Conjugaciones del verbo irritate

Traducción: irritar; molestar; fastidiar; ...
Pronunciación: irritate
Infinitivo: to irritate
Preterito: irritated
Gerundio: irritating

Conjugación del verbo irritate en pasado simple

Forma afirmativa
I irritated
You irritated
He irritated
She irritated
It irritated
We irritated
They irritated
Forma negativa
I did not irritate
You did not irritate
He did not irritate
She did not irritate
It did not irritate
We did not irritate
They did not irritate
Forma interrogativa
Did I irritate?
Did you irritate?
Did he irritate?
Did she irritate?
Did it irritate?
Did we irritate
Did they irritate?

Oraciones con el verbo irritate conjugado en pasado simple

  • They irritated the teacher yesterday. Irritaron al profesor ayer.
  • She irritated her friend with constant complaints. Ella irritó a su amiga con quejas constantes.
  • Did they irritate anyone? ¿Irritaron a alguien?
  • We didn't irritate him. No lo irritamos.

Conjugación del verbo irritate en presente simple

Forma afirmativa
I irritate
You irritate
He irritates
She irritates
It irritates
We irritate
They irritate
Forma negativa
I do not irritate
You do not irritate
He does not irritate
She does not irritate
It do not irritate
We do not irritate
They do not irritate
Forma interrogativa
Do I irritate?
Do you irritate?
Does he irritate?
Does she irritate?
Do it irritate?
Do we irritate
Do they irritate?

Oraciones con el verbo irritate conjugado en presente simple

  • I irritate my skin with harsh soap. Irrito mi piel con jabón agresivo.
  • She irritates her coworkers. Ella irrita a sus compañeros de trabajo.
  • Does he irritate his friends often? ¿Él irrita a sus amigos a menudo?
  • They do not irritate their neighbors. Ellos no irritan a sus vecinos.

Conjugación del verbo irritate en futuro simple

Forma afirmativa
I will irritate
You will irritate
He will irritate
She will irritate
It will irritate
We will irritate
They will irritate
Forma negativa
I will not irritate
You will not irritate
He will not irritate
She will not irritate
It will not irritate
We will not irritate
They will not irritate
Forma interrogativa
Will I irritate?
Will you irritate?
Will he irritate?
Will she irritate?
Will it irritate?
Will we irritate
Will they irritate?

Oraciones con el verbo irritate conjugado en futuro simple

  • We will irritate the cat if we move it. Irritaremos al gato si lo movemos.
  • He will irritate the crowd next week. Él irritará a la multitud la próxima semana.
  • Will we irritate them together? ¿Los irritaremos juntos?
  • We won't irritate anyone without a reason. No irritaremos a nadie sin razón.

Conjugación del verbo irritate en pasado perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I had irritated
You had irritated
He had irritated
She had irritated
It had irritated
We had irritated
They had irritated
Forma negativa
I had not irritated
You had not irritated
He had not irritated
She had not irritated
It had not irritated
We had not irritated
They had not irritated
Forma interrogativa
Had I irritated?
Had you irritated?
Had he irritated?
Had she irritated?
Had it irritated?
Had we irritated
Had they irritated?

Oraciones con el verbo irritate conjugado en pasado perfecto

  • By the time I left, he had already irritated everyone in the room. Para cuando me fui, él ya había irritado a todos en la sala.
  • We had irritated the manager before the meeting started. Hemos irritado al gerente antes de que comenzara la reunión.
  • Had he already irritated everyone in the room by the time I left? ¿Ya había irritado él a todos en la sala para cuando me fui?
  • He hadn't already irritated everyone in the room by the time I left. Él no había irritado ya a todos en la sala para cuando me fui.

Conjugación del verbo irritate en presente perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I have irritated
You have irritated
He has irritated
She has irritated
It has irritated
We have irritated
They have irritated
Forma negativa
I have not irritated
You have not irritated
He has not irritated
She has not irritated
It has not irritated
We have not irritated
They have not irritated
Forma interrogativa
Have I irritated?
Have you irritated?
Has he irritated?
Has she irritated?
Has it irritated?
Have we irritated
Have they irritated?

Oraciones con el verbo irritate conjugado en presente perfecto

  • They have irritated the neighbors. Han irritado a los vecinos.
  • He has irritated his eyes. Él ha irritado sus ojos.
  • Have they irritated anyone? ¿Han irritado a alguien?
  • They haven't irritated anyone this week. No han irritado a nadie esta semana.

Conjugación del verbo irritate en futuro perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I will have irritated
You will have irritated
He will have irritated
She will have irritated
It will have irritated
We will have irritated
They will have irritated
Forma negativa
I will not have irritated
You will not have irritated
He will not have irritated
She will not have irritated
It will not have irritated
We will not have irritated
They will not have irritated
Forma interrogativa
Will I have irritated?
Will you have irritated?
Will he have irritated?
Will she have irritated?
Will it have irritated?
Will we have irritated
Will they have irritated?

Oraciones con el verbo irritate conjugado en futuro perfecto

  • By next month, they will have irritated everyone in the office. Para el próximo mes, habrán irritado a todos en la oficina.
  • It will have irritated its skin by then. Habría irritado su piel para entonces.
  • They won't have irritated everyone in the office by next month. No habrán irritado a todos en la oficina para el próximo mes.
  • Will it have irritated its skin by then? ¿Habría irritado su piel para entonces?

Conjugación del verbo irritate en pasado continuo

Forma afirmativa
I was irritating
You were irritating
He was irritating
She was irritating
It was irritating
We were irritating
They were irritating
Forma negativa
I was not irritating
You were not irritating
He was not irritating
She was not irritating
It was not irritating
We were not irritating
They were not irritating
Forma interrogativa
Was I irritating?
Were you irritating?
Was he irritating?
Was she irritating?
Was it irritating?
Were we irritating
Were they irritating?

Oraciones con el verbo irritate conjugado en pasado progresivo

  • I was irritating my skin with the cream when you called. Estaba irritando mi piel con la crema cuando llamaste.
  • They were irritating their eyes with the dust during the renovation. Ellos estaban irritando sus ojos con el polvo durante la renovación.
  • Was I irritating my skin with the cream when you called? ¿Estaba irritando mi piel con la crema cuando llamaste?
  • I wasn't irritating my skin with the cream when you called. No estaba irritando mi piel con la crema cuando llamaste.

Conjugación del verbo irritate en presente continuo

Forma afirmativa
I am irritating
You are irritating
He is irritating
She is irritating
It is irritating
We are irritating
They are irritating
Forma negativa
I am not irritating
You are not irritating
He is not irritating
She is not irritating
It is not irritating
We are not irritating
They are not irritating
Forma interrogativa
Am I irritating?
are you irritating?
Is he irritating?
Is she irritating?
Is it irritating?
Are we irritating
Are they irritating?

Oraciones con el verbo irritate conjugado en presente progresivo

  • We are irritating our boss. Estamos irritando a nuestro jefe.
  • It is irritating to hear. Es irritante escuchar.
  • Are they irritating their friends? ¿Están irritando a sus amigos?
  • They aren't irritating anyone today. No están irritando a nadie hoy.

Conjugación del verbo irritate en futuro continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will be irritating
You will be irritating
He will be irritating
She will be irritating
It will be irritating
We will be irritating
They will be irritating
Forma negativa
I will not be irritating
You will not be irritating
He will not irritating
She will not be irritating
It will not be irritating
We will not be irritating
They will not be irritating
Forma interrogativa
Will I be irritating?
Will you be irritating?
Will he be irritating?
Will she be irritating?
Will it be irritating?
Will we be irritating
Will they be irritating?

Oraciones con el verbo irritate conjugado en futuro progresivo

  • I will be irritating my throat all day. Estaré irritando mi garganta todo el día.
  • They will be irritating their manager during the project. Estarán irritando a su gerente durante el proyecto.
  • I won't be irritating my throat tomorrow. No estaré irritando mi garganta mañana.
  • Will they be irritating their manager during the project? ¿Estarán irritando a su gerente durante el proyecto?

Conjugación del verbo irritate en pasado perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I had been irritating
You had been irritating
He had been irritating
She had been irritating
It had been irritating
We had been irritating
They had been irritating
Forma negativa
I had not been irritating
You had not been irritating
He had not been irritating
She had not been irritating
It had not been irritating
We had not been irritating
They had not been irritating
Forma interrogativa
Had I been irritating?
Had you been irritating?
Had he been irritating?
Had she been irritating?
Had it been irritating?
Had we been irritating
Had they been irritating?

Oraciones con el verbo irritate conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo

  • It had been irritating me for hours before I noticed the rash. Había estado irritándome durante horas antes de que notara la erupción.
  • We had been irritating our neighbors for days before we realized it. Habíamos estado irritando a nuestros vecinos durante días antes de darnos cuenta.
  • Had it been irritating others? ¿Había estado irritando a otros?
  • It hadn't been irritating enough. No había estado irritando lo suficiente.

Conjugación del verbo irritate en presente perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I have been irritating
You have been irritating
He has been irritating
She has been irritating
It has been irritating
We have been irritating
They have been irritating
Forma negativa
I have not been irritating
You have not been irritating
He has not been irritating
She has not been irritating
It has not been irritating
We have not been irritating
They have not been irritating
Forma interrogativa
Have I been irritating?
Have you been irritating?
Has he been irritating?
Has she been irritating?
Has it been irritating?
Have we been irritating
Have they been irritating?

Oraciones con el verbo irritate conjugado en presente perfecto continuo

  • I have been irritating my throat with too much talking. He estado irritando mi garganta con demasiada charla.
  • They have been irritating their skin with the new lotion. Han estado irritando su piel con la nueva loción.
  • Have I been irritating myself too much? ¿He estado irritándome demasiado?
  • It hasn't been irritating easy. No ha estado irritando fácil.

Conjugación del verbo irritate en futuro perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will have been irritating
You will have been irritating
He will have been irritating
She will have been irritating
It will has been irritating
We will have been irritating
They will have been irritating
Forma negativa
I will not have been irritating
You will not have been irritating
He will not have been irritating
She will not have been irritating
It will not have been irritating
We will not have been irritating
They will not have been irritating
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been irritating?
Will you have been irritating?
Will he have been irritating?
Will she have been irritating?
Will it have been irritating?
Will we have been irritating
Will they have been irritating?

Oraciones con el verbo irritate conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo

  • By the end of the year, we will have been irritating our neighbors for months. Para fin de año, habremos estado irritando a nuestros vecinos durante meses.
  • She will have been irritating her coworkers for years by then. Ella habrá estado irritando a sus compañeros de trabajo durante años para entonces.
  • We won't have been irritating our neighbors for long by the end of the year. No habremos estado irritando a nuestros vecinos durante mucho tiempo para fin de año.
  • Will she have been irritating her coworkers regularly? ¿Habrá estado irritando a sus compañeros de trabajo regularmente?

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