Conjugaciones del verbo poll

Traducción: encuestar; votar; sondear; ...
Pronunciación: poll
Infinitivo: to poll
Preterito: polled
Gerundio: polling

Conjugación del verbo poll en pasado simple

Forma afirmativa
I polled
You polled
He polled
She polled
It polled
We polled
They polled
Forma negativa
I did not poll
You did not poll
He did not poll
She did not poll
It did not poll
We did not poll
They did not poll
Forma interrogativa
Did I poll?
Did you poll?
Did he poll?
Did she poll?
Did it poll?
Did we poll
Did they poll?

Oraciones con el verbo poll conjugado en pasado simple

  • The organization polled the community last year. La organización encuestó a la comunidad el año pasado.
  • She polled her friends about the upcoming event. Ella encuestó a sus amigos sobre el próximo evento.
  • Did the organization poll effectively? ¿La organización encuestó de manera efectiva?
  • We didn't poll the participants. No encuestamos a los participantes.

Conjugación del verbo poll en presente simple

Forma afirmativa
I poll
You poll
He polls
She polls
It polls
We poll
They poll
Forma negativa
I do not poll
You do not poll
He does not poll
She does not poll
It do not poll
We do not poll
They do not poll
Forma interrogativa
Do I poll?
Do you poll?
Does he poll?
Does she poll?
Do it poll?
Do we poll
Do they poll?

Oraciones con el verbo poll conjugado en presente simple

  • The organization polls the community every year. La organización encuesta a la comunidad cada año.
  • She polls for opinions on the new policy. Ella pregunta por opiniones sobre la nueva política.
  • Does the organization poll the community frequently? ¿La organización encuesta a la comunidad con frecuencia?
  • The organization does not poll the community during the holidays. La organización no encuesta a la comunidad durante las fiestas.

Conjugación del verbo poll en futuro simple

Forma afirmativa
I will poll
You will poll
He will poll
She will poll
It will poll
We will poll
They will poll
Forma negativa
I will not poll
You will not poll
He will not poll
She will not poll
It will not poll
We will not poll
They will not poll
Forma interrogativa
Will I poll?
Will you poll?
Will he poll?
Will she poll?
Will it poll?
Will we poll
Will they poll?

Oraciones con el verbo poll conjugado en futuro simple

  • They will poll the community for their opinions next month. Ellos encuestarán a la comunidad para conocer sus opiniones el próximo mes.
  • She will poll the team for their feedback. Ella encuestará al equipo para obtener sus comentarios.
  • Will they poll residents about the new initiative? ¿Encuestarás a los residentes sobre la nueva iniciativa?
  • I won't poll anyone until I have a clear plan. No encuestaré a nadie hasta que tenga un plan claro.

Conjugación del verbo poll en pasado perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I had polled
You had polled
He had polled
She had polled
It had polled
We had polled
They had polled
Forma negativa
I had not polled
You had not polled
He had not polled
She had not polled
It had not polled
We had not polled
They had not polled
Forma interrogativa
Had I polled?
Had you polled?
Had he polled?
Had she polled?
Had it polled?
Had we polled
Had they polled?

Oraciones con el verbo poll conjugado en pasado perfecto

  • By the time the results were published, they had already polled a large number of people. Para cuando se publicaron los resultados, ya habían encuestado a un gran número de personas.
  • He had polled various experts before making the decision. Él había encuestado a varios expertos antes de tomar la decisión.
  • Had they already polled a large number of people by the time the results were published? ¿Ya habían encuestado a un gran número de personas para cuando se publicaron los resultados?
  • They hadn't already polled a large number of people by the time the results were published. No habían encuestado a un gran número de personas ya para cuando se publicaron los resultados.

Conjugación del verbo poll en presente perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I have polled
You have polled
He has polled
She has polled
It has polled
We have polled
They have polled
Forma negativa
I have not polled
You have not polled
He has not polled
She has not polled
It has not polled
We have not polled
They have not polled
Forma interrogativa
Have I polled?
Have you polled?
Has he polled?
Has she polled?
Has it polled?
Have we polled
Have they polled?

Oraciones con el verbo poll conjugado en presente perfecto

  • They have polled a diverse group of participants. Ellos han encuestado a un grupo diverso de participantes.
  • He has polled for feedback on the new product. Él ha encuestado para obtener comentarios sobre el nuevo producto.
  • Have they polled anyone else? ¿Han encuestado a alguien más?
  • They haven't polled enough participants. No han encuestado suficientes participantes.

Conjugación del verbo poll en futuro perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I will have polled
You will have polled
He will have polled
She will have polled
It will have polled
We will have polled
They will have polled
Forma negativa
I will not have polled
You will not have polled
He will not have polled
She will not have polled
It will not have polled
We will not have polled
They will not have polled
Forma interrogativa
Will I have polled?
Will you have polled?
Will he have polled?
Will she have polled?
Will it have polled?
Will we have polled
Will they have polled?

Oraciones con el verbo poll conjugado en futuro perfecto

  • By next year, they will have polled a significant portion of the population. Para el próximo año, habrán encuestado a una porción significativa de la población.
  • He will have polled the entire department by then. Él habrá encuestado a todo el departamento para entonces.
  • They won’t have polled a significant portion of the population by next year. No habrán encuestado a una porción significativa de la población para el próximo año.
  • Will he have polled the entire department by then? ¿Habrá encuestado a todo el departamento para entonces?

Conjugación del verbo poll en pasado continuo

Forma afirmativa
I was polling
You were polling
He was polling
She was polling
It was polling
We were polling
They were polling
Forma negativa
I was not polling
You were not polling
He was not polling
She was not polling
It was not polling
We were not polling
They were not polling
Forma interrogativa
Was I polling?
Were you polling?
Was he polling?
Was she polling?
Was it polling?
Were we polling
Were they polling?

Oraciones con el verbo poll conjugado en pasado progresivo

  • They were polling the public when the announcement was made. Ellos estaban encuestando al público cuando se hizo el anuncio.
  • She was polling her colleagues throughout the week. Ella estaba encuestando a sus colegas durante la semana.
  • Were they polling the public when the announcement was made? ¿Estaban encuestando al público cuando se hizo el anuncio?
  • They weren't polling the public when the announcement was made. No estaban encuestando al público cuando se hizo el anuncio.

Conjugación del verbo poll en presente continuo

Forma afirmativa
I am polling
You are polling
He is polling
She is polling
It is polling
We are polling
They are polling
Forma negativa
I am not polling
You are not polling
He is not polling
She is not polling
It is not polling
We are not polling
They are not polling
Forma interrogativa
Am I polling?
are you polling?
Is he polling?
Is she polling?
Is it polling?
Are we polling
Are they polling?

Oraciones con el verbo poll conjugado en presente progresivo

  • We are polling various groups for their views. Estamos encuestando a varios grupos para conocer sus opiniones.
  • She is polling the staff for their input on the project. Ella está encuestando al personal para obtener su opinión sobre el proyecto.
  • Are we polling effectively? ¿Estamos encuestando de manera efectiva?
  • It isn't polling well. No está encuestando bien.

Conjugación del verbo poll en futuro continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will be polling
You will be polling
He will be polling
She will be polling
It will be polling
We will be polling
They will be polling
Forma negativa
I will not be polling
You will not be polling
He will not polling
She will not be polling
It will not be polling
We will not be polling
They will not be polling
Forma interrogativa
Will I be polling?
Will you be polling?
Will he be polling?
Will she be polling?
Will it be polling?
Will we be polling
Will they be polling?

Oraciones con el verbo poll conjugado en futuro progresivo

  • We will be polling various stakeholders throughout the year. Estaremos encuestando a varias partes interesadas durante todo el año.
  • She will be polling the staff for their preferences during the next quarter. Ella estará encuestando al personal sobre sus preferencias durante el próximo trimestre.
  • We won’t be polling various stakeholders throughout the year. No estaremos encuestando a varias partes interesadas durante todo el año.
  • Will she be polling the staff for their preferences during the next quarter? ¿Estará encuestando al personal sobre sus preferencias durante el próximo trimestre?

Conjugación del verbo poll en pasado perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I had been polling
You had been polling
He had been polling
She had been polling
It had been polling
We had been polling
They had been polling
Forma negativa
I had not been polling
You had not been polling
He had not been polling
She had not been polling
It had not been polling
We had not been polling
They had not been polling
Forma interrogativa
Had I been polling?
Had you been polling?
Had he been polling?
Had she been polling?
Had it been polling?
Had we been polling
Had they been polling?

Oraciones con el verbo poll conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo

  • They had been polling residents for months before the survey closed. Habían estado encuestando a los residentes durante meses antes de que se cerrara la encuesta.
  • She had been polling clients for feedback for weeks. Ella había estado encuestando a los clientes para obtener comentarios durante semanas.
  • Had they been polling enough participants for accurate results? ¿Habían estado encuestando suficientes participantes para obtener resultados precisos?
  • She hadn't been polling regularly since the project began. Ella no había estado encuestando regularmente desde que comenzó el proyecto.

Conjugación del verbo poll en presente perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I have been polling
You have been polling
He has been polling
She has been polling
It has been polling
We have been polling
They have been polling
Forma negativa
I have not been polling
You have not been polling
He has not been polling
She has not been polling
It has not been polling
We have not been polling
They have not been polling
Forma interrogativa
Have I been polling?
Have you been polling?
Has he been polling?
Has she been polling?
Has it been polling?
Have we been polling
Have they been polling?

Oraciones con el verbo poll conjugado en presente perfecto continuo

  • They have been polling the public for several months. Ellos han estado encuestando al público durante varios meses.
  • She has been polling the team to gauge their reactions. Ella ha estado encuestando al equipo para medir sus reacciones.
  • Have they been polling accurately? ¿Han estado encuestando con precisión?
  • It hasn't been polling well. No ha estado encuestando bien.

Conjugación del verbo poll en futuro perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will have been polling
You will have been polling
He will have been polling
She will have been polling
It will has been polling
We will have been polling
They will have been polling
Forma negativa
I will not have been polling
You will not have been polling
He will not have been polling
She will not have been polling
It will not have been polling
We will not have been polling
They will not have been polling
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been polling?
Will you have been polling?
Will he have been polling?
Will she have been polling?
Will it have been polling?
Will we have been polling
Will they have been polling?

Oraciones con el verbo poll conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo

  • By the end of the project, they will have been polling participants for months. Para el final del proyecto, habrán estado encuestando a los participantes durante meses.
  • She will have been polling for feedback for several weeks by the time the survey ends. Ella habrá estado encuestando para recibir retroalimentación durante varias semanas para cuando finalice la encuesta.
  • They won’t have been polling participants for months by the end of the project. No habrán estado encuestando a los participantes durante meses para el final del proyecto.
  • Will she have been polling for feedback for several weeks by the time the survey ends? ¿Habrá estado encuestando para recibir retroalimentación durante varias semanas para cuando finalice la encuesta?

Otras conjugaciones