Conjugaciones del verbo stamp

Traducción: estampar; sellar; imprimir; ...
Pronunciación: stamp
Infinitivo: to stamp
Preterito: stamped
Gerundio: stamping

Conjugación del verbo stamp en pasado simple

Forma afirmativa
I stamped
You stamped
He stamped
She stamped
It stamped
We stamped
They stamped
Forma negativa
I did not stamp
You did not stamp
He did not stamp
She did not stamp
It did not stamp
We did not stamp
They did not stamp
Forma interrogativa
Did I stamp?
Did you stamp?
Did he stamp?
Did she stamp?
Did it stamp?
Did we stamp
Did they stamp?

Oraciones con el verbo stamp conjugado en pasado simple

  • He stamped the contract with the date and signature. Él selló el contrato con la fecha y la firma.
  • She stamped the tickets before handing them out. Ella selló los boletos antes de entregarlos.
  • Did he stamp the contract with the date? ¿Selló el contrato con la fecha?
  • She didn't stamp the tickets until the last minute. No selló los boletos hasta el último minuto.

Conjugación del verbo stamp en presente simple

Forma afirmativa
I stamp
You stamp
He stamps
She stamps
It stamps
We stamp
They stamp
Forma negativa
I do not stamp
You do not stamp
He does not stamp
She does not stamp
It do not stamp
We do not stamp
They do not stamp
Forma interrogativa
Do I stamp?
Do you stamp?
Does he stamp?
Does she stamp?
Do it stamp?
Do we stamp
Do they stamp?

Oraciones con el verbo stamp conjugado en presente simple

  • He stamps the documents with the company seal. Él sella los documentos con el sello de la empresa.
  • She stamps the forms before sending them out. Ella sella los formularios antes de enviarlos.
  • Does he stamp the documents every time? ¿Él sella los documentos cada vez?
  • She does not stamp the forms on weekends. Ella no sella los formularios los fines de semana.

Conjugación del verbo stamp en futuro simple

Forma afirmativa
I will stamp
You will stamp
He will stamp
She will stamp
It will stamp
We will stamp
They will stamp
Forma negativa
I will not stamp
You will not stamp
He will not stamp
She will not stamp
It will not stamp
We will not stamp
They will not stamp
Forma interrogativa
Will I stamp?
Will you stamp?
Will he stamp?
Will she stamp?
Will it stamp?
Will we stamp
Will they stamp?

Oraciones con el verbo stamp conjugado en futuro simple

  • They will stamp the applications as soon as they receive them. Ellos sellarán las solicitudes tan pronto como las reciban.
  • She will stamp the books with the library's seal. Ella sellará los libros con el sello de la biblioteca.
  • Will they stamp the applications soon? ¿Ellos sellarán las solicitudes pronto?
  • She won't stamp the books if they are not returned. Ella no sellará los libros si no son devueltos.

Conjugación del verbo stamp en pasado perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I had stamped
You had stamped
He had stamped
She had stamped
It had stamped
We had stamped
They had stamped
Forma negativa
I had not stamped
You had not stamped
He had not stamped
She had not stamped
It had not stamped
We had not stamped
They had not stamped
Forma interrogativa
Had I stamped?
Had you stamped?
Had he stamped?
Had she stamped?
Had it stamped?
Had we stamped
Had they stamped?

Oraciones con el verbo stamp conjugado en pasado perfecto

  • By then, they had stamped all the necessary documents. Para entonces, habían estampado todos los documentos necesarios.
  • She had stamped the invitations before they arrived. Ella había estampado las invitaciones antes de que llegaran.
  • Had they stamped all the envelopes? ¿Habían estampado todos los sobres?
  • She hadn't stamped the contracts yet. Ella no había estampado los contratos aún.

Conjugación del verbo stamp en presente perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I have stamped
You have stamped
He has stamped
She has stamped
It has stamped
We have stamped
They have stamped
Forma negativa
I have not stamped
You have not stamped
He has not stamped
She has not stamped
It has not stamped
We have not stamped
They have not stamped
Forma interrogativa
Have I stamped?
Have you stamped?
Has he stamped?
Has she stamped?
Has it stamped?
Have we stamped
Have they stamped?

Oraciones con el verbo stamp conjugado en presente perfecto

  • They have stamped over a hundred documents today. Han estampado más de cien documentos hoy.
  • She has stamped all the letters for mailing. Ella ha estampado todas las cartas para enviarlas.
  • Have they stamped the visas already? ¿Ya han estampado las visas?
  • She hasn't stamped the contract yet. Aún no ha estampado el contrato.

Conjugación del verbo stamp en futuro perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I will have stamped
You will have stamped
He will have stamped
She will have stamped
It will have stamped
We will have stamped
They will have stamped
Forma negativa
I will not have stamped
You will not have stamped
He will not have stamped
She will not have stamped
It will not have stamped
We will not have stamped
They will not have stamped
Forma interrogativa
Will I have stamped?
Will you have stamped?
Will he have stamped?
Will she have stamped?
Will it have stamped?
Will we have stamped
Will they have stamped?

Oraciones con el verbo stamp conjugado en futuro perfecto

  • By then, they will have stamped all the documents for the event. Para entonces, habrán sellado todos los documentos para el evento.
  • She will have stamped the forms by the end of the day. Ella habrá sellado los formularios para el final del día.
  • Will they have stamped the invitations before the party? ¿Habrán sellado las invitaciones antes de la fiesta?
  • They will not have stamped the documents by that time. No habrán sellado los documentos para entonces.

Conjugación del verbo stamp en pasado continuo

Forma afirmativa
I was stamping
You were stamping
He was stamping
She was stamping
It was stamping
We were stamping
They were stamping
Forma negativa
I was not stamping
You were not stamping
He was not stamping
She was not stamping
It was not stamping
We were not stamping
They were not stamping
Forma interrogativa
Was I stamping?
Were you stamping?
Was he stamping?
Was she stamping?
Was it stamping?
Were we stamping
Were they stamping?

Oraciones con el verbo stamp conjugado en pasado progresivo

  • They were stamping the envelopes when the power went out. Estaban estampando los sobres cuando se fue la luz.
  • She was stamping the forms when the phone rang. Ella estaba estampando los formularios cuando sonó el teléfono.
  • Were they stamping official documents? ¿Estaban estampando documentos oficiales?
  • She wasn't stamping the invitations yet. Ella no estaba estampando las invitaciones aún.

Conjugación del verbo stamp en presente continuo

Forma afirmativa
I am stamping
You are stamping
He is stamping
She is stamping
It is stamping
We are stamping
They are stamping
Forma negativa
I am not stamping
You are not stamping
He is not stamping
She is not stamping
It is not stamping
We are not stamping
They are not stamping
Forma interrogativa
Am I stamping?
are you stamping?
Is he stamping?
Is she stamping?
Is it stamping?
Are we stamping
Are they stamping?

Oraciones con el verbo stamp conjugado en presente progresivo

  • They are stamping the passports at the immigration counter. Están estampando los pasaportes en el mostrador de inmigración.
  • She is stamping the invoices with approval. Ella está estampando las facturas con aprobación.
  • Are they stamping the documents now? ¿Están estampando los documentos ahora?
  • He isn't stamping all the forms. Él no está estampando todos los formularios.

Conjugación del verbo stamp en futuro continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will be stamping
You will be stamping
He will be stamping
She will be stamping
It will be stamping
We will be stamping
They will be stamping
Forma negativa
I will not be stamping
You will not be stamping
He will not stamping
She will not be stamping
It will not be stamping
We will not be stamping
They will not be stamping
Forma interrogativa
Will I be stamping?
Will you be stamping?
Will he be stamping?
Will she be stamping?
Will it be stamping?
Will we be stamping
Will they be stamping?

Oraciones con el verbo stamp conjugado en futuro progresivo

  • They will be stamping the visas throughout the afternoon. Ellos estarán sellando las visas durante toda la tarde.
  • She will be stamping the contracts during the meeting. Ella estará sellando los contratos durante la reunión.
  • Will they be stamping the passports at the airport? ¿Estarán ellos sellando los pasaportes en el aeropuerto?
  • He will not be stamping the documents this week. Él no estará sellando los documentos esta semana.

Conjugación del verbo stamp en pasado perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I had been stamping
You had been stamping
He had been stamping
She had been stamping
It had been stamping
We had been stamping
They had been stamping
Forma negativa
I had not been stamping
You had not been stamping
He had not been stamping
She had not been stamping
It had not been stamping
We had not been stamping
They had not been stamping
Forma interrogativa
Had I been stamping?
Had you been stamping?
Had he been stamping?
Had she been stamping?
Had it been stamping?
Had we been stamping
Had they been stamping?

Oraciones con el verbo stamp conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo

  • They had been stamping papers all day before they finished. Ellos habían estado sellando papeles todo el día antes de terminar.
  • She had been stamping passports for hours. Ella había estado sellando pasaportes durante horas.
  • Had they been stamping papers all day? ¿Ellos habían estado sellando papeles todo el día?
  • She hadn't been stamping passports recently. Ella no había estado sellando pasaportes recientemente.

Conjugación del verbo stamp en presente perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I have been stamping
You have been stamping
He has been stamping
She has been stamping
It has been stamping
We have been stamping
They have been stamping
Forma negativa
I have not been stamping
You have not been stamping
He has not been stamping
She has not been stamping
It has not been stamping
We have not been stamping
They have not been stamping
Forma interrogativa
Have I been stamping?
Have you been stamping?
Has he been stamping?
Has she been stamping?
Has it been stamping?
Have we been stamping
Have they been stamping?

Oraciones con el verbo stamp conjugado en presente perfecto continuo

  • We have been stamping the files since this morning. Hemos estado sellando los archivos desde esta mañana.
  • She has been stamping the certificates for graduation. Ella ha estado sellando los certificados para la graduación.
  • Have we been stamping the files since this morning? ¿Hemos estado sellando los archivos desde esta mañana?
  • She hasn't been stamping many certificates yet. No ha estado sellando muchos certificados todavía.

Conjugación del verbo stamp en futuro perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will have been stamping
You will have been stamping
He will have been stamping
She will have been stamping
It will has been stamping
We will have been stamping
They will have been stamping
Forma negativa
I will not have been stamping
You will not have been stamping
He will not have been stamping
She will not have been stamping
It will not have been stamping
We will not have been stamping
They will not have been stamping
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been stamping?
Will you have been stamping?
Will he have been stamping?
Will she have been stamping?
Will it have been stamping?
Will we have been stamping
Will they have been stamping?

Oraciones con el verbo stamp conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo

  • They will have been stamping passports for hours by then. Ellos habrán estado sellando pasaportes durante horas para entonces.
  • She will have been stamping certificates for the graduates all day. Ella habrá estado sellando certificados para los graduados todo el día.
  • Will they have been stamping passports? ¿Habrán estado sellando pasaportes?
  • She hasn't been stamping any certificates lately. Ella no ha estado sellando ningún certificado últimamente.

Otras conjugaciones