Conjugaciones del verbo smother

Traducción: asfixiar; ahogar; sofocar; ...
Pronunciación: smother
Infinitivo: to smother
Preterito: smothered
Gerundio: smothering

Conjugación del verbo smother en pasado simple

Forma afirmativa
I smothered
You smothered
He smothered
She smothered
It smothered
We smothered
They smothered
Forma negativa
I did not smother
You did not smother
He did not smother
She did not smother
It did not smother
We did not smother
They did not smother
Forma interrogativa
Did I smother?
Did you smother?
Did he smother?
Did she smother?
Did it smother?
Did we smother
Did they smother?

Oraciones con el verbo smother conjugado en pasado simple

  • She smothered the fire quickly. Ella sofocó el fuego rápidamente.
  • They smothered their doubts. Sofocaron sus dudas.
  • Did she smother anything? ¿Sofocó algo?
  • We didn't smother last time. No sofocamos la última vez.

Conjugación del verbo smother en presente simple

Forma afirmativa
I smother
You smother
He smothers
She smothers
It smothers
We smother
They smother
Forma negativa
I do not smother
You do not smother
He does not smother
She does not smother
It do not smother
We do not smother
They do not smother
Forma interrogativa
Do I smother?
Do you smother?
Does he smother?
Does she smother?
Do it smother?
Do we smother
Do they smother?

Oraciones con el verbo smother conjugado en presente simple

  • She smothers her child with love. Ella ahoga a su hijo con amor.
  • They smother the fire with blankets. Ellos sofocan el fuego con mantas.
  • Does she smother her child with love? ¿Ella ahoga a su hijo con amor?
  • They do not smother the fire with blankets. Ellos no sofocan el fuego con mantas.

Conjugación del verbo smother en futuro simple

Forma afirmativa
I will smother
You will smother
He will smother
She will smother
It will smother
We will smother
They will smother
Forma negativa
I will not smother
You will not smother
He will not smother
She will not smother
It will not smother
We will not smother
They will not smother
Forma interrogativa
Will I smother?
Will you smother?
Will he smother?
Will she smother?
Will it smother?
Will we smother
Will they smother?

Oraciones con el verbo smother conjugado en futuro simple

  • She will smother the flames with sand. Ella sofocará las llamas con arena.
  • They will smother their doubts with confidence. Ellos sofocarán sus dudas con confianza.
  • Will she smother the flames? ¿Sofocará ella las llamas?
  • They won't smother their doubts if they stay positive. No sofocarán sus dudas si se mantienen positivos.

Conjugación del verbo smother en pasado perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I had smothered
You had smothered
He had smothered
She had smothered
It had smothered
We had smothered
They had smothered
Forma negativa
I had not smothered
You had not smothered
He had not smothered
She had not smothered
It had not smothered
We had not smothered
They had not smothered
Forma interrogativa
Had I smothered?
Had you smothered?
Had he smothered?
Had she smothered?
Had it smothered?
Had we smothered
Had they smothered?

Oraciones con el verbo smother conjugado en pasado perfecto

  • We had smothered the flames before help arrived. Habíamos sofocado las llamas antes de que llegara la ayuda.
  • He had smothered his fears before the exam. Él había sofocado sus miedos antes del examen.
  • Had they smothered the fire before it spread? ¿Habían sofocado el fuego antes de que se extendiera?
  • I hadn't smothered the flames before the firemen arrived. No había sofocado las llamas antes de que llegaran los bomberos.

Conjugación del verbo smother en presente perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I have smothered
You have smothered
He has smothered
She has smothered
It has smothered
We have smothered
They have smothered
Forma negativa
I have not smothered
You have not smothered
He has not smothered
She has not smothered
It has not smothered
We have not smothered
They have not smothered
Forma interrogativa
Have I smothered?
Have you smothered?
Has he smothered?
Has she smothered?
Has it smothered?
Have we smothered
Have they smothered?

Oraciones con el verbo smother conjugado en presente perfecto

  • We have smothered the flames before. Hemos sofocado las llamas antes.
  • He has smothered the pain with medication. Él ha sofocado el dolor con medicación.
  • Have we smothered the flames? ¿Hemos sofocado las llamas?
  • They haven't smothered the flames yet. No han sofocado las llamas aún.

Conjugación del verbo smother en futuro perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I will have smothered
You will have smothered
He will have smothered
She will have smothered
It will have smothered
We will have smothered
They will have smothered
Forma negativa
I will not have smothered
You will not have smothered
He will not have smothered
She will not have smothered
It will not have smothered
We will not have smothered
They will not have smothered
Forma interrogativa
Will I have smothered?
Will you have smothered?
Will he have smothered?
Will she have smothered?
Will it have smothered?
Will we have smothered
Will they have smothered?

Oraciones con el verbo smother conjugado en futuro perfecto

  • We will have smothered the fire by then. Habramos sofocado el fuego para entonces.
  • He will have smothered his fears before the performance. Él habrá sofocado sus miedos antes de la actuación.
  • Will they have smothered the flames? ¿Habrán sofocado las llamas?
  • They won't have smothered the fire completely. No habrán sofocado el fuego completamente.

Conjugación del verbo smother en pasado continuo

Forma afirmativa
I was smothering
You were smothering
He was smothering
She was smothering
It was smothering
We were smothering
They were smothering
Forma negativa
I was not smothering
You were not smothering
He was not smothering
She was not smothering
It was not smothering
We were not smothering
They were not smothering
Forma interrogativa
Was I smothering?
Were you smothering?
Was he smothering?
Was she smothering?
Was it smothering?
Were we smothering
Were they smothering?

Oraciones con el verbo smother conjugado en pasado progresivo

  • I was smothering the flames when you saw me. Estaba sofocando las llamas cuando me viste.
  • They were smothering the doubts all night. Ellos estuvieron sofocando las dudas toda la noche.
  • Were they smothering their fears during the event? ¿Estaban sofocando sus miedos durante el evento?
  • She wasn't smothering the fire when I saw her. Ella no estaba sofocando el fuego cuando la vi.

Conjugación del verbo smother en presente continuo

Forma afirmativa
I am smothering
You are smothering
He is smothering
She is smothering
It is smothering
We are smothering
They are smothering
Forma negativa
I am not smothering
You are not smothering
He is not smothering
She is not smothering
It is not smothering
We are not smothering
They are not smothering
Forma interrogativa
Am I smothering?
are you smothering?
Is he smothering?
Is she smothering?
Is it smothering?
Are we smothering
Are they smothering?

Oraciones con el verbo smother conjugado en presente progresivo

  • I am smothering the fire now. Estoy sofocando el fuego ahora.
  • You are smothering the burger with cheese. Estás cubriendo la hamburguesa con queso.
  • Are you smothering the fire? ¿Estás sofocando el fuego?
  • She isn't smothering her food right now. Ella no está cubriendo su comida en este momento.

Conjugación del verbo smother en futuro continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will be smothering
You will be smothering
He will be smothering
She will be smothering
It will be smothering
We will be smothering
They will be smothering
Forma negativa
I will not be smothering
You will not be smothering
He will not smothering
She will not be smothering
It will not be smothering
We will not be smothering
They will not be smothering
Forma interrogativa
Will I be smothering?
Will you be smothering?
Will he be smothering?
Will she be smothering?
Will it be smothering?
Will we be smothering
Will they be smothering?

Oraciones con el verbo smother conjugado en futuro progresivo

  • I will be smothering the fire tomorrow. Estaré sofocando el fuego mañana.
  • You will be smothering the food with sauce. Estarás sofocando la comida con salsa.
  • They won't be smothering the flames. No estarán sofocando las llamas.
  • Will she be smothering her fears? ¿Estará sofocando sus miedos?

Conjugación del verbo smother en pasado perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I had been smothering
You had been smothering
He had been smothering
She had been smothering
It had been smothering
We had been smothering
They had been smothering
Forma negativa
I had not been smothering
You had not been smothering
He had not been smothering
She had not been smothering
It had not been smothering
We had not been smothering
They had not been smothering
Forma interrogativa
Had I been smothering?
Had you been smothering?
Had he been smothering?
Had she been smothering?
Had it been smothering?
Had we been smothering
Had they been smothering?

Oraciones con el verbo smother conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo

  • She had been smothering her feelings for years before she spoke up. Ella había estado sofocando sus sentimientos durante años antes de expresarse.
  • We had been smothering the fire for hours before it was under control. Nosotros habíamos estado sofocando el fuego durante horas antes de que estuviera controlado.
  • Had she been smothering her feelings? ¿Había estado sofocando ella sus sentimientos?
  • We hadn't been smothering the fire completely. No habíamos estado sofocando el fuego por completo.

Conjugación del verbo smother en presente perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I have been smothering
You have been smothering
He has been smothering
She has been smothering
It has been smothering
We have been smothering
They have been smothering
Forma negativa
I have not been smothering
You have not been smothering
He has not been smothering
She has not been smothering
It has not been smothering
We have not been smothering
They have not been smothering
Forma interrogativa
Have I been smothering?
Have you been smothering?
Has he been smothering?
Has she been smothering?
Has it been smothering?
Have we been smothering
Have they been smothering?

Oraciones con el verbo smother conjugado en presente perfecto continuo

  • She has been smothering her plants with care for years. Ella ha estado cuidando sus plantas con esmero durante años.
  • We have been smothering the flames for hours. Hemos estado sofocando las llamas durante horas.
  • Have they been smothering effectively? ¿Han estado sofocando de manera efectiva?
  • It hasn't been smothering well. No ha estado sofocando bien.

Conjugación del verbo smother en futuro perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will have been smothering
You will have been smothering
He will have been smothering
She will have been smothering
It will has been smothering
We will have been smothering
They will have been smothering
Forma negativa
I will not have been smothering
You will not have been smothering
He will not have been smothering
She will not have been smothering
It will not have been smothering
We will not have been smothering
They will not have been smothering
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been smothering?
Will you have been smothering?
Will he have been smothering?
Will she have been smothering?
Will it have been smothering?
Will we have been smothering
Will they have been smothering?

Oraciones con el verbo smother conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo

  • She will have been smothering her child with love for years. Ella habrá estado sofocando a su hijo con amor durante años.
  • We will have been smothering the flames for hours by then. Habríamos estado sofocando las llamas durante horas para entonces.
  • They won't have been smothering their problems. No habrán estado sofocando sus problemas.
  • Will he have been smothering his doubts? ¿Habría estado sofocando sus dudas?

Otras conjugaciones