Conjugaciones del verbo reward
Traducción: recompensar; premiar; renumerar; ...
Infinitivo: to reward
Preterito: rewarded
Gerundio: rewarding
Conjugación del verbo reward en pasado simple
Forma afirmativa
I rewarded
You rewarded
He rewarded
She rewarded
It rewarded
We rewarded
They rewarded
Forma negativa
I did not reward
You did not reward
He did not reward
She did not reward
It did not reward
We did not reward
They did not reward
Forma interrogativa
Did I reward?
Did you reward?
Did he reward?
Did she reward?
Did it reward?
Did we reward
Did they reward?
Oraciones con el verbo reward conjugado en pasado simple
- The school rewarded the students who achieved top scores in the exams. La escuela recompensó a los estudiantes que obtuvieron las mejores calificaciones en los exámenes.
- She rewarded her dog with a treat for learning a new trick. Ella recompensó a su perro con una golosina por aprender un nuevo truco.
- Did the school reward the top students? ¿La escuela recompensó a los mejores estudiantes?
- She didn't reward her dog until he mastered the trick. No recompensó a su perro hasta que dominó el truco.
Conjugación del verbo reward en presente simple
Forma afirmativa
I reward
You reward
He rewards
She rewards
It rewards
We reward
They reward
Forma negativa
I do not reward
You do not reward
He does not reward
She does not reward
It do not reward
We do not reward
They do not reward
Forma interrogativa
Do I reward?
Do you reward?
Does he reward?
Does she reward?
Do it reward?
Do we reward
Do they reward?
Oraciones con el verbo reward conjugado en presente simple
- The company rewards its employees with bonuses for outstanding performance. La empresa recompensa a sus empleados con bonificaciones por un rendimiento destacado.
- She rewards herself with a treat after a productive day. Ella se recompensa con un premio después de un día productivo.
- Does the company reward employees for their efforts? ¿La empresa recompensa a los empleados por sus esfuerzos?
- The company does not reward employees for minor achievements. La empresa no recompensa a los empleados por logros menores.
Conjugación del verbo reward en futuro simple
Forma afirmativa
I will reward
You will reward
He will reward
She will reward
It will reward
We will reward
They will reward
Forma negativa
I will not reward
You will not reward
He will not reward
She will not reward
It will not reward
We will not reward
They will not reward
Forma interrogativa
Will I reward?
Will you reward?
Will he reward?
Will she reward?
Will it reward?
Will we reward
Will they reward?
Oraciones con el verbo reward conjugado en futuro simple
- They will reward the winners with cash prizes and certificates. Ellos recompensarán a los ganadores con premios en efectivo y certificados.
- She will reward herself with a spa day once the project is completed. Ella se recompensará con un día de spa una vez que el proyecto esté completado.
- Will they reward the winners? ¿Ellos recompensarán a los ganadores?
- She won't reward herself if the project is not finished. Ella no se recompensará si el proyecto no está terminado.
Conjugación del verbo reward en pasado perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I had rewarded
You had rewarded
He had rewarded
She had rewarded
It had rewarded
We had rewarded
They had rewarded
Forma negativa
I had not rewarded
You had not rewarded
He had not rewarded
She had not rewarded
It had not rewarded
We had not rewarded
They had not rewarded
Forma interrogativa
Had I rewarded?
Had you rewarded?
Had he rewarded?
Had she rewarded?
Had it rewarded?
Had we rewarded
Had they rewarded?
Oraciones con el verbo reward conjugado en pasado perfecto
- By then, they had rewarded all the participants in the competition. Para entonces, habían recompensado a todos los participantes en la competencia.
- She had rewarded herself with a promotion for her dedication. Ella se había recompensado con un ascenso por su dedicación.
- Had they rewarded their team for the project? ¿Habían recompensado a su equipo por el proyecto?
- She hadn't rewarded anyone yet. Ella no había recompensado a nadie aún.
Conjugación del verbo reward en presente perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I have rewarded
You have rewarded
He has rewarded
She has rewarded
It has rewarded
We have rewarded
They have rewarded
Forma negativa
I have not rewarded
You have not rewarded
He has not rewarded
She has not rewarded
It has not rewarded
We have not rewarded
They have not rewarded
Forma interrogativa
Have I rewarded?
Have you rewarded?
Has he rewarded?
Has she rewarded?
Has it rewarded?
Have we rewarded
Have they rewarded?
Oraciones con el verbo reward conjugado en presente perfecto
- They have rewarded him for his years of service to the community. Lo han recompensado por sus años de servicio a la comunidad.
- She has rewarded herself with a vacation after finishing her exams. Ella se ha recompensado con unas vacaciones después de terminar sus exámenes.
- Have they rewarded the employees? ¿Han recompensado a los empleados?
- He hasn't rewarded the winners yet. Aún no ha recompensado a los ganadores.
Conjugación del verbo reward en futuro perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I will have rewarded
You will have rewarded
He will have rewarded
She will have rewarded
It will have rewarded
We will have rewarded
They will have rewarded
Forma negativa
I will not have rewarded
You will not have rewarded
He will not have rewarded
She will not have rewarded
It will not have rewarded
We will not have rewarded
They will not have rewarded
Forma interrogativa
Will I have rewarded?
Will you have rewarded?
Will he have rewarded?
Will she have rewarded?
Will it have rewarded?
Will we have rewarded
Will they have rewarded?
Oraciones con el verbo reward conjugado en futuro perfecto
- By then, they will have rewarded all the participants for their efforts. Para entonces, habrán recompensado a todos los participantes por sus esfuerzos.
- She will have rewarded herself with new skills by the end of the training program. Se habrá recompensado a sí misma con nuevas habilidades al final del programa de capacitación.
- Will they have rewarded everyone by the deadline? ¿Habrán recompensado a todos para la fecha límite?
- He will not have rewarded his team before the project ends. Él no habrá recompensado a su equipo antes de que termine el proyecto.
Conjugación del verbo reward en pasado continuo
Forma afirmativa
I was rewarding
You were rewarding
He was rewarding
She was rewarding
It was rewarding
We were rewarding
They were rewarding
Forma negativa
I was not rewarding
You were not rewarding
He was not rewarding
She was not rewarding
It was not rewarding
We were not rewarding
They were not rewarding
Forma interrogativa
Was I rewarding?
Were you rewarding?
Was he rewarding?
Was she rewarding?
Was it rewarding?
Were we rewarding
Were they rewarding?
Oraciones con el verbo reward conjugado en pasado progresivo
- They were rewarding their employees for their hard work throughout the year. Estaban recompensando a sus empleados por su arduo trabajo durante todo el año.
- She was rewarding herself with small victories along the way. Ella se estaba recompensando con pequeñas victorias a lo largo del camino.
- Were they rewarding the best performers? ¿Estaban recompensando a los mejores empleados?
- She wasn't rewarding anyone at the ceremony. Ella no estaba recompensando a nadie en la ceremonia.
Conjugación del verbo reward en presente continuo
Forma afirmativa
I am rewarding
You are rewarding
He is rewarding
She is rewarding
It is rewarding
We are rewarding
They are rewarding
Forma negativa
I am not rewarding
You are not rewarding
He is not rewarding
She is not rewarding
It is not rewarding
We are not rewarding
They are not rewarding
Forma interrogativa
Am I rewarding?
are you rewarding?
Is he rewarding?
Is she rewarding?
Is it rewarding?
Are we rewarding
Are they rewarding?
Oraciones con el verbo reward conjugado en presente progresivo
- They are rewarding their loyal customers with special discounts this month. Están recompensando a sus clientes leales con descuentos especiales este mes.
- She is rewarding the team for completing the project ahead of schedule. Ella está recompensando al equipo por completar el proyecto antes de lo previsto.
- Are they rewarding the top performers? ¿Están recompensando a los mejores empleados?
- She isn't rewarding anyone yet. Ella aún no está recompensando a nadie.
Conjugación del verbo reward en futuro continuo
Forma afirmativa
I will be rewarding
You will be rewarding
He will be rewarding
She will be rewarding
It will be rewarding
We will be rewarding
They will be rewarding
Forma negativa
I will not be rewarding
You will not be rewarding
He will not rewarding
She will not be rewarding
It will not be rewarding
We will not be rewarding
They will not be rewarding
Forma interrogativa
Will I be rewarding?
Will you be rewarding?
Will he be rewarding?
Will she be rewarding?
Will it be rewarding?
Will we be rewarding
Will they be rewarding?
Oraciones con el verbo reward conjugado en futuro progresivo
- They will be rewarding their employees with performance-based bonuses next month. Ellos estarán recompensando a sus empleados con bonificaciones basadas en el rendimiento el próximo mes.
- She will be rewarding herself with new experiences throughout the year. Ella estará recompensándose a sí misma con nuevas experiencias a lo largo del año.
- Will they be rewarding their efforts this time? ¿Estarán ellos recompensando sus esfuerzos esta vez?
- She will not be rewarding anyone this year. Ella no estará recompensando a nadie este año.
Conjugación del verbo reward en pasado perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I had been rewarding
You had been rewarding
He had been rewarding
She had been rewarding
It had been rewarding
We had been rewarding
They had been rewarding
Forma negativa
I had not been rewarding
You had not been rewarding
He had not been rewarding
She had not been rewarding
It had not been rewarding
We had not been rewarding
They had not been rewarding
Forma interrogativa
Had I been rewarding?
Had you been rewarding?
Had he been rewarding?
Had she been rewarding?
Had it been rewarding?
Had we been rewarding
Had they been rewarding?
Oraciones con el verbo reward conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo
- They had been rewarding their customers with incentives before the new policy was implemented. Ellos habían estado recompensando a sus clientes con incentivos antes de que se implementara la nueva política.
- She had been rewarding herself with meditation sessions for inner peace. Ella había estado recompensándose con sesiones de meditación para la paz interior.
- Had they been rewarding their customers with incentives? ¿Ellos habían estado recompensando a sus clientes con incentivos?
- She hadn't been rewarding herself lately. Ella no había estado recompensándose últimamente.
Conjugación del verbo reward en presente perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I have been rewarding
You have been rewarding
He has been rewarding
She has been rewarding
It has been rewarding
We have been rewarding
They have been rewarding
Forma negativa
I have not been rewarding
You have not been rewarding
He has not been rewarding
She has not been rewarding
It has not been rewarding
We have not been rewarding
They have not been rewarding
Forma interrogativa
Have I been rewarding?
Have you been rewarding?
Has he been rewarding?
Has she been rewarding?
Has it been rewarding?
Have we been rewarding
Have they been rewarding?
Oraciones con el verbo reward conjugado en presente perfecto continuo
- We have been rewarding our customers with exclusive offers all year. Hemos estado recompensando a nuestros clientes con ofertas exclusivas todo el año.
- She has been rewarding herself with regular exercise for better health. Ella se ha estado recompensando con ejercicio regular para mejorar su salud.
- Have we been rewarding our customers all year? ¿Hemos estado recompensando a nuestros clientes todo el año?
- She hasn't been rewarding herself enough lately. No se ha estado recompensando lo suficiente últimamente.
Conjugación del verbo reward en futuro perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I will have been rewarding
You will have been rewarding
He will have been rewarding
She will have been rewarding
It will has been rewarding
We will have been rewarding
They will have been rewarding
Forma negativa
I will not have been rewarding
You will not have been rewarding
He will not have been rewarding
She will not have been rewarding
It will not have been rewarding
We will not have been rewarding
They will not have been rewarding
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been rewarding?
Will you have been rewarding?
Will he have been rewarding?
Will she have been rewarding?
Will it have been rewarding?
Will we have been rewarding
Will they have been rewarding?
Oraciones con el verbo reward conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo
- They will have been rewarding their clients with exceptional service for a decade. Ellos habrán estado recompensando a sus clientes con un servicio excepcional durante una década.
- She will have been rewarding herself with personal growth opportunities for years. Ella habrá estado recompensándose con oportunidades de crecimiento personal durante años.
- Will they have been rewarding their clients? ¿Habrán estado recompensando a sus clientes?
- She hasn't been rewarding herself lately. Ella no ha estado recompensándose últimamente.