Conjugaciones del verbo remodel

Traducción: remodelar; reformar; ...
Pronunciación: remodel
Infinitivo: to remodel
Preterito: remodelled
Gerundio: remodelling

Conjugación del verbo remodel en pasado simple

Forma afirmativa
I remodelled
You remodelled
He remodelled
She remodelled
It remodelled
We remodelled
They remodelled
Forma negativa
I did not remodel
You did not remodel
He did not remodel
She did not remodel
It did not remodel
We did not remodel
They did not remodel
Forma interrogativa
Did I remodel?
Did you remodel?
Did he remodel?
Did she remodel?
Did it remodel?
Did we remodel
Did they remodel?

Oraciones con el verbo remodel conjugado en pasado simple

  • She remodeled her house last year. Ella remodeló su casa el año pasado.
  • They remodeled their office last month. Remodelaron su oficina el mes pasado.
  • Did she remodel anything? ¿Remodeló algo?
  • We didn't remodel last time. No remodelamos la última vez.

Conjugación del verbo remodel en presente simple

Forma afirmativa
I remodel
You remodel
He remodels
She remodels
It remodels
We remodel
They remodel
Forma negativa
I do not remodel
You do not remodel
He does not remodel
She does not remodel
It do not remodel
We do not remodel
They do not remodel
Forma interrogativa
Do I remodel?
Do you remodel?
Does he remodel?
Does she remodel?
Do it remodel?
Do we remodel
Do they remodel?

Oraciones con el verbo remodel conjugado en presente simple

  • She remodels her house every few years. Ella remodela su casa cada pocos años.
  • They remodel their office frequently. Ellos remodelan su oficina con frecuencia.
  • Does she remodel her house often? ¿Ella remodela su casa a menudo?
  • They do not remodel their office every year. Ellos no remodelan su oficina cada año.

Conjugación del verbo remodel en futuro simple

Forma afirmativa
I will remodel
You will remodel
He will remodel
She will remodel
It will remodel
We will remodel
They will remodel
Forma negativa
I will not remodel
You will not remodel
He will not remodel
She will not remodel
It will not remodel
We will not remodel
They will not remodel
Forma interrogativa
Will I remodel?
Will you remodel?
Will he remodel?
Will she remodel?
Will it remodel?
Will we remodel
Will they remodel?

Oraciones con el verbo remodel conjugado en futuro simple

  • She will remodel her house next year. Ella remodelará su casa el próximo año.
  • They will remodel their office next month. Ellos remodelarán su oficina el próximo mes.
  • Will she remodel her house? ¿Remodelará ella su casa?
  • They won't remodel their office until summer. No remodelarán su oficina hasta el verano.

Conjugación del verbo remodel en pasado perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I had remodelled
You had remodelled
He had remodelled
She had remodelled
It had remodelled
We had remodelled
They had remodelled
Forma negativa
I had not remodelled
You had not remodelled
He had not remodelled
She had not remodelled
It had not remodelled
We had not remodelled
They had not remodelled
Forma interrogativa
Had I remodelled?
Had you remodelled?
Had he remodelled?
Had she remodelled?
Had it remodelled?
Had we remodelled
Had they remodelled?

Oraciones con el verbo remodel conjugado en pasado perfecto

  • We had remodeled the kitchen before the guests arrived. Habíamos remodelado la cocina antes de que llegaran los invitados.
  • He had remodeled his workspace before the deadline. Él había remodelado su espacio de trabajo antes de la fecha límite.
  • Had they remodeled the kitchen before the event? ¿Habían remodelado la cocina antes del evento?
  • We hadn't remodeled anything before the guests arrived. No habíamos remodelado nada antes de que llegaran los invitados.

Conjugación del verbo remodel en presente perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I have remodelled
You have remodelled
He has remodelled
She has remodelled
It has remodelled
We have remodelled
They have remodelled
Forma negativa
I have not remodelled
You have not remodelled
He has not remodelled
She has not remodelled
It has not remodelled
We have not remodelled
They have not remodelled
Forma interrogativa
Have I remodelled?
Have you remodelled?
Has he remodelled?
Has she remodelled?
Has it remodelled?
Have we remodelled
Have they remodelled?

Oraciones con el verbo remodel conjugado en presente perfecto

  • We have remodeled the kitchen recently. Hemos remodelado la cocina recientemente.
  • He has remodeled his workspace twice this year. Él ha remodelado su espacio de trabajo dos veces este año.
  • Have we remodeled the kitchen? ¿Hemos remodelado la cocina?
  • They haven't remodeled their workspace yet. No han remodelado su espacio de trabajo aún.

Conjugación del verbo remodel en futuro perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I will have remodelled
You will have remodelled
He will have remodelled
She will have remodelled
It will have remodelled
We will have remodelled
They will have remodelled
Forma negativa
I will not have remodelled
You will not have remodelled
He will not have remodelled
She will not have remodelled
It will not have remodelled
We will not have remodelled
They will not have remodelled
Forma interrogativa
Will I have remodelled?
Will you have remodelled?
Will he have remodelled?
Will she have remodelled?
Will it have remodelled?
Will we have remodelled
Will they have remodelled?

Oraciones con el verbo remodel conjugado en futuro perfecto

  • We will have remodeled the kitchen by then. Habramos remodelado la cocina para entonces.
  • He will have remodeled his workspace by the end of the year. Él habrá remodelado su espacio de trabajo para fin de año.
  • Will they have remodeled their homes? ¿Habrán remodelado sus casas?
  • They won't have remodeled the bathrooms. No habrán remodelado los baños.

Conjugación del verbo remodel en pasado continuo

Forma afirmativa
I was remodelling
You were remodelling
He was remodelling
She was remodelling
It was remodelling
We were remodelling
They were remodelling
Forma negativa
I was not remodelling
You were not remodelling
He was not remodelling
She was not remodelling
It was not remodelling
We were not remodelling
They were not remodelling
Forma interrogativa
Was I remodelling?
Were you remodelling?
Was he remodelling?
Was she remodelling?
Was it remodelling?
Were we remodelling
Were they remodelling?

Oraciones con el verbo remodel conjugado en pasado progresivo

  • I was remodeling my living room when you called. Estaba remodelando mi sala cuando llamaste.
  • They were remodeling the basement all week. Ellos estaban remodelando el sótano toda la semana.
  • Were they remodeling the living room during the week? ¿Estaban remodelando la sala durante la semana?
  • He wasn't remodeling anything when I arrived. Él no estaba remodelando nada cuando llegué.

Conjugación del verbo remodel en presente continuo

Forma afirmativa
I am remodelling
You are remodelling
He is remodelling
She is remodelling
It is remodelling
We are remodelling
They are remodelling
Forma negativa
I am not remodelling
You are not remodelling
He is not remodelling
She is not remodelling
It is not remodelling
We are not remodelling
They are not remodelling
Forma interrogativa
Am I remodelling?
are you remodelling?
Is he remodelling?
Is she remodelling?
Is it remodelling?
Are we remodelling
Are they remodelling?

Oraciones con el verbo remodel conjugado en presente progresivo

  • I am remodeling my living room right now. Estoy remodelando mi sala ahora mismo.
  • You are remodeling the basement this month. Estás remodelando el sótano este mes.
  • Are you remodeling your living room? ¿Estás remodelando tu sala?
  • She isn't remodeling the basement anymore. Ella ya no está remodelando el sótano.

Conjugación del verbo remodel en futuro continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will be remodelling
You will be remodelling
He will be remodelling
She will be remodelling
It will be remodelling
We will be remodelling
They will be remodelling
Forma negativa
I will not be remodelling
You will not be remodelling
He will not remodelling
She will not be remodelling
It will not be remodelling
We will not be remodelling
They will not be remodelling
Forma interrogativa
Will I be remodelling?
Will you be remodelling?
Will he be remodelling?
Will she be remodelling?
Will it be remodelling?
Will we be remodelling
Will they be remodelling?

Oraciones con el verbo remodel conjugado en futuro progresivo

  • I will be remodeling my living room tomorrow. Estaré remodelando mi sala de estar mañana.
  • You will be remodeling the basement next week. Estarás remodelando el sótano la próxima semana.
  • Will they be remodeling their kitchens? ¿Estarán remodelando sus cocinas?
  • They won't be remodeling any rooms today. No estarán remodelando ninguna habitación hoy.

Conjugación del verbo remodel en pasado perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I had been remodelling
You had been remodelling
He had been remodelling
She had been remodelling
It had been remodelling
We had been remodelling
They had been remodelling
Forma negativa
I had not been remodelling
You had not been remodelling
He had not been remodelling
She had not been remodelling
It had not been remodelling
We had not been remodelling
They had not been remodelling
Forma interrogativa
Had I been remodelling?
Had you been remodelling?
Had he been remodelling?
Had she been remodelling?
Had it been remodelling?
Had we been remodelling
Had they been remodelling?

Oraciones con el verbo remodel conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo

  • She had been remodeling her house for months before the party. Ella había estado remodelando su casa durante meses antes de la fiesta.
  • We had been remodeling our office since spring before the inspection. Nosotros habíamos estado remodelando nuestra oficina desde la primavera antes de la inspección.
  • Had she been remodeling her house? ¿Había estado remodelando su casa?
  • We hadn't been remodeling our office for long. No habíamos estado remodelando nuestra oficina durante mucho tiempo.

Conjugación del verbo remodel en presente perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I have been remodelling
You have been remodelling
He has been remodelling
She has been remodelling
It has been remodelling
We have been remodelling
They have been remodelling
Forma negativa
I have not been remodelling
You have not been remodelling
He has not been remodelling
She has not been remodelling
It has not been remodelling
We have not been remodelling
They have not been remodelling
Forma interrogativa
Have I been remodelling?
Have you been remodelling?
Has he been remodelling?
Has she been remodelling?
Has it been remodelling?
Have we been remodelling
Have they been remodelling?

Oraciones con el verbo remodel conjugado en presente perfecto continuo

  • She has been remodeling her house for months. Ella ha estado remodelando su casa durante meses.
  • We have been remodeling our office since spring. Hemos estado remodelando nuestra oficina desde la primavera.
  • Have they been remodeling well? ¿Han estado remodelando bien?
  • It hasn't been remodeling properly. No ha estado remodelando adecuadamente.

Conjugación del verbo remodel en futuro perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will have been remodelling
You will have been remodelling
He will have been remodelling
She will have been remodelling
It will has been remodelling
We will have been remodelling
They will have been remodelling
Forma negativa
I will not have been remodelling
You will not have been remodelling
He will not have been remodelling
She will not have been remodelling
It will not have been remodelling
We will not have been remodelling
They will not have been remodelling
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been remodelling?
Will you have been remodelling?
Will he have been remodelling?
Will she have been remodelling?
Will it have been remodelling?
Will we have been remodelling
Will they have been remodelling?

Oraciones con el verbo remodel conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo

  • She will have been remodeling her house for months by then. Ella habrá estado remodelando su casa durante meses para entonces.
  • We will have been remodeling our office since spring by the time of the meeting. Habríamos estado remodelando nuestra oficina desde la primavera para cuando llegue la reunión.
  • Will they have been remodeling their spaces? ¿Habrán estado remodelando sus espacios?
  • They won't have been remodeling anything for a while. No habrán estado remodelando nada durante un tiempo.

Otras conjugaciones