Conjugaciones del verbo squander

Traducción: desperdiciar; malgastar; derrochar; ...
Pronunciación: squander
Infinitivo: to squander
Preterito: squandered
Gerundio: squandering

Conjugación del verbo squander en pasado simple

Forma afirmativa
I squandered
You squandered
He squandered
She squandered
It squandered
We squandered
They squandered
Forma negativa
I did not squander
You did not squander
He did not squander
She did not squander
It did not squander
We did not squander
They did not squander
Forma interrogativa
Did I squander?
Did you squander?
Did he squander?
Did she squander?
Did it squander?
Did we squander
Did they squander?

Oraciones con el verbo squander conjugado en pasado simple

  • I squandered my savings on a trip. Malgasté mis ahorros en un viaje.
  • He squandered his inheritance quickly. Él malgastó su herencia rápidamente.
  • You squandered your opportunities. Malgastaste tus oportunidades.
  • It squandered its resources. Malgastó sus recursos.
  • They squandered their earnings. Malgastaron sus ganancias.
  • We squandered our time last summer. Malgastamos nuestro tiempo el verano pasado.
  • Did I squander too much? ¿Malgasté demasiado?
  • We didn't squander anything valuable. No malgastamos nada valioso.

Conjugación del verbo squander en presente simple

Forma afirmativa
I squander
You squander
He squanders
She squanders
It squanders
We squander
They squander
Forma negativa
I do not squander
You do not squander
He does not squander
She does not squander
It do not squander
We do not squander
They do not squander
Forma interrogativa
Do I squander?
Do you squander?
Does he squander?
Does she squander?
Do it squander?
Do we squander
Do they squander?

Oraciones con el verbo squander conjugado en presente simple

  • I squander opportunities sometimes. A veces desperdicio oportunidades.
  • He squanders his money often. Él desperdicia su dinero a menudo.
  • You squander your time. Desperdicias tu tiempo.
  • It squanders resources. Desperdicia recursos.
  • They squander their chances. Desperdician sus oportunidades.
  • We squander our energy. Desperdiciamos nuestra energía.
  • Do you squander your time? ¿Desperdicias tu tiempo?
  • He does not squander his money. Él no desperdicia su dinero.

Conjugación del verbo squander en futuro simple

Forma afirmativa
I will squander
You will squander
He will squander
She will squander
It will squander
We will squander
They will squander
Forma negativa
I will not squander
You will not squander
He will not squander
She will not squander
It will not squander
We will not squander
They will not squander
Forma interrogativa
Will I squander?
Will you squander?
Will he squander?
Will she squander?
Will it squander?
Will we squander
Will they squander?

Oraciones con el verbo squander conjugado en futuro simple

  • I will squander my bonus on a trip. Derrocharé mi bono en un viaje.
  • He will squander his inheritance. Él derrochará su herencia.
  • You will squander your opportunities. Derrocharás tus oportunidades.
  • It will be squandering energy. Estará derrochando energía.
  • They will be squandering their savings. Ellos estarán derrochando sus ahorros.
  • We will be squandering our chances. Estaremos derrochando nuestras oportunidades.
  • Will I squander my bonus if I'm not careful? ¿Derrocharé mi bono si no tengo cuidado?
  • They won't squander their savings this time. No derrocharán sus ahorros esta vez.

Conjugación del verbo squander en pasado perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I had squandered
You had squandered
He had squandered
She had squandered
It had squandered
We had squandered
They had squandered
Forma negativa
I had not squandered
You had not squandered
He had not squandered
She had not squandered
It had not squandered
We had not squandered
They had not squandered
Forma interrogativa
Had I squandered?
Had you squandered?
Had he squandered?
Had she squandered?
Had it squandered?
Had we squandered
Had they squandered?

Oraciones con el verbo squander conjugado en pasado perfecto

  • I had squandered my chances before realizing it. Yo había malgastado mis oportunidades antes de darme cuenta.
  • She had squandered her money by then. Ella había malgastado su dinero para entonces.
  • You had squandered your savings on luxuries. Tú habías malgastado tus ahorros en lujos.
  • It had squandered its energy. Eso había malgastado su energía.
  • They had squandered their opportunities. Ellos habían malgastado sus oportunidades.
  • We had squandered our resources before the project ended. Nosotros habíamos malgastado nuestros recursos antes de que el proyecto terminara.
  • Had I squandered my chances before realizing it? ¿Había yo malgastado mis oportunidades antes de darme cuenta?
  • I hadn't squandered my chances before realizing it. Yo no había malgastado mis oportunidades antes de darme cuenta.

Conjugación del verbo squander en presente perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I have squandered
You have squandered
He has squandered
She has squandered
It has squandered
We have squandered
They have squandered
Forma negativa
I have not squandered
You have not squandered
He has not squandered
She has not squandered
It has not squandered
We have not squandered
They have not squandered
Forma interrogativa
Have I squandered?
Have you squandered?
Has he squandered?
Has she squandered?
Has it squandered?
Have we squandered
Have they squandered?

Oraciones con el verbo squander conjugado en presente perfecto

  • I have squandered many opportunities. He desperdiciado muchas oportunidades.
  • She has squandered her inheritance. Ella ha desperdiciado su herencia.
  • You have squandered your potential. Has desperdiciado tu potencial.
  • It has squandered valuable time. Ha desperdiciado tiempo valioso.
  • They have squandered their savings. Han desperdiciado sus ahorros.
  • We have squandered our resources. Hemos desperdiciado nuestros recursos.
  • Have they squandered opportunities? ¿Han desperdiciado oportunidades?
  • We haven't squandered anything recently. No hemos desperdiciado nada recientemente.

Conjugación del verbo squander en futuro perfecto

Forma afirmativa
I will have squandered
You will have squandered
He will have squandered
She will have squandered
It will have squandered
We will have squandered
They will have squandered
Forma negativa
I will not have squandered
You will not have squandered
He will not have squandered
She will not have squandered
It will not have squandered
We will not have squandered
They will not have squandered
Forma interrogativa
Will I have squandered?
Will you have squandered?
Will he have squandered?
Will she have squandered?
Will it have squandered?
Will we have squandered
Will they have squandered?

Oraciones con el verbo squander conjugado en futuro perfecto

  • By next year, I will have been squandering my savings for months. Para el próximo año, habré estado malgastando mis ahorros durante meses.
  • By then, he will have been squandering his inheritance for years. Para entonces, él habrá estado malgastando su herencia durante años.
  • By next week, you will have been squandering your potential. Para la próxima semana, habrás estado malgastando tu potencial.
  • It will have been squandering resources for a while. Habrá estado malgastando recursos durante un tiempo.
  • They will have been squandering their time. Habrán estado malgastando su tiempo.
  • We will have been squandering our chances since the project started. Habremos estado malgastando nuestras oportunidades desde que comenzó el proyecto.
  • Will I have been squandering my savings for months by next year? ¿Habré estado malgastando mis ahorros durante meses para el próximo año?
  • We won't have been squandering our chances since the project started. No habremos estado malgastando nuestras oportunidades desde que comenzó el proyecto.

Conjugación del verbo squander en pasado continuo

Forma afirmativa
I was squandering
You were squandering
He was squandering
She was squandering
It was squandering
We were squandering
They were squandering
Forma negativa
I was not squandering
You were not squandering
He was not squandering
She was not squandering
It was not squandering
We were not squandering
They were not squandering
Forma interrogativa
Was I squandering?
Were you squandering?
Was he squandering?
Was she squandering?
Was it squandering?
Were we squandering
Were they squandering?

Oraciones con el verbo squander conjugado en pasado progresivo

  • I was squandering my money when you called. Yo estaba malgastando mi dinero cuando llamaste.
  • He was squandering his talents during college. Él estaba malgastando sus talentos durante la universidad.
  • You were squandering your time all day. Tú estabas malgastando tu tiempo todo el día.
  • It was squandering its energy. Eso estaba malgastando su energía.
  • They were squandering their resources last month. Ellos estaban malgastando sus recursos el mes pasado.
  • We were squandering our chances during the meeting. Nosotros estábamos malgastando nuestras oportunidades durante la reunión.
  • Was I squandering my money when you called? ¿Estaba yo malgastando mi dinero cuando llamaste?
  • I wasn't squandering my money when you called. Yo no estaba malgastando mi dinero cuando llamaste.

Conjugación del verbo squander en presente continuo

Forma afirmativa
I am squandering
You are squandering
He is squandering
She is squandering
It is squandering
We are squandering
They are squandering
Forma negativa
I am not squandering
You are not squandering
He is not squandering
She is not squandering
It is not squandering
We are not squandering
They are not squandering
Forma interrogativa
Am I squandering?
are you squandering?
Is he squandering?
Is she squandering?
Is it squandering?
Are we squandering
Are they squandering?

Oraciones con el verbo squander conjugado en presente progresivo

  • I am squandering my free time. Estoy desperdiciando mi tiempo libre.
  • He is squandering his talents. Él está desperdiciando sus talentos.
  • You are squandering your chances. Estás desperdiciando tus oportunidades.
  • It is squandering energy. Está desperdiciando energía.
  • They are squandering their funds. Están desperdiciando sus fondos.
  • We are squandering our efforts. Estamos desperdiciando nuestros esfuerzos.
  • Is he squandering resources? ¿Está desperdiciando recursos?
  • We aren't squandering anything now. No estamos desperdiciando nada ahora.

Conjugación del verbo squander en futuro continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will be squandering
You will be squandering
He will be squandering
She will be squandering
It will be squandering
We will be squandering
They will be squandering
Forma negativa
I will not be squandering
You will not be squandering
He will not squandering
She will not be squandering
It will not be squandering
We will not be squandering
They will not be squandering
Forma interrogativa
Will I be squandering?
Will you be squandering?
Will he be squandering?
Will she be squandering?
Will it be squandering?
Will we be squandering
Will they be squandering?

Oraciones con el verbo squander conjugado en futuro progresivo

  • They will squander their earnings. Malgastarán sus ganancias.
  • We will squander our time. Malgastaremos nuestro tiempo.
  • Will they squander their earnings? ¿Malgastarán sus ganancias?
  • We won't squander our time. No malgastaremos nuestro tiempo.

Conjugación del verbo squander en pasado perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I had been squandering
You had been squandering
He had been squandering
She had been squandering
It had been squandering
We had been squandering
They had been squandering
Forma negativa
I had not been squandering
You had not been squandering
He had not been squandering
She had not been squandering
It had not been squandering
We had not been squandering
They had not been squandering
Forma interrogativa
Had I been squandering?
Had you been squandering?
Had he been squandering?
Had she been squandering?
Had it been squandering?
Had we been squandering
Had they been squandering?

Oraciones con el verbo squander conjugado en pasado perfecto continuo

  • I had been squandering my inheritance for years. Había estado derrochando mi herencia durante años.
  • She had been squandering her opportunities since school. Ella había estado derrochando sus oportunidades desde la escuela.
  • You had been squandering your potential before the workshop. Habías estado derrochando tu potencial antes del taller.
  • It had been squandering energy for days. Había estado derrochando energía durante días.
  • They had been squandering their savings. Ellos habían estado derrochando sus ahorros.
  • We had been squandering our time since last week. Habíamos estado derrochando nuestro tiempo desde la semana pasada.
  • Had I been squandering my time? ¿Había estado derrochando mi tiempo?
  • They hadn't been squandering their savings wisely. No habían estado derrochando sus ahorros sabiamente.

Conjugación del verbo squander en presente perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I have been squandering
You have been squandering
He has been squandering
She has been squandering
It has been squandering
We have been squandering
They have been squandering
Forma negativa
I have not been squandering
You have not been squandering
He has not been squandering
She has not been squandering
It has not been squandering
We have not been squandering
They have not been squandering
Forma interrogativa
Have I been squandering?
Have you been squandering?
Has he been squandering?
Has she been squandering?
Has it been squandering?
Have we been squandering
Have they been squandering?

Oraciones con el verbo squander conjugado en presente perfecto continuo

  • I have been squandering my savings for months. He estado malgastando mis ahorros durante meses.
  • She has been squandering her opportunities for years. Ella ha estado malgastando sus oportunidades durante años.
  • You have been squandering your potential. Has estado malgastando tu potencial.
  • It has been squandering resources for a while. Ha estado malgastando recursos durante un tiempo.
  • They have been squandering their time. Han estado malgastando su tiempo.
  • We have been squandering our chances since last year. Hemos estado malgastando nuestras oportunidades desde el año pasado.
  • Have I been squandering too much? ¿He estado malgastando demasiado?
  • It hasn't been squandering recently. No ha estado malgastando recientemente.

Conjugación del verbo squander en futuro perfecto continuo

Forma afirmativa
I will have been squandering
You will have been squandering
He will have been squandering
She will have been squandering
It will has been squandering
We will have been squandering
They will have been squandering
Forma negativa
I will not have been squandering
You will not have been squandering
He will not have been squandering
She will not have been squandering
It will not have been squandering
We will not have been squandering
They will not have been squandering
Forma interrogativa
Will I have been squandering?
Will you have been squandering?
Will he have been squandering?
Will she have been squandering?
Will it have been squandering?
Will we have been squandering
Will they have been squandering?

Oraciones con el verbo squander conjugado en futuro perfecto continuo

  • By next year, I will have squandered all my savings. Para el próximo año, habré malgastado todos mis ahorros.
  • By then, he will have squandered his inheritance. Para entonces, él habrá malgastado su herencia.
  • By next month, you will have squandered your chances. Para el próximo mes, habrás malgastado tus oportunidades.
  • It will have squandered its resources. Habrán malgastado sus recursos.
  • They will have squandered their opportunities. Habrán malgastado sus oportunidades.
  • We will have squandered our time. Habramos malgastado nuestro tiempo.
  • Will I have squandered all my savings by next year? ¿Habré malgastado todos mis ahorros para el próximo año?
  • We won't have squandered our time. No habremos malgastado nuestro tiempo.

Otras conjugaciones