Conjugaciones del verbo migrate

Traducción: migrar; emigrar; trasladar; ...
Pronunciación: migrate
Infinitivo: to migrate
Preterito: migrated
Gerundio: migrating

Conjugación del verbo migrate en pasado simple

Forma afirmativa
I migrated
You migrated
He migrated
She migrated
It migrated
We migrated
They migrated
Forma negativa
I did not migrate
You did not migrate
He did not migrate
She did not migrate
It did not migrate
We did not migrate
They did not migrate
Forma interrogativa
Did I migrate?
Did you migrate?
Did he migrate?
Did she migrate?
Did it migrate?
Did we migrate
Did they migrate?

Oraciones con el verbo migrate conjugado en pasado simple

  • They migrated south last winter. Migraron al sur el invierno pasado.
  • She migrated her data last month. Ella migró sus datos el mes pasado.
  • I migrated all my files to the new system yesterday. Migré todos mis archivos al nuevo sistema ayer.
  • Did they migrate last year? ¿Migraron el año pasado?
  • We didn't migrate at all. No migramos en absoluto.

Conjugación del verbo migrate en presente simple

Forma afirmativa
I migrate
You migrate
He migrates
She migrates
It migrates
We migrate
They migrate
Forma negativa
I do not migrate
You do not migrate
He does not migrate
She does not migrate
It do not migrate
We do not migrate
They do not migrate
Forma interrogativa
Do I migrate?
Do you migrate?
Does he migrate?
Does she migrate?
Do it migrate?
Do we migrate
Do they migrate?

Oraciones con el verbo migrate conjugado en presente simple

  • They migrate south for the winter. Ellos migran al sur para el invierno.
  • She migrates between offices frequently. Ella migra entre oficinas con frecuencia.
  • I migrate my files to the cloud. Yo migro mis archivos a la nube.
  • Do they migrate south for the winter? ¿Migran ellos al sur para el invierno?
  • She does not migrate between offices frequently. Ella no migra entre oficinas con frecuencia.

Conjugación del verbo migrate en futuro simple

Forma afirmativa
I will migrate
You will migrate
He will migrate
She will migrate
It will migrate
We will migrate
They will migrate
Forma negativa
I will not migrate
You will not migrate
He will not migrate
She will not migrate
It will not migrate
We will not migrate
They will not migrate
Forma interrogativa
Will I migrate?
Will you migrate?
Will he migrate?
Will she migrate?
Will it migrate?
Will we migrate
Will they migrate?

Oraciones con el verbo migrate conjugado en futuro simple

  • They will migrate to a new region next season. Ellos migrarán a una nueva región la próxima temporada.
  • She will migrate her data to the new system next week. Ella migrará sus datos al nuevo sistema la próxima semana.
  • I will migrate my files to the cloud soon. Migraré mis archivos a la nube pronto.
  • Will they migrate to a new region? ¿Migrarán a una nueva región?
  • She won't migrate her data if it isn't necessary. No migrará sus datos si no es necesario.
  • Will I migrate my files soon? ¿Migraré mis archivos pronto?

Conjugación del verbo migrate en pasado perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I had migrated
You had migrated
He had migrated
She had migrated
It had migrated
We had migrated
They had migrated
Forma negativa
I had not migrated
You had not migrated
He had not migrated
She had not migrated
It had not migrated
We had not migrated
They had not migrated
Forma interrogativa
Had I migrated?
Had you migrated?
Had he migrated?
Had she migrated?
Had it migrated?
Had we migrated
Had they migrated?

Oraciones con el verbo migrate conjugado en pasado perfecto

  • They had migrated to a new location before the summer. Ellos habían migrado a una nueva ubicación antes del verano.
  • She had migrated her data before the system crashed. Ella había migrado sus datos antes de que se estrellara el sistema.
  • I had migrated my files before the old system was deactivated. Yo había migrado mis archivos antes de que se desactivara el sistema antiguo.
  • Had they migrated to a new location before the summer? ¿Habían migrado ellos a una nueva ubicación antes del verano?
  • They hadn't migrated to a new location before the summer. No habían migrado ellos a una nueva ubicación antes del verano.

Conjugación del verbo migrate en presente perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I have migrated
You have migrated
He has migrated
She has migrated
It has migrated
We have migrated
They have migrated
Forma negativa
I have not migrated
You have not migrated
He has not migrated
She has not migrated
It has not migrated
We have not migrated
They have not migrated
Forma interrogativa
Have I migrated?
Have you migrated?
Has he migrated?
Has she migrated?
Has it migrated?
Have we migrated
Have they migrated?

Oraciones con el verbo migrate conjugado en presente perfecto

  • They have migrated to a new location. Ellos han migrado a una nueva ubicación.
  • She has migrated her data to the new server. Ella ha migrado sus datos al nuevo servidor.
  • I have migrated all my work to the new system. He migrado todo mi trabajo al nuevo sistema.
  • Have they migrated to a new system? ¿Han migrado a un nuevo sistema?
  • She hasn't migrated all the files yet. Ella no ha migrado todos los archivos aún.

Conjugación del verbo migrate en futuro perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I will have migrated
You will have migrated
He will have migrated
She will have migrated
It will have migrated
We will have migrated
They will have migrated
Forma negativa
I will not have migrated
You will not have migrated
He will not have migrated
She will not have migrated
It will not have migrated
We will not have migrated
They will not have migrated
Forma interrogativa
Will I have migrated?
Will you have migrated?
Will he have migrated?
Will she have migrated?
Will it have migrated?
Will we have migrated
Will they have migrated?

Oraciones con el verbo migrate conjugado en futuro perfecto

  • They will have migrated to the new location by the end of the year. Habrán migrado a la nueva ubicación para el final del año.
  • She will have migrated her data before the deadline. Ella habrá migrado sus datos antes de la fecha límite.
  • I will have migrated all my files by next month. Habré migrado todos mis archivos para el próximo mes.
  • Will they have migrated to the new location by the end of the year? ¿Habrán migrado a la nueva ubicación para el final del año?
  • I will not have migrated all my files by next month. No habré migrado todos mis archivos para el próximo mes.

Conjugación del verbo migrate en pasado continuo

Forma afirmativa
I was migrating
You were migrating
He was migrating
She was migrating
It was migrating
We were migrating
They were migrating
Forma negativa
I was not migrating
You were not migrating
He was not migrating
She was not migrating
It was not migrating
We were not migrating
They were not migrating
Forma interrogativa
Was I migrating?
Were you migrating?
Was he migrating?
Was she migrating?
Was it migrating?
Were we migrating
Were they migrating?

Oraciones con el verbo migrate conjugado en pasado progresivo

  • They were migrating south when the storm hit. Ellos estaban migrando hacia el sur cuando llegó la tormenta.
  • She was migrating her data during the upgrade. Ella estaba migrando sus datos durante la actualización.
  • I was migrating files while setting up the new system. Yo estaba migrando archivos mientras configuraba el nuevo sistema.
  • Were they migrating south when the storm hit? ¿Estaban ellos migrando hacia el sur cuando llegó la tormenta?
  • They weren't migrating south when the storm hit. No estaban migrando ellos hacia el sur cuando llegó la tormenta.

Conjugación del verbo migrate en presente continuo

Forma afirmativa
I am migrating
You are migrating
He is migrating
She is migrating
It is migrating
We are migrating
They are migrating
Forma negativa
I am not migrating
You are not migrating
He is not migrating
She is not migrating
It is not migrating
We are not migrating
They are not migrating
Forma interrogativa
Am I migrating?
are you migrating?
Is he migrating?
Is she migrating?
Is it migrating?
Are we migrating
Are they migrating?

Oraciones con el verbo migrate conjugado en presente progresivo

  • They are migrating to a new region this season. Ellos están migrando a una nueva región esta temporada.
  • She is migrating her files right now. Ella está migrando sus archivos ahora mismo.
  • I am migrating my accounts to a new platform. Estoy migrando mis cuentas a una nueva plataforma.
  • Are they migrating their data? ¿Están migrando sus datos?
  • She isn't migrating yet. Ella no está migrando aún.

Conjugación del verbo migrate en futuro continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will be migrating
You will be migrating
He will be migrating
She will be migrating
It will be migrating
We will be migrating
They will be migrating
Forma negativa
I will not be migrating
You will not be migrating
He will not migrating
She will not be migrating
It will not be migrating
We will not be migrating
They will not be migrating
Forma interrogativa
Will I be migrating?
Will you be migrating?
Will he be migrating?
Will she be migrating?
Will it be migrating?
Will we be migrating
Will they be migrating?

Oraciones con el verbo migrate conjugado en futuro progresivo

  • They will be migrating south throughout the winter. Estarán migrando hacia el sur durante todo el invierno.
  • She will be migrating her files while we are away. Ella estará migrando sus archivos mientras estamos fuera.
  • I will be migrating my data over the weekend. Estaré migrando mis datos durante el fin de semana.
  • Will they be migrating south throughout the winter? ¿Estarán migrando hacia el sur durante todo el invierno?
  • I will not be migrating my data over the weekend. No estaré migrando mis datos durante el fin de semana.

Conjugación del verbo migrate en pasado perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I had been migrating
You had been migrating
He had been migrating
She had been migrating
It had been migrating
We had been migrating
They had been migrating
Forma negativa
I had not been migrating
You had not been migrating
He had not been migrating
She had not been migrating
It had not been migrating
We had not been migrating
They had not been migrating
Forma interrogativa
Had I been migrating?
Had you been migrating?
Had he been migrating?
Had she been migrating?
Had it been migrating?
Had we been migrating
Had they been migrating?

Oraciones con el verbo migrate conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo

  • They had been migrating for years before settling. Ellos habían estado migrando durante años antes de establecerse.
  • She had been migrating her data for weeks before the completion. Ella había estado migrando sus datos durante semanas antes de la finalización.
  • I had been migrating my files for days before finishing. Yo había estado migrando mis archivos durante días antes de terminar.
  • Had they been migrating for years? ¿Habían estado migrando durante años?
  • She hadn't been migrating her data effectively. No había estado migrando sus datos de manera efectiva.
  • Had I been migrating my files long? ¿Había estado migrando mis archivos mucho tiempo?

Conjugación del verbo migrate en presente perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I have been migrating
You have been migrating
He has been migrating
She has been migrating
It has been migrating
We have been migrating
They have been migrating
Forma negativa
I have not been migrating
You have not been migrating
He has not been migrating
She has not been migrating
It has not been migrating
We have not been migrating
They have not been migrating
Forma interrogativa
Have I been migrating?
Have you been migrating?
Has he been migrating?
Has she been migrating?
Has it been migrating?
Have we been migrating
Have they been migrating?

Oraciones con el verbo migrate conjugado en presente perfecto continuo

  • They have been migrating south for years. Han estado migrando al sur durante años.
  • She has been migrating her data for a few days. Ella ha estado migrando sus datos durante unos días.
  • I have been migrating my work files since last week. He estado migrando mis archivos de trabajo desde la semana pasada.
  • Have they been migrating consistently? ¿Han estado migrando consistentemente?
  • It hasn't been migrating smoothly. No ha estado migrando sin problemas.

Conjugación del verbo migrate en futuro perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will have been migrating
You will have been migrating
He will have been migrating
She will have been migrating
It will has been migrating
We will have been migrating
They will have been migrating
Forma negativa
I will not have been migrating
You will not have been migrating
He will not have been migrating
She will not have been migrating
It will not have been migrating
We will not have been migrating
They will not have been migrating
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been migrating?
Will you have been migrating?
Will he have been migrating?
Will she have been migrating?
Will it have been migrating?
Will we have been migrating
Will they have been migrating?

Oraciones con el verbo migrate conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo

  • They will have been migrating for years by the time they settle. Habrán estado migrando durante años para cuando se asienten.
  • She will have been migrating her data for weeks by the time the project ends. Ella habrá estado migrando sus datos durante semanas para cuando termine el proyecto.
  • I will have been migrating my files for days by the time everything is transferred. Habré estado migrando mis archivos durante días para cuando todo esté transferido.
  • Will they have been migrating for years by the time they settle? ¿Habrán estado migrando durante años para cuando se asienten?
  • I will not have been migrating my files for days by the time everything is transferred. No habré estado migrando mis archivos durante días para cuando todo esté transferido.

Otras conjugaciones