Conjugaciones del verbo disband

Traducción: disolver; desmantelar; disolverse; ...
Pronunciación: disband
Infinitivo: to disband
Preterito: disbanded
Gerundio: disbanding

Conjugación del verbo disband en pasado simple

Forma afirmativa
I disbanded
You disbanded
He disbanded
She disbanded
It disbanded
We disbanded
They disbanded
Forma negativa
I did not disband
You did not disband
He did not disband
She did not disband
It did not disband
We did not disband
They did not disband
Forma interrogativa
Did I disband?
Did you disband?
Did he disband?
Did she disband?
Did it disband?
Did we disband
Did they disband?

Oraciones con el verbo disband conjugado en pasado simple

  • They disbanded the group yesterday. Disolvieron el grupo ayer.
  • She disbanded the team last season. Ella disolvió el equipo la temporada pasada.
  • Did they disband? ¿Se disolvieron?
  • We didn't disband early. No nos disolvimos temprano.

Conjugación del verbo disband en presente simple

Forma afirmativa
I disband
You disband
He disbands
She disbands
It disbands
We disband
They disband
Forma negativa
I do not disband
You do not disband
He does not disband
She does not disband
It do not disband
We do not disband
They do not disband
Forma interrogativa
Do I disband?
Do you disband?
Does he disband?
Does she disband?
Do it disband?
Do we disband
Do they disband?

Oraciones con el verbo disband conjugado en presente simple

  • I disband the group after each session. Yo disuelvo el grupo después de cada sesión.
  • She disbands the team at the end of the season. Ella disuelve el equipo al final de la temporada.
  • Does he disband his company? ¿Él disuelve su empresa?
  • They do not disband the project early. Ellos no disuelven el proyecto temprano.

Conjugación del verbo disband en futuro simple

Forma afirmativa
I will disband
You will disband
He will disband
She will disband
It will disband
We will disband
They will disband
Forma negativa
I will not disband
You will not disband
He will not disband
She will not disband
It will not disband
We will not disband
They will not disband
Forma interrogativa
Will I disband?
Will you disband?
Will he disband?
Will she disband?
Will it disband?
Will we disband
Will they disband?

Oraciones con el verbo disband conjugado en futuro simple

  • We will disband the group tomorrow. Disolveremos el grupo mañana.
  • He will disband the team next season. Él disolverá el equipo la próxima temporada.
  • Will we disband together? ¿Disolveremos juntos?
  • We won't disband without discussion. No disolveremos sin discusión.

Conjugación del verbo disband en pasado perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I had disbanded
You had disbanded
He had disbanded
She had disbanded
It had disbanded
We had disbanded
They had disbanded
Forma negativa
I had not disbanded
You had not disbanded
He had not disbanded
She had not disbanded
It had not disbanded
We had not disbanded
They had not disbanded
Forma interrogativa
Had I disbanded?
Had you disbanded?
Had he disbanded?
Had she disbanded?
Had it disbanded?
Had we disbanded
Had they disbanded?

Oraciones con el verbo disband conjugado en pasado perfecto

  • By the time I arrived, he had already disbanded the committee. Para cuando llegué, él ya había disuelto el comité.
  • We had disbanded the organization before the meeting. Habíamos disuelto la organización antes de la reunión.
  • Had he already disbanded the committee by the time I arrived? ¿Ya había disuelto él el comité para cuando llegué?
  • He hadn't already disbanded the committee by the time I arrived. Él no había disuelto ya el comité para cuando llegué.

Conjugación del verbo disband en presente perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I have disbanded
You have disbanded
He has disbanded
She has disbanded
It has disbanded
We have disbanded
They have disbanded
Forma negativa
I have not disbanded
You have not disbanded
He has not disbanded
She has not disbanded
It has not disbanded
We have not disbanded
They have not disbanded
Forma interrogativa
Have I disbanded?
Have you disbanded?
Has he disbanded?
Has she disbanded?
Has it disbanded?
Have we disbanded
Have they disbanded?

Oraciones con el verbo disband conjugado en presente perfecto

  • They have disbanded the organization. Han disuelto la organización.
  • He has disbanded the committee. Él ha disuelto el comité.
  • Have they disbanded any groups? ¿Han disuelto algún grupo?
  • They haven't disbanded the team yet. No han disuelto el equipo aún.

Conjugación del verbo disband en futuro perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I will have disbanded
You will have disbanded
He will have disbanded
She will have disbanded
It will have disbanded
We will have disbanded
They will have disbanded
Forma negativa
I will not have disbanded
You will not have disbanded
He will not have disbanded
She will not have disbanded
It will not have disbanded
We will not have disbanded
They will not have disbanded
Forma interrogativa
Will I have disbanded?
Will you have disbanded?
Will he have disbanded?
Will she have disbanded?
Will it have disbanded?
Will we have disbanded
Will they have disbanded?

Oraciones con el verbo disband conjugado en futuro perfecto

  • By next year, they will have disbanded several clubs. Para el próximo año, habrán disuelto varios clubes.
  • It will have disbanded by then. Habría disuelto para entonces.
  • They won't have disbanded several clubs by next year. No habrán disuelto varios clubes para el próximo año.
  • Will it have disbanded by then? ¿Habría disuelto para entonces?

Conjugación del verbo disband en pasado continuo

Forma afirmativa
I was disbanding
You were disbanding
He was disbanding
She was disbanding
It was disbanding
We were disbanding
They were disbanding
Forma negativa
I was not disbanding
You were not disbanding
He was not disbanding
She was not disbanding
It was not disbanding
We were not disbanding
They were not disbanding
Forma interrogativa
Was I disbanding?
Were you disbanding?
Was he disbanding?
Was she disbanding?
Was it disbanding?
Were we disbanding
Were they disbanding?

Oraciones con el verbo disband conjugado en pasado progresivo

  • I was disbanding when you called. Estaba disolviendo cuando llamaste.
  • They were disbanding during the event. Ellos estaban disolviendo durante el evento.
  • Was I disbanding when you called? ¿Estaba disolviendo cuando llamaste?
  • I wasn't disbanding when you called. No estaba disolviendo cuando llamaste.

Conjugación del verbo disband en presente continuo

Forma afirmativa
I am disbanding
You are disbanding
He is disbanding
She is disbanding
It is disbanding
We are disbanding
They are disbanding
Forma negativa
I am not disbanding
You are not disbanding
He is not disbanding
She is not disbanding
It is not disbanding
We are not disbanding
They are not disbanding
Forma interrogativa
Am I disbanding?
are you disbanding?
Is he disbanding?
Is she disbanding?
Is it disbanding?
Are we disbanding
Are they disbanding?

Oraciones con el verbo disband conjugado en presente progresivo

  • We are disbanding the club now. Estamos disolviendo el club ahora.
  • It is disbanding slowly. Está disolviéndose lentamente.
  • Are they disbanding today? ¿Están disolviéndose hoy?
  • They aren't disbanding the organization right now. No están disolviendo la organización ahora mismo.

Conjugación del verbo disband en futuro continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will be disbanding
You will be disbanding
He will be disbanding
She will be disbanding
It will be disbanding
We will be disbanding
They will be disbanding
Forma negativa
I will not be disbanding
You will not be disbanding
He will not disbanding
She will not be disbanding
It will not be disbanding
We will not be disbanding
They will not be disbanding
Forma interrogativa
Will I be disbanding?
Will you be disbanding?
Will he be disbanding?
Will she be disbanding?
Will it be disbanding?
Will we be disbanding
Will they be disbanding?

Oraciones con el verbo disband conjugado en futuro progresivo

  • I will be disbanding all day. Estaré disolviendo todo el día.
  • They will be disbanding during the campaign. Estarán disolviendo durante la campaña.
  • I won't be disbanding tomorrow. No estaré disolviendo mañana.
  • Will they be disbanding during the campaign? ¿Estarán disolviendo durante la campaña?

Conjugación del verbo disband en pasado perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I had been disbanding
You had been disbanding
He had been disbanding
She had been disbanding
It had been disbanding
We had been disbanding
They had been disbanding
Forma negativa
I had not been disbanding
You had not been disbanding
He had not been disbanding
She had not been disbanding
It had not been disbanding
We had not been disbanding
They had not been disbanding
Forma interrogativa
Had I been disbanding?
Had you been disbanding?
Had he been disbanding?
Had she been disbanding?
Had it been disbanding?
Had we been disbanding
Had they been disbanding?

Oraciones con el verbo disband conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo

  • It had been disbanding for years before the final decision was made. Había estado disolviéndose durante años antes de que se tomara la decisión final.
  • We had been disbanding for months before the policy change. Habíamos estado disolviéndonos durante meses antes del cambio de política.
  • Had it been disbanding correctly? ¿Había estado disolviéndose correctamente?
  • It hadn't been disbanding smoothly. No había estado disolviéndose sin problemas.

Conjugación del verbo disband en presente perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I have been disbanding
You have been disbanding
He has been disbanding
She has been disbanding
It has been disbanding
We have been disbanding
They have been disbanding
Forma negativa
I have not been disbanding
You have not been disbanding
He has not been disbanding
She has not been disbanding
It has not been disbanding
We have not been disbanding
They have not been disbanding
Forma interrogativa
Have I been disbanding?
Have you been disbanding?
Has he been disbanding?
Has she been disbanding?
Has it been disbanding?
Have we been disbanding
Have they been disbanding?

Oraciones con el verbo disband conjugado en presente perfecto continuo

  • I have been disbanding groups for years. He estado disolviendo grupos durante años.
  • They have been disbanding all month. Han estado disolviendo todo el mes.
  • Have I been disbanding too many? ¿He estado disolviendo demasiados?
  • It hasn't been disbanding easy. No ha estado disolviendo fácil.

Conjugación del verbo disband en futuro perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will have been disbanding
You will have been disbanding
He will have been disbanding
She will have been disbanding
It will has been disbanding
We will have been disbanding
They will have been disbanding
Forma negativa
I will not have been disbanding
You will not have been disbanding
He will not have been disbanding
She will not have been disbanding
It will not have been disbanding
We will not have been disbanding
They will not have been disbanding
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been disbanding?
Will you have been disbanding?
Will he have been disbanding?
Will she have been disbanding?
Will it have been disbanding?
Will we have been disbanding
Will they have been disbanding?

Oraciones con el verbo disband conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo

  • By the end of the session, we will have been disbanding for hours. Para el final de la sesión, habremos estado disolviendo durante horas.
  • She will have been disbanding for years by then. Ella habrá estado disolviendo durante años para entonces.
  • We won't have been disbanding for hours by the end of the session. No habremos estado disolviendo durante horas para el final de la sesión.
  • Will she have been disbanding for years by then? ¿Habrá estado disolviendo durante años para entonces?

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