Conjugaciones del verbo twist

Traducción: girar; torcer; retorcer; ...
Pronunciación: twist
Infinitivo: to twist
Preterito: twisted
Gerundio: twisting

Conjugación del verbo twist en pasado simple

Forma afirmativa
I twisted
You twisted
He twisted
She twisted
It twisted
We twisted
They twisted
Forma negativa
I did not twist
You did not twist
He did not twist
She did not twist
It did not twist
We did not twist
They did not twist
Forma interrogativa
Did I twist?
Did you twist?
Did he twist?
Did she twist?
Did it twist?
Did we twist
Did they twist?

Oraciones con el verbo twist conjugado en pasado simple

  • She twisted her ankle while running. Ella se torció el tobillo mientras corría.
  • We twisted the cables yesterday. Torcimos los cables ayer.
  • Did I twist the rope? ¿Torcí la cuerda?
  • We didn't twist the fabric. No torcimos la tela.

Conjugación del verbo twist en presente simple

Forma afirmativa
I twist
You twist
He twists
She twists
It twists
We twist
They twist
Forma negativa
I do not twist
You do not twist
He does not twist
She does not twist
It do not twist
We do not twist
They do not twist
Forma interrogativa
Do I twist?
Do you twist?
Does he twist?
Does she twist?
Do it twist?
Do we twist
Do they twist?

Oraciones con el verbo twist conjugado en presente simple

  • I twist the rope into a knot. Hago un nudo con la cuerda.
  • She twists her hair when she is nervous. Ella se retuerce el cabello cuando está nerviosa.
  • Do you twist the rope often? ¿A menudo haces un nudo con la cuerda?
  • He does not twist his hair. Él no se retuerce el cabello.

Conjugación del verbo twist en futuro simple

Forma afirmativa
I will twist
You will twist
He will twist
She will twist
It will twist
We will twist
They will twist
Forma negativa
I will not twist
You will not twist
He will not twist
She will not twist
It will not twist
We will not twist
They will not twist
Forma interrogativa
Will I twist?
Will you twist?
Will he twist?
Will she twist?
Will it twist?
Will we twist
Will they twist?

Oraciones con el verbo twist conjugado en futuro simple

  • We will twist the ribbon into a bow. Torceremos la cinta en un lazo.
  • She will twist the key to lock the door. Ella torcerá la llave para cerrar la puerta.
  • Will you twist the wire for the project? ¿Torcerás el alambre para el proyecto?
  • We won't twist anything until we see the final design. No torceremos nada hasta que veamos el diseño final.

Conjugación del verbo twist en pasado perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I had twisted
You had twisted
He had twisted
She had twisted
It had twisted
We had twisted
They had twisted
Forma negativa
I had not twisted
You had not twisted
He had not twisted
She had not twisted
It had not twisted
We had not twisted
They had not twisted
Forma interrogativa
Had I twisted?
Had you twisted?
Had he twisted?
Had she twisted?
Had it twisted?
Had we twisted
Had they twisted?

Oraciones con el verbo twist conjugado en pasado perfecto

  • By the time he arrived, I had already twisted the wire. Para cuando llegó, ya había torcido el alambre.
  • They had twisted the facts before the meeting. Ellos habían torcido los hechos antes de la reunión.
  • Had I already twisted the wire by the time he arrived? ¿Ya había torcido el alambre para cuando llegó?
  • I hadn't already twisted the wire by the time he arrived. No había torcido ya el alambre para cuando llegó.

Conjugación del verbo twist en presente perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I have twisted
You have twisted
He has twisted
She has twisted
It has twisted
We have twisted
They have twisted
Forma negativa
I have not twisted
You have not twisted
He has not twisted
She has not twisted
It has not twisted
We have not twisted
They have not twisted
Forma interrogativa
Have I twisted?
Have you twisted?
Has he twisted?
Has she twisted?
Has it twisted?
Have we twisted
Have they twisted?

Oraciones con el verbo twist conjugado en presente perfecto

  • We have twisted the wires together. Hemos retorcido los cables juntos.
  • He has twisted the handle to open the door. Él ha torcido el pomo para abrir la puerta.
  • Have they twisted anything else? ¿Han retorcido algo más?
  • They haven't twisted anything yet. Aún no han retorcido nada.

Conjugación del verbo twist en futuro perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I will have twisted
You will have twisted
He will have twisted
She will have twisted
It will have twisted
We will have twisted
They will have twisted
Forma negativa
I will not have twisted
You will not have twisted
He will not have twisted
She will not have twisted
It will not have twisted
We will not have twisted
They will not have twisted
Forma interrogativa
Will I have twisted?
Will you have twisted?
Will he have twisted?
Will she have twisted?
Will it have twisted?
Will we have twisted
Will they have twisted?

Oraciones con el verbo twist conjugado en futuro perfecto

  • By next week, I will have twisted all the wires together. Para la próxima semana, habré torcido todos los cables juntos.
  • He will have twisted the truth by the time they figure it out. Él habrá retorcido la verdad para cuando lo descubran.
  • I won't have twisted all the wires together by next week. No habré torcido todos los cables juntos para la próxima semana.
  • Will he have twisted the truth by the time they figure it out? ¿Habrá retorcido la verdad para cuando lo descubran?

Conjugación del verbo twist en pasado continuo

Forma afirmativa
I was twisting
You were twisting
He was twisting
She was twisting
It was twisting
We were twisting
They were twisting
Forma negativa
I was not twisting
You were not twisting
He was not twisting
She was not twisting
It was not twisting
We were not twisting
They were not twisting
Forma interrogativa
Was I twisting?
Were you twisting?
Was he twisting?
Was she twisting?
Was it twisting?
Were we twisting
Were they twisting?

Oraciones con el verbo twist conjugado en pasado progresivo

  • They were twisting the strings when the lights went out. Ellos estaban torciendo las cuerdas cuando se apagaron las luces.
  • She was twisting the metal during the sculpture class. Ella estaba torciendo el metal durante la clase de escultura.
  • Were they twisting the strings when the lights went out? ¿Estaban torciendo las cuerdas cuando se apagaron las luces?
  • They weren't twisting the strings when the lights went out. No estaban torciendo las cuerdas cuando se apagaron las luces.

Conjugación del verbo twist en presente continuo

Forma afirmativa
I am twisting
You are twisting
He is twisting
She is twisting
It is twisting
We are twisting
They are twisting
Forma negativa
I am not twisting
You are not twisting
He is not twisting
She is not twisting
It is not twisting
We are not twisting
They are not twisting
Forma interrogativa
Am I twisting?
are you twisting?
Is he twisting?
Is she twisting?
Is it twisting?
Are we twisting
Are they twisting?

Oraciones con el verbo twist conjugado en presente progresivo

  • They are twisting the fabric to make it tighter. Están retorciendo la tela para ajustarla más.
  • She is twisting the cap off the bottle. Ella está desenroscando la tapa de la botella.
  • Are they twisting anything? ¿Están retorciendo algo?
  • It isn't twisting anything at the moment. No está retorciendo nada en este momento.

Conjugación del verbo twist en futuro continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will be twisting
You will be twisting
He will be twisting
She will be twisting
It will be twisting
We will be twisting
They will be twisting
Forma negativa
I will not be twisting
You will not be twisting
He will not twisting
She will not be twisting
It will not be twisting
We will not be twisting
They will not be twisting
Forma interrogativa
Will I be twisting?
Will you be twisting?
Will he be twisting?
Will she be twisting?
Will it be twisting?
Will we be twisting
Will they be twisting?

Oraciones con el verbo twist conjugado en futuro progresivo

  • They will be twisting the strings during the performance. Estarán retorciendo las cuerdas durante la actuación.
  • She will be twisting the fabric into a shape. Ella estará retorciendo la tela en una forma.
  • They won't be twisting the strings during the performance. No estarán retorciendo las cuerdas durante la actuación.
  • Will she be twisting the fabric into a shape? ¿Estará retorciendo la tela en una forma?

Conjugación del verbo twist en pasado perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I had been twisting
You had been twisting
He had been twisting
She had been twisting
It had been twisting
We had been twisting
They had been twisting
Forma negativa
I had not been twisting
You had not been twisting
He had not been twisting
She had not been twisting
It had not been twisting
We had not been twisting
They had not been twisting
Forma interrogativa
Had I been twisting?
Had you been twisting?
Had he been twisting?
Had she been twisting?
Had it been twisting?
Had we been twisting
Had they been twisting?

Oraciones con el verbo twist conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo

  • He had been twisting the clay for hours before he noticed the crack. Él había estado torciendo la arcilla durante horas antes de notar la grieta.
  • We had been twisting the ropes for days before the ship arrived. Habíamos estado torciendo las cuerdas durante días antes de que llegara el barco.
  • Had they been twisting the ropes correctly? ¿Habían estado torciendo las cuerdas correctamente?
  • They hadn't been twisting the material tightly enough. No habían estado torciendo el material lo suficientemente fuerte.

Conjugación del verbo twist en presente perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I have been twisting
You have been twisting
He has been twisting
She has been twisting
It has been twisting
We have been twisting
They have been twisting
Forma negativa
I have not been twisting
You have not been twisting
He has not been twisting
She has not been twisting
It has not been twisting
We have not been twisting
They have not been twisting
Forma interrogativa
Have I been twisting?
Have you been twisting?
Has he been twisting?
Has she been twisting?
Has it been twisting?
Have we been twisting
Have they been twisting?

Oraciones con el verbo twist conjugado en presente perfecto continuo

  • We have been twisting the strands for an hour. Hemos estado torciendo las hebras durante una hora.
  • He has been twisting the paper to make a shape. Él ha estado torciendo el papel para hacer una figura.
  • Have we been twisting them correctly? ¿Hemos estado torciéndolos correctamente?
  • It hasn't been twisting easily. No ha estado torciéndose fácilmente.

Conjugación del verbo twist en futuro perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will have been twisting
You will have been twisting
He will have been twisting
She will have been twisting
It will has been twisting
We will have been twisting
They will have been twisting
Forma negativa
I will not have been twisting
You will not have been twisting
He will not have been twisting
She will not have been twisting
It will not have been twisting
We will not have been twisting
They will not have been twisting
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been twisting?
Will you have been twisting?
Will he have been twisting?
Will she have been twisting?
Will it have been twisting?
Will we have been twisting
Will they have been twisting?

Oraciones con el verbo twist conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo

  • By the end of the project, we will have been twisting the materials for weeks. Para fin del proyecto, habremos estado retorciendo los materiales durante semanas.
  • He will have been twisting the facts for years before anyone notices. Él habrá estado retorciendo los hechos durante años antes de que alguien lo note.
  • We won't have been twisting the materials for weeks by the end of the project. No habremos estado retorciendo los materiales durante semanas para fin del proyecto.
  • Will he have been twisting the facts for years before anyone notices? ¿Habrá estado retorciendo los hechos durante años antes de que alguien lo note?

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