Conjugaciones del verbo widen
Traducción: ampliar; ensanchar; aumentar; ...
Infinitivo: to widen
Preterito: widened
Gerundio: widening
Conjugación del verbo widen en pasado simple
Forma afirmativa
I widened
You widened
He widened
She widened
It widened
We widened
They widened
Forma negativa
I did not widen
You did not widen
He did not widen
She did not widen
It did not widen
We did not widen
They did not widen
Forma interrogativa
Did I widen?
Did you widen?
Did he widen?
Did she widen?
Did it widen?
Did we widen
Did they widen?
Oraciones con el verbo widen conjugado en pasado simple
- They widened the bridge last year to improve traffic flow. Ellos ensancharon el puente el año pasado para mejorar el flujo de tráfico.
- The road widened after the storm washed away part of the embankment. El camino se ensanchó después de que la tormenta arrasara parte del terraplén.
- Did they widen the bridge last year? ¿Ensancharon el puente el año pasado?
- The road didn't widen until after the storm. El camino no se ensanchó hasta después de la tormenta.
Conjugación del verbo widen en presente simple
Forma afirmativa
I widen
You widen
He widens
She widens
It widens
We widen
They widen
Forma negativa
I do not widen
You do not widen
He does not widen
She does not widen
It do not widen
We do not widen
They do not widen
Forma interrogativa
Do I widen?
Do you widen?
Does he widen?
Does she widen?
Do it widen?
Do we widen
Do they widen?
Oraciones con el verbo widen conjugado en presente simple
- They widen the road to reduce traffic congestion. Ellos ensanchan la carretera para reducir la congestión del tráfico.
- The river widens as it flows towards the sea. El río se ensancha a medida que fluye hacia el mar.
- Do they widen the road often? ¿Ellos ensanchan la carretera a menudo?
- They do not widen the road during the winter. Ellos no ensanchan la carretera durante el invierno.
Conjugación del verbo widen en futuro simple
Forma afirmativa
I will widen
You will widen
He will widen
She will widen
It will widen
We will widen
They will widen
Forma negativa
I will not widen
You will not widen
He will not widen
She will not widen
It will not widen
We will not widen
They will not widen
Forma interrogativa
Will I widen?
Will you widen?
Will he widen?
Will she widen?
Will it widen?
Will we widen
Will they widen?
Oraciones con el verbo widen conjugado en futuro simple
- They will widen the path to make it accessible for cyclists. Ellos ampliarán el camino para hacerlo accesible a los ciclistas.
- The company will widen its distribution network to reach more regions. La empresa ampliará su red de distribución para alcanzar más regiones.
- Will they widen the path? ¿Ellos ampliarán el camino?
- The company won't widen its network this year. La empresa no ampliará su red este año.
Conjugación del verbo widen en pasado perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I had widened
You had widened
He had widened
She had widened
It had widened
We had widened
They had widened
Forma negativa
I had not widened
You had not widened
He had not widened
She had not widened
It had not widened
We had not widened
They had not widened
Forma interrogativa
Had I widened?
Had you widened?
Had he widened?
Had she widened?
Had it widened?
Had we widened
Had they widened?
Oraciones con el verbo widen conjugado en pasado perfecto
- By then, they had widened all the major roads in the city. Para entonces, habían ampliado todas las carreteras principales de la ciudad.
- The company had widened its market presence before the economic downturn. La empresa había ampliado su presencia en el mercado antes de la recesión económica.
- Had they widened the road before the event? ¿Habían ampliado la carretera antes del evento?
- She hadn't widened her audience reach yet. Ella no había ampliado su alcance de audiencia aún.
Conjugación del verbo widen en presente perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I have widened
You have widened
He has widened
She has widened
It has widened
We have widened
They have widened
Forma negativa
I have not widened
You have not widened
He has not widened
She has not widened
It has not widened
We have not widened
They have not widened
Forma interrogativa
Have I widened?
Have you widened?
Has he widened?
Has she widened?
Has it widened?
Have we widened
Have they widened?
Oraciones con el verbo widen conjugado en presente perfecto
- They have widened several streets in the downtown area. Han ampliado varias calles en el centro de la ciudad.
- The company has widened its product range to attract more customers. La empresa ha ampliado su gama de productos para atraer a más clientes.
- Have they widened the entrance? ¿Han ampliado la entrada?
- The contractor hasn't widened the driveway yet. El contratista aún no ha ampliado el camino de entrada.
Conjugación del verbo widen en futuro perfecto
Forma afirmativa
I will have widened
You will have widened
He will have widened
She will have widened
It will have widened
We will have widened
They will have widened
Forma negativa
I will not have widened
You will not have widened
He will not have widened
She will not have widened
It will not have widened
We will not have widened
They will not have widened
Forma interrogativa
Will I have widened?
Will you have widened?
Will he have widened?
Will she have widened?
Will it have widened?
Will we have widened
Will they have widened?
Oraciones con el verbo widen conjugado en futuro perfecto
- By then, they will have widened all the main roads in the county. Para entonces, habrán ampliado todas las carreteras principales del condado.
- The company will have widened its market share significantly. La empresa habrá ampliado su cuota de mercado significativamente.
- Will they have widened the bridge by next year? ¿Habrán ampliado el puente para el próximo año?
- They will not have widened the roads before the deadline. No habrán ampliado las carreteras antes de la fecha límite.
Conjugación del verbo widen en pasado continuo
Forma afirmativa
I was widening
You were widening
He was widening
She was widening
It was widening
We were widening
They were widening
Forma negativa
I was not widening
You were not widening
He was not widening
She was not widening
It was not widening
We were not widening
They were not widening
Forma interrogativa
Was I widening?
Were you widening?
Was he widening?
Was she widening?
Was it widening?
Were we widening
Were they widening?
Oraciones con el verbo widen conjugado en pasado progresivo
- They were widening the highway when they discovered ancient artifacts. Estaban ampliando la carretera cuando descubrieron artefactos antiguos.
- The gap was widening as negotiations stalled. La brecha se estaba ampliando mientras las negociaciones se estancaban.
- Were they widening the streets near the city? ¿Estaban ampliando las calles cerca de la ciudad?
- She wasn't widening the driveway. Ella no estaba ampliando el camino de entrada.
Conjugación del verbo widen en presente continuo
Forma afirmativa
I am widening
You are widening
He is widening
She is widening
It is widening
We are widening
They are widening
Forma negativa
I am not widening
You are not widening
He is not widening
She is not widening
It is not widening
We are not widening
They are not widening
Forma interrogativa
Am I widening?
are you widening?
Is he widening?
Is she widening?
Is it widening?
Are we widening
Are they widening?
Oraciones con el verbo widen conjugado en presente progresivo
- They are widening the sidewalk to accommodate more pedestrians. Están ampliando la acera para acomodar a más peatones.
- The gap widens between the two political parties during election season. La brecha se amplía entre los dos partidos políticos durante la temporada electoral.
- Are they widening the road soon? ¿Están ampliando la carretera pronto?
- The team isn't widening the space yet. El equipo aún no está ampliando el espacio.
Conjugación del verbo widen en futuro continuo
Forma afirmativa
I will be widening
You will be widening
He will be widening
She will be widening
It will be widening
We will be widening
They will be widening
Forma negativa
I will not be widening
You will not be widening
He will not widening
She will not be widening
It will not be widening
We will not be widening
They will not be widening
Forma interrogativa
Will I be widening?
Will you be widening?
Will he be widening?
Will she be widening?
Will it be widening?
Will we be widening
Will they be widening?
Oraciones con el verbo widen conjugado en futuro progresivo
- They will be widening the highway throughout the summer. Ellos estarán ensanchando la carretera durante todo el verano.
- The gap will be widening unless measures are taken to address inequality. La brecha estará ampliándose a menos que se tomen medidas para abordar la desigualdad.
- Will they be widening the highway next month? ¿Estarán ellos ensanchando la carretera el próximo mes?
- They will not be widening the highway this year. Ellos no estarán ensanchando la carretera este año.
Conjugación del verbo widen en pasado perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I had been widening
You had been widening
He had been widening
She had been widening
It had been widening
We had been widening
They had been widening
Forma negativa
I had not been widening
You had not been widening
He had not been widening
She had not been widening
It had not been widening
We had not been widening
They had not been widening
Forma interrogativa
Had I been widening?
Had you been widening?
Had he been widening?
Had she been widening?
Had it been widening?
Had we been widening
Had they been widening?
Oraciones con el verbo widen conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo
- They had been widening the riverbanks for months before the flood. Ellos habían estado ampliando las orillas del río durante meses antes de la inundación.
- The gap had been widening steadily despite efforts to bridge it. La brecha había estado ampliándose constantemente a pesar de los esfuerzos por cerrarla.
- Had they been widening the riverbanks for months? ¿Ellos habían estado ampliando las orillas del río durante meses?
- The gap hadn't been widening before the flood. La brecha no había estado ampliándose antes de la inundación.
Conjugación del verbo widen en presente perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I have been widening
You have been widening
He has been widening
She has been widening
It has been widening
We have been widening
They have been widening
Forma negativa
I have not been widening
You have not been widening
He has not been widening
She has not been widening
It has not been widening
We have not been widening
They have not been widening
Forma interrogativa
Have I been widening?
Have you been widening?
Has he been widening?
Has she been widening?
Has it been widening?
Have we been widening
Have they been widening?
Oraciones con el verbo widen conjugado en presente perfecto continuo
- We have been widening our knowledge base through continuous learning. Hemos estado ampliando nuestra base de conocimientos a través del aprendizaje continuo.
- The gap has been widening between the rich and the poor. La brecha entre los ricos y los pobres ha estado ensanchándose.
- Have we been widening our knowledge base? ¿Hemos estado ampliando nuestra base de conocimientos?
- The gap hasn't been widening much recently. La brecha no ha estado ensanchándose mucho últimamente.
Conjugación del verbo widen en futuro perfecto continuo
Forma afirmativa
I will have been widening
You will have been widening
He will have been widening
She will have been widening
It will has been widening
We will have been widening
They will have been widening
Forma negativa
I will not have been widening
You will not have been widening
He will not have been widening
She will not have been widening
It will not have been widening
We will not have been widening
They will not have been widening
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been widening?
Will you have been widening?
Will he have been widening?
Will she have been widening?
Will it have been widening?
Will we have been widening
Will they have been widening?
Oraciones con el verbo widen conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo
- They will have been widening the riverbanks for years by then. Ellos habrán estado ensanchando las orillas del río durante años para entonces.
- The gap will have been widening for decades if economic policies remain unchanged. La brecha habrá estado ensanchándose durante décadas si las políticas económicas no cambian.
- Will they have been widening the riverbanks for long? ¿Habrán estado ensanchando las orillas del río durante mucho tiempo?
- The gap hasn't been widening as expected. La brecha no ha estado ensanchándose como se esperaba.