Conjugaciones del verbo free

Traducción: liberar; ...
Pronunciación: free
Infinitivo: to free
Preterito: freed
Gerundio: freeing

Conjugación del verbo free en pasado simple

Forma afirmativa
I freed
You freed
He freed
She freed
It freed
We freed
They freed
Forma negativa
I did not free
You did not free
He did not free
She did not free
It did not free
We did not free
They did not free
Forma interrogativa
Did I free?
Did you free?
Did he free?
Did she free?
Did it free?
Did we free
Did they free?

Oraciones con el verbo free conjugado en pasado simple

  • They freed the prisoners yesterday. Liberaron a los prisioneros ayer.
  • She freed her afternoon for the meeting. Ella liberó su tarde para la reunión.
  • Did they free everyone? ¿Liberaron a todos?
  • We didn't free the resources. No liberamos los recursos.

Conjugación del verbo free en presente simple

Forma afirmativa
I free
You free
He frees
She frees
It frees
We free
They free
Forma negativa
I do not free
You do not free
He does not free
She does not free
It do not free
We do not free
They do not free
Forma interrogativa
Do I free?
Do you free?
Does he free?
Does she free?
Do it free?
Do we free
Do they free?

Oraciones con el verbo free conjugado en presente simple

  • I free the animals from their cages. Libero a los animales de sus jaulas.
  • She frees her schedule for important meetings. Ella libera su agenda para reuniones importantes.
  • Does he free the animals every year? ¿Libera él a los animales todos los años?
  • They do not free the trapped birds. No liberan a las aves atrapadas.

Conjugación del verbo free en futuro simple

Forma afirmativa
I will free
You will free
He will free
She will free
It will free
We will free
They will free
Forma negativa
I will not free
You will not free
He will not free
She will not free
It will not free
We will not free
They will not free
Forma interrogativa
Will I free?
Will you free?
Will he free?
Will she free?
Will it free?
Will we free
Will they free?

Oraciones con el verbo free conjugado en futuro simple

  • We will free the animals next weekend. Liberaremos a los animales el próximo fin de semana.
  • She will free her schedule for the conference. Ella liberará su horario para la conferencia.
  • Will they free up time for the training sessions? ¿Liberarán tiempo para las sesiones de entrenamiento?
  • We won't free the resources until they are needed. No liberaremos los recursos hasta que se necesiten.

Conjugación del verbo free en pasado perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I had freed
You had freed
He had freed
She had freed
It had freed
We had freed
They had freed
Forma negativa
I had not freed
You had not freed
He had not freed
She had not freed
It had not freed
We had not freed
They had not freed
Forma interrogativa
Had I freed?
Had you freed?
Had he freed?
Had she freed?
Had it freed?
Had we freed
Had they freed?

Oraciones con el verbo free conjugado en pasado perfecto

  • By the time the rescue team arrived, they had freed the hostages. Para cuando llegó el equipo de rescate, habían liberado a los rehenes.
  • He had freed up his schedule before the new tasks arrived. Él había liberado su agenda antes de que llegaran las nuevas tareas.
  • Had they already freed the hostages by the time the rescue team arrived? ¿Ya habían liberado a los rehenes para cuando llegó el equipo de rescate?
  • They hadn't already freed the hostages by the time the rescue team arrived. No habían liberado ya a los rehenes para cuando llegó el equipo de rescate.

Conjugación del verbo free en presente perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I have freed
You have freed
He has freed
She has freed
It has freed
We have freed
They have freed
Forma negativa
I have not freed
You have not freed
He has not freed
She has not freed
It has not freed
We have not freed
They have not freed
Forma interrogativa
Have I freed?
Have you freed?
Has he freed?
Has she freed?
Has it freed?
Have we freed
Have they freed?

Oraciones con el verbo free conjugado en presente perfecto

  • We have freed the hostages. Hemos liberado a los rehenes.
  • He has freed up some time for the project. Él ha liberado algo de tiempo para el proyecto.
  • Have they freed anything else? ¿Han liberado algo más?
  • They haven't freed the animals yet. Aún no han liberado a los animales.

Conjugación del verbo free en futuro perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I will have freed
You will have freed
He will have freed
She will have freed
It will have freed
We will have freed
They will have freed
Forma negativa
I will not have freed
You will not have freed
He will not have freed
She will not have freed
It will not have freed
We will not have freed
They will not have freed
Forma interrogativa
Will I have freed?
Will you have freed?
Will he have freed?
Will she have freed?
Will it have freed?
Will we have freed
Will they have freed?

Oraciones con el verbo free conjugado en futuro perfecto

  • By the end of the month, they will have freed all the prisoners. Para el final del mes, habrán liberado a todos los prisioneros.
  • He will have freed up time for the upcoming project. Él habrá liberado tiempo para el próximo proyecto.
  • We won't have freed all the prisoners by the end of the month. No habremos liberado a todos los prisioneros para el final del mes.
  • Will he have freed up time for the upcoming project? ¿Habrá liberado tiempo para el próximo proyecto?

Conjugación del verbo free en pasado continuo

Forma afirmativa
I was freeing
You were freeing
He was freeing
She was freeing
It was freeing
We were freeing
They were freeing
Forma negativa
I was not freeing
You were not freeing
He was not freeing
She was not freeing
It was not freeing
We were not freeing
They were not freeing
Forma interrogativa
Was I freeing?
Were you freeing?
Was he freeing?
Was she freeing?
Was it freeing?
Were we freeing
Were they freeing?

Oraciones con el verbo free conjugado en pasado progresivo

  • They were freeing the animals when the storm hit. Ellos estaban liberando a los animales cuando golpeó la tormenta.
  • She was freeing her schedule while handling other tasks. Ella estaba liberando su agenda mientras manejaba otras tareas.
  • Were they freeing the animals when the storm hit? ¿Estaban liberando a los animales cuando golpeó la tormenta?
  • They weren't freeing the animals when the storm hit. No estaban liberando a los animales cuando golpeó la tormenta.

Conjugación del verbo free en presente continuo

Forma afirmativa
I am freeing
You are freeing
He is freeing
She is freeing
It is freeing
We are freeing
They are freeing
Forma negativa
I am not freeing
You are not freeing
He is not freeing
She is not freeing
It is not freeing
We are not freeing
They are not freeing
Forma interrogativa
Am I freeing?
are you freeing?
Is he freeing?
Is she freeing?
Is it freeing?
Are we freeing
Are they freeing?

Oraciones con el verbo free conjugado en presente progresivo

  • They are freeing the trapped animals. Están liberando a los animales atrapados.
  • She is freeing her calendar for next week. Ella está liberando su calendario para la próxima semana.
  • Are they freeing anything? ¿Están liberando algo?
  • It isn't freeing anything right now. No está liberando nada en este momento.

Conjugación del verbo free en futuro continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will be freeing
You will be freeing
He will be freeing
She will be freeing
It will be freeing
We will be freeing
They will be freeing
Forma negativa
I will not be freeing
You will not be freeing
He will not freeing
She will not be freeing
It will not be freeing
We will not be freeing
They will not be freeing
Forma interrogativa
Will I be freeing?
Will you be freeing?
Will he be freeing?
Will she be freeing?
Will it be freeing?
Will we be freeing
Will they be freeing?

Oraciones con el verbo free conjugado en futuro progresivo

  • They will be freeing the animals during the rescue operation. Estarán liberando a los animales durante la operación de rescate.
  • She will be freeing her calendar while preparing for the event. Ella estará liberando su calendario mientras se prepara para el evento.
  • They won't be freeing the animals during the rescue operation. No estarán liberando a los animales durante la operación de rescate.
  • Will she be freeing her calendar while preparing for the event? ¿Estará liberando su calendario mientras se prepara para el evento?

Conjugación del verbo free en pasado perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I had been freeing
You had been freeing
He had been freeing
She had been freeing
It had been freeing
We had been freeing
They had been freeing
Forma negativa
I had not been freeing
You had not been freeing
He had not been freeing
She had not been freeing
It had not been freeing
We had not been freeing
They had not been freeing
Forma interrogativa
Had I been freeing?
Had you been freeing?
Had he been freeing?
Had she been freeing?
Had it been freeing?
Had we been freeing
Had they been freeing?

Oraciones con el verbo free conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo

  • He had been freeing up time for the project before the deadline. Él había estado liberando tiempo para el proyecto antes de la fecha límite.
  • We had been freeing resources for the new plan. Habíamos estado liberando recursos para el nuevo plan.
  • Had he been freeing up time effectively? ¿Había estado liberando tiempo de manera efectiva?
  • They hadn't been freeing enough resources for the initiative. No habían estado liberando suficientes recursos para la iniciativa.

Conjugación del verbo free en presente perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I have been freeing
You have been freeing
He has been freeing
She has been freeing
It has been freeing
We have been freeing
They have been freeing
Forma negativa
I have not been freeing
You have not been freeing
He has not been freeing
She has not been freeing
It has not been freeing
We have not been freeing
They have not been freeing
Forma interrogativa
Have I been freeing?
Have you been freeing?
Has he been freeing?
Has she been freeing?
Has it been freeing?
Have we been freeing
Have they been freeing?

Oraciones con el verbo free conjugado en presente perfecto continuo

  • We have been freeing resources for the new initiative. Hemos estado liberando recursos para la nueva iniciativa.
  • He has been freeing up his schedule for more flexibility. Él ha estado liberando su horario para más flexibilidad.
  • Have we been freeing enough resources? ¿Hemos estado liberando suficientes recursos?
  • It hasn't been freeing time. No ha estado liberando tiempo.

Conjugación del verbo free en futuro perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will have been freeing
You will have been freeing
He will have been freeing
She will have been freeing
It will has been freeing
We will have been freeing
They will have been freeing
Forma negativa
I will not have been freeing
You will not have been freeing
He will not have been freeing
She will not have been freeing
It will not have been freeing
We will not have been freeing
They will not have been freeing
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been freeing?
Will you have been freeing?
Will he have been freeing?
Will she have been freeing?
Will it have been freeing?
Will we have been freeing
Will they have been freeing?

Oraciones con el verbo free conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo

  • By the end of the month, they will have been freeing prisoners for weeks. Para el final del mes, habrán estado liberando prisioneros durante semanas.
  • He will have been freeing up time for the project for some time by then. Él habrá estado liberando tiempo para el proyecto durante algún tiempo para entonces.
  • We won't have been freeing prisoners for weeks by the end of the month. No habremos estado liberando prisioneros durante semanas para el final del mes.
  • Will he have been freeing up time for the project for some time by then? ¿Habrá estado liberando tiempo para el proyecto durante algún tiempo para entonces?

Otras conjugaciones