rejoining
It was rejoining
We were rejoining
They were rejoining
Forma negativa
I was not rejoining
You were not rejoining
He was not rejoining
She was not rejoining
It was not rejoining
We were not rejoining
They were not rejoining
Forma interrogativa
Was I rejoining?
Were you rejoining?
Was he rejoining?
Was she rejoining?
Was it rejoining?
Were we rejoining
Were they rejoining?
Oraciones con el verbo rejoin conjugado en pasado progresivo
- They were rejoining the event when I called. Ellos estaban reincorporándose al evento cuando llamé.
- She was rejoining the class when I entered. Ella estaba reincorporándose a la clase cuando entré.
- Were they rejoining the event when I called? ¿Estaban reincorporándose al evento cuando llamé?
- They weren't rejoining the event when I called. No estaban reincorporándose al evento cuando llamé.
Conjugación del verbo rejoin en presente continuo
Forma afirmativa
I am rejoining
You are rejoining
He is rejoining
She is rejoining
It is rejoining
We are rejoining
They are rejoining
Forma negativa
I am not rejoining
You are not rejoining
He is not rejoining
She is not rejoining
It is not rejoining
We are not rejoining
They are not rejoining
Forma interrogativa
Am I rejoining?
are you rejoining?
Is he rejoining?
Is she rejoining?
Is it rejoining?
Are we rejoining
Are they rejoining?
Oraciones con el verbo rejoin conjugado en presente progresivo
- We are rejoining the project team next week. Nos estamos reincorporando al equipo del proyecto la próxima semana.
- He is rejoining his friends for the trip. Él se está reincorporando a sus amigos para el viaje.
- Are we rejoining effectively? ¿Nos estamos reincorporando de manera efectiva?
- It isn't rejoining well. No se está reincorporando bien.
Conjugación del verbo rejoin en futuro continuo
Forma afirmativa
I will be rejoining
You will be rejoining
He will be rejoining
She will be rejoining
It will be rejoining
We will be rejoining
They will be rejoining
Forma negativa
I will not be rejoining
You will not be rejoining
He will not rejoining
She will not be rejoining
It will not be rejoining
We will not be rejoining
They will not be rejoining
Forma interrogativa
Will I be rejoining?
Will you be rejoining?
Will he be rejoining?
Will she be rejoining?
Will it be rejoining?
Will we be rejoining
Will they be rejoining?
Oraciones con el verbo rejoin conjugado en futuro progresivo
- We will be rejoining the discussion tomorrow. Estaremos volviendo a unirse a la discusión mañana.
- He will be rejoining the meeting later. Él estará volviendo a unirse a la reunión más tarde.
- Will we be rejoining the discussion tomorrow? ¿Estaremos volviendo a unirse a la discusión mañana?
- We will not be rejoining the meeting later. No estaremos volviendo a unirse a la reunión más tarde.
Conjugación del verbo rejoin en pasado perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I had been rejoining
You had been rejoining
He had been rejoining
She had been rejoining
It had been rejoining
We had been rejoining
They had been rejoining
Forma negativa
I had not been rejoining
You had not been rejoining
He had not been rejoining
She had not been rejoining
It had not been rejoining
We had not been rejoining
They had not been rejoining
Forma interrogativa
Had I been rejoining?
Had you been rejoining?
Had he been rejoining?
Had she been rejoining?
Had it been rejoining?
Had we been rejoining
Had they been rejoining?
Oraciones con el verbo rejoin conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo
- They had been rejoining the sessions before the new schedule was announced. Habían estado reincorporándose a las sesiones antes de que se anunciara el nuevo horario.
- She had been rejoining the rehearsals before the show. Ella había estado reincorporándose a los ensayos antes del espectáculo.
- Had they been rejoining the sessions regularly? ¿Se habían estado reincorporando a las sesiones regularmente?
- She hadn't been rejoining the rehearsals as planned. Ella no se había estado reincorporando a los ensayos como estaba planeado.
Conjugación del verbo rejoin en presente perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I have been rejoining
You have been rejoining
He has been rejoining
She has been rejoining
It has been rejoining
We have been rejoining
They have been rejoining
Forma negativa
I have not been rejoining
You have not been rejoining
He has not been rejoining
She has not been rejoining
It has not been rejoining
We have not been rejoining
They have not been rejoining
Forma interrogativa
Have I been rejoining?
Have you been rejoining?
Has he been rejoining?
Has she been rejoining?
Has it been rejoining?
Have we been rejoining
Have they been rejoining?
Oraciones con el verbo rejoin conjugado en presente perfecto continuo
- They have been rejoining the discussion every Monday. Ellos han estado reincorporándose a la discusión todos los lunes.
- She has been rejoining the workout sessions lately. Ella ha estado reincorporándose a las sesiones de ejercicio últimamente.
- Have they been rejoining frequently? ¿Han estado reincorporándose con frecuencia?
- It hasn't been rejoining smoothly. No ha estado reincorporándose sin problemas.
Conjugación del verbo rejoin en futuro perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I will have been rejoining
You will have been rejoining
He will have been rejoining
She will have been rejoining
It will has been rejoining
We will have been rejoining
They will have been rejoining
Forma negativa
I will not have been rejoining
You will not have been rejoining
He will not have been rejoining
She will not have been rejoining
It will not have been rejoining
We will not have been rejoining
They will not have been rejoining
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been rejoining?
Will you have been rejoining?
Will he have been rejoining?
Will she have been rejoining?
Will it have been rejoining?
Will we have been rejoining
Will they have been rejoining?
Oraciones con el verbo rejoin conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo
- By the time you arrive, they will have been rejoining the team for weeks. Para cuando llegues, habrán estado volviendo a unirse al equipo durante semanas.
- She will have been rejoining the sessions all morning. Ella habrá estado volviendo a unirse a las sesiones toda la mañana.
- Will they have been rejoining the team for weeks by the time you arrive? ¿Habrán estado volviendo a unirse al equipo durante semanas para cuando llegues?
- They will not have been rejoining any sessions. No habrán estado volviendo a unirse a ninguna sesión.